893 Find someone to understand [3 more for subscription]

Seeing this, Lin Chen stepped up and said, "You sit and hold on tight."

After Hou Chunmei grabbed the wheelchair, Lin Chen grabbed the armrests on both sides of the wheelchair, lifted Hou Chunmei together with the wheelchair, and walked outside.

Ouyang Chuying also went out. Before leaving, Pei Qian said to Li Daming who was lying on the ground: "Cun Li, the ambulance will come in a while, you must close the door before you go. By the way, as for Hou Chunmei, you It's best not to have any bad thoughts, otherwise, that Mr. Lin Chenlin's temper is not very good."

"I..." Li Daming felt extremely aggrieved, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "Okay...Okay, I get it..."

After Pei Qian heard the words, she turned around and left, leaving only Li Daming in the room.

The place where Lin Chen parked was still some distance from Hou Chunmei's house.

Hou Chunmei weighs more than [-] pounds, and the wheelchair is not light, but Lin Chen took Hou Chunmei to the parking lot very easily, without breathing a single breath.

After putting Hou Chunmei in the car, Lin Chen closed the door, and at this time Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying also followed.

After a few people got into the car, they quickly drove 11 in the direction of the County Public Security Bureau.

After Lin Chen and the others drove onto the road, they saw an ambulance coming.

After seeing the ambulance, Lin Chen asked Pei Qian, "Did Li Daming call?"

"Yeah." Pei Qian nodded and replied, "He said he had broken bones and asked me if I could call an ambulance. I said whatever, and he called."

"Well, the bones are broken, and several of them are broken. If he doesn't go to the hospital, he will die of pain." Lin Chen said lightly.

This ambulance passed by Lin Chen's car, the driver in the ambulance glanced at Lin Chen, and Lin Chen's eyes were looking at the front of the road.

On the way back, Hou Chunmei kept looking out the window, her eyes were not focused, she didn't know what she was thinking.

After returning to the Public Security Bureau, Hou Chunmei was taken to the door of the forensic laboratory by Lin Chen and the others.

Because the wheelchair made by Hou Chunmei was broken, Lin Chen had asked someone to buy her a new wheelchair.

Pei Qian pushed the wheelchair with the deformed steel ring into the forensic laboratory.

Several forensic doctors were in the forensic laboratory. When they saw Lin Chen and Peiqian coming in, a forensic director immediately stepped forward to say hello.

After learning about Pei Qian's intention, Hou Chunmei finally saw Liu Yiyi's corpse under the leadership of the forensic director.

Liu Yiyi's corpse lay quietly on the dissection table, without the head, only the body below the head.

Hou Chunmei looked at the skeleton, unable to say a word, just silently weeping.

The filial and well-behaved daughter who used to be a skeleton is now a skeleton, which makes Hou Chunmei a little dazed.

After her emotions were stabilized, the forensic doctor extracted some DNA tissue from Hou Chunmei's body, prepared to test it, and compared it with the DNA data of the corpse to judge the relationship between them.

Hou Chunmei was feeling sad in the forensic laboratory. While waiting for the DNA test results to come out, Lin Chen and his party of three had already walked to the gate of the county public security bureau.

Today, there are suspects in this case, but although they all have suspects, the suspects are not very big.

Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying looked at Lin Chen and asked, "Where are you going?"

The two asked this sentence almost in unison. After saying a word in such a tacit understanding, the two women looked at each other.

Lin Chen said: "I want to find someone to know about Shi Mingjun."

"We have already learned from Shi Mingjun's girlfriend. Are you going to learn from Shi Mingjun's boss and colleagues?" Pei Qian asked.

"Well." Lin Chen nodded and said, "Apart from Shi Mingjun's girlfriend Wu Xiaojuan, there is another person who is very close to Shi Mingjun and has a good relationship with him. We haven't asked him yet."

"You mean..." Ouyang Chuying's tone was slightly elongated and said, "You mean Guo Yuan, Shi Mingjun's friend?"

"Well, Guo Yuan, Guo Yuan and Shi Mingjun have been friends for so many years, and they should know a lot about him." Lin Chen said.

Neither of the two women had any opinions, but they also shared their views with Lin Chen, that is, to ask Guo Yuan, it is better to ask Shi Mingjun's current colleagues and bosses.

After all, Guo Yuan and Shi Mingjun have been good friends for so many years. If you ask him, he must be helping Shi Mingjun with good words, and he will not get any useful clues.

Asking Shi Mingjun's colleagues and bosses is different. They have a normal relationship with Shi Mingjun. If the police ask them, they will say what they know.

After listening to the second daughter's opinion, Lin Chen didn't say anything. He drove the black Audi Q5 towards the restaurant where Shi Mingjun worked.

More than half an hour later, the car stopped at the door of the hotel.

It's already more than two o'clock in the afternoon. Because of this case, Lin Chen and the three have been running around and interrogating all this morning, and haven't eaten yet.

This is also the third time Lin Chen and the others have come to this hotel today.

After the three entered the hotel, several waiters saw them immediately. Among these waiters, Guo Yuan and Shi Mingjun's girlfriend Wu Xiaojuan were not among them.

One of the waiters called the store owner. The store owner was also very helpless at the repeated visits by the police today.

The shop owner stepped forward and asked, "Comrade police, who are you looking for this time?"

527 Lin Chen smiled and said, "This time we are here to eat. We will clear a table and we will order food."

Hearing that Lin Chen and the others were here to eat, a smile appeared on the shop owner's face.

He asked Lin Chen if he wanted a private room. There was a spare private room upstairs, and no private room fee was charged.

Lin Chen nodded and walked upstairs.

Walking into a private room, the three of Lin Chen sat down, and the waiter quickly put the menu in front of the three of them.

Lin Chen glanced at the menu and ordered a few dishes. Pei Qian and Ouyang Chuying also ordered dishes. Pei Qian was starving and urged the waiter to serve the dishes as soon as possible.

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