At this moment, Shi Mingjun was unable to utter a complete sentence, stammering and intermittent.

"That's right." Pei Qian nodded and said.

"Damn, I'm confused by what I said." Shi Mingjun said, "After I broke up with her more than three years ago, I haven't contacted her again. If the police hadn't found me, they would have asked me if I knew. Liu Yiyi's whereabouts, I don't even know she's missing."

"I haven't been in contact with her. After I separated from her, I quickly found a new girlfriend. Why should I murder her? Even if I hate her, it's good to stop contacting her. Murder her, murder her, I will not pay for my own life, I am not a fool."

"You didn't murder?" Lin Chen asked.

Shi Mingjun, who had lowered his head and hunched his body just now, had bright eyes, straightened his body, looked at Lin Chen, and said, "No, I didn't murder her, and I have no reason to murder her at all."

"Why did you break up with her back then?" Ouyang Chuying asked him.

Hearing this, Shi Mingjun pouted, sighed, and said, "Liu Yiyi and I have been together for more than a year or two years. I went to see her family, and she also met my family, We're all getting to the point where we're talking about marriage."

"But as for her, she actually carried me behind her back and hooked up with the owner of the restaurant where I was working at the time. They... they even got into bed."

"Liu Yiyi, that woman, I really missed my eyes at the time. I didn't expect her to be so greedy for vanity and love for money."

When Shi Mingjun said this, there was a bit of hatred on his face, and his hands were tightly clasped together, as if he hated not to beat Liu Yiyi to death.

"How did you know that Liu Yiyi slept with your boss at the time?" Pei Qian asked, he was a little curious about this.

Shi Mingjun glanced at Pei Qian and said, "I received a multimedia message on my mobile phone. Someone sent me a photo of Qian Deyi and Liu Yiyi's bed. They hugged each other, and Qian Deyi took it with his mobile phone."

"A bed photo of the two of them?" Lin Chen muttered.

"Yeah, bed photo, if I hadn't seen the bed photo, I wouldn't be so angry." Shi Mingjun said through gritted teeth.

"Who sent you that bed photo?" Pei Qian asked.

"I don't know, an unfamiliar local number." Shi Mingjun replied.

"That photo no longer exists?" Pei Qian asked.

"Of course, I smashed my cell phone, and I can't save those photos. I'm disgusting myself." Shi Mingjun said as a matter of course.

"Can you describe how that bed photo was taken?" Lin Chen asked.

Shi Mingjun hesitated for a moment, as if he was thinking about it. He said, "They were lying on the bed without clothes on, and Liu Yiyi was lying in Qian Deyi's arms. The two of them shot together."

Lin Chen shook his head and asked, "In the photo, does Liu Yiyi close her eyes but not open them?"

Shi Mingjun recalled again, and after a few seconds, he said, "Yes, she has her eyes closed. In the photo, the woman has her eyes closed and she is enjoying herself."

Shi Mingjun had a mocking smile on his face when he said that the woman was still enjoying it. He seemed to be mocking himself and Liu Yiyi.

Lin Chen, Peiqian, Ouyang Chuying and the three looked at each other. From what Shi Mingjun said, they almost knew what happened three years ago.

This Shi Mingjun received a multimedia message from an unfamiliar number at that time, and the multimedia message affirmed that Qian Deyi bought a number and sent it.

After seeing the photo, Shi Mingjun was so angry that he rushed into the private room to beat up Qian Deyi. Qian Deyi's friends in the society were all there.

Instead of hitting Qian Deyi, Shi Mingjun was beaten by Qian Deyi and the others, and then kicked out.

It is also obvious that those social friends of Qian Deyi would be in the restaurant that day, not a coincidence, but prepared by Qian Deyi.

The text message he sent to Shi Mingjun only after his friends from the society came.

· · Flowers · · ·

The purpose of his doing this is to let Shi Mingjun know about him and Liu Yiyi, let him be disappointed in Liu Yiyi and abandon her.

In this way, Liu Yiyi, who is hesitant and helpless, will follow him and be his mistress.

As for the photo of the two of them in bed, Lin Chen would ask Shi Mingjun if Liu Yiyi had his eyes closed. The reason was because he thought that Qian Deyi had raped Liu Yiyi and drugged her.

Shi Mingjun's answer was yes, Liu Yiyi closed her eyes, which further confirmed that she would lie in Qian Deyi's arms so honestly because of drug addiction.

In Shi Mingjun's photo, Liu Yiyi is enjoying himself with his eyes closed. This is easy to explain, and it is naturally his prejudice.


When you have a prejudice against a person and dislike her extremely, let alone some of her behaviors that disgust you, even if you see her breathing, it is wrong to think that she is still breathing.

After Lin Chen and the three looked at each other for several seconds, they all knew these things in their hearts.

What is in front of them now is whether this Shi Mingjun is the murderer.

Judging from the previous expression and some of the reactions just now, compared with Qian Deyi, Shi Mingjun still has some doubts.

He said that when Liu Yiyi and Qian Deyi were together, his eyes and clenched fists clearly hated them both.

Although Liu Yiyi was raped by Qian Deyi's indiscriminate methods, she still loves Shi Mingjun.

But Shi Mingjun was deceived by Qian Deyi, and he didn't know this at all. If a man is betrayed by a woman like this, if he is irritable, it is easy to do extreme things.

"Liu Yiyi has her eyes closed in the photo, how do you see that she is enjoying it?" Lin Chen asked Shi Mingjun.

Shi Mingjun was a little stunned by Lin Chen's question. After a few seconds, he replied, "How could I not see that she is lying on another man's bed for money, don't you think she enjoys it?"

Lin Chen shook his head and asked him, "What did you do after seeing the photo?"

"I went to the bastard Qian Deyi to settle the account, but I was also unlucky. His friends in the society were all present, otherwise I would have to kill him that day." Shi Mingjun said fiercely. .


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Pei Qian said, "And then what?"

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