At that time, he said that he was working in a restaurant. What Lin Chen didn't expect was that he was actually in the same restaurant as Liu Yiyi's boyfriend Shi Mingjun.

Lin Chen had never seen Shi Mingjun's photo, and he even had an idea in his heart, this young man, shouldn't this be the Shi Mingjun they were looking for?

"It's you." Lin Chen nodded to the young man as a greeting.

Ouyang Chuying, who was on the side, saw this young man and recognized him. After meeting this young man here, the same thoughts as Lin Chen popped up in Ouyang Chuying's mind.

Could this guy be that Shi Mingjun?

After Lin Chen had this idea, the first thing he did was to see Pei Qian next to him.

Pei Qian must know what Shi Mingjun looks like. Seeing that Pei Qian had no expression when facing this young man, Lin Chen immediately knew that this person was not Shi Mingjun.

When the young man saw that there were many policemen beside Lin Chen and Ouyang Chuying, he was a little stunned and said, "Sir, you...what are you doing here? Yesterday...I didn't say it yesterday, don't let me lose money. Is it.々?"

Lin Chen knew that he had misunderstood, so he said, "We didn't come to you."

Hearing this, the young man let out a long sigh of relief, and his originally nervous expression also relaxed.

"Do you know Shi Mingjun?" Lin Chen then asked.

"Shi Mingjun?" The young man was surprised when he heard the name: "Why are you looking for Mingjun?"

Lin Chen said, "Listening to what you call Shi Mingjun, you seem to know him very well."

"Yeah." The young man nodded. He didn't answer directly, but said, "By the way, sir, I don't know your name yet."

"Lin Chen." Lin Chen said his name.

"Oh, Mr. Lin." The young man introduced his name: "My name is Guo Yuan, Guo Jing's Guo, Yuan Yuan Yuan."

Lin Chen didn't care about his name, and asked again, "Are you and Shi Mingjun friends?"


The young man named Guo Yuan nodded again and again and said, "Ming Jun and I are friends, or very good friends, Mr. Lin, why are you looking for Ming Jun? Ming Jun is very honest, but he won't do illegal things. , don't make a mistake."

Before Guo Yuan knew what was going on, he began to excuse Shi Mingjun.

Lin Chen didn't respond to his words, and said, "Is Shi Mingjun in the hotel now?"

"Yes, in the back kitchen, do you want me to take you there?" Guo Yuan asked hesitantly.

"Lead the way." Lin Chen nodded to him.

"Okay." Guo Yuan was still hesitant and looked worried, but he still took Lin Chen and the others and walked into the hotel.

The scale and decoration of this restaurant are incomparable with the one opened by Qian Deyi. His restaurant is in a better location, and this one is in a more remote location, mainly dealing with tourists.

There were several tables of diners in the restaurant. When they saw a group of policemen coming in, they all cast curious glances, as did the waiters in the restaurant.

The restaurant owner was at the front desk. After seeing Lin Chen and the others, he immediately walked up.

The boss asked, "Comrade police, are you... here for dinner?"

"Looking for one of your employees, there are some things I want to know about him." Pei Qian said to the store owner in a gentle tone.

Guo Yuan interjected: "Boss, they are here to find Mingjun, and they don't know what to do with Mingjun."

The boss snorted, and then said that he asked the police to investigate casually, and he and his employees would cooperate.

Under the leadership of Guo Yuan, Lin Chen and the others came to the back kitchen.

There were several men in chef's uniforms in the back kitchen. They were washing things, preparing side dishes, or standing chatting.

Guo Yuan walked in and shouted to one of the men, "...Mingjun, someone is looking for you."

As Guo Yuan shouted these words, a young man turned his head immediately.

Lin Chen and the others also saw Shi Mingjun, a tall young man with a good appearance.

Seeing Lin Chen and the others, Shi Mingjun stood there and was stunned.

Seeing this, Pei Qian said to him, "Shi Mingjun, we are criminal police officers from the County Public Security Bureau. There is something I need to know about you. Please follow us to the car at the door."

"Looking for me? What are you looking for?" Shi Mingjun didn't move, he stood there, looking at Pei Qian and the others with vigilance and nervousness, while holding a sharp kitchen knife in his other hand.

Seeing Shi Mingjun's expression and the kitchen knife clenched in his hand, Pei Qian frowned slightly, she thought that this guy's reaction seemed a bit strange.

"It's inconvenient to talk face-to-face about your business. Please come out immediately and follow us to the car at the door." Pei Qian reiterated.

"Yes...Is there something, can't...(Lee's)...just say it here?" Shi Mingjun said.

"Don't ink the ink, let you come out and cooperate with us." A police officer said in a serious tone.

After hearing what he said, Shi Mingjun put down the kitchen knife in his hand, and then reached behind him to untie the apron.

Guo Yuan looked at Shi Mingjun, and then at Pei Qian and his party, with a nervous expression on his face.

Shi Mingjun's slowness was comparable to that of Qian Deyi. He was better than Qian Deyi in that he didn't know how to make fried dough sticks, ignored the police, and even made provocative words.

Shi Mingjun put his apron aside and walked towards the door step by step.

He also glanced at Guo Yuan before walking out.

The police wanted to find Shi Mingjun, which made the staff of the hotel come over. Lin Chen looked at the staff who came over, and he saw that there was a girl of the same age as Shi Mingjun, with a worried face, his eyes kept falling on Shi Mingjun's body. .


875 Interrogation situation [2 more please subscribe]

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