From the previous interrogation of Shi Mingjun, it can be seen that he did not know that Liu Yiyi was raped by Qian Deyi, and always thought that she was with Qian Deyi because of money~.

After listening to what Lin Chen said, Pei Qian, Ouyang Chuying, Zhou Xiong and their emotions were a little complicated.

On the one hand, they felt that what Lin Chen said was reasonable. Guo Yuan's character, he narrated so quickly and without pause, was indeed suspicious.

But what Lin Chen said is all speculation. Without substantial evidence, it is impossible to prove that Liu Yiyi killed him, not an accident.

They also had a not strong idea in their hearts, that is, Lin Chen thought too much. Guo Yuan's description of the whole process was so smooth that he didn't need time to recall. It was his personal language organization ability.

The two thoughts in their hearts made everyone think silently for a while, and no one spoke.

After a few seconds, Pei Qian raised her head, looked at Lin Chen with her beautiful eyes, and asked, "Then tell me, what should I do next?"

Lin Chen looked at Guo Yuan on the side of the one-way glass and said, "Continue to interrogate Guo Yuan, some of his confessions, let him confront Shi Mingjun face-to-face to see if there is anything wrong, my intuition is that Guo Yuan There must be something wrong with Yuan's confession, Liu Yiyi died of homicide, so if necessary, he will also use some means against Guo Yuan."

"Okay." Pei Qian also glanced at Guo Yuan and said, "I will interrogate him overnight to see if we can get anything out of the interrogation."

After Pei Qian finished saying this, she started talking to Zhou Xiong and handed over the task of interrogating Guo Yuan to Zhou Xiong.

After Zhou Xiong got Pei Qian's order, the pressure was not small, and he was worried that he would not be able to interrogate him at all.

A few people stayed in this observation room for a while, Zhou Xiong and the others went to the interrogation room, and then started the interrogation, Lin Chen and the others were still in the observation room next door, ready to watch for a while before leaving.

In the interrogation room, Guo Yuan sat on a chair with his head lowered.

After Zhou Xiong sat down, he looked at Guo Yuan and said, "Guo Yuan, it seems that you still don't want to tell us the truth?"

Hearing this, Guo Yuan raised his head.

With a blank expression on his face, he said, "Comrade police officer, you... what do you mean by that?"

"What do you mean?" Zhou Xiong sneered: "My meaning is very clear, that is, the confession you said before is completely false, Liu Yiyi's death is not an accident as you said, Liu Yiyi She was killed by you."

Guo Yuan was stunned, then he shook his head vigorously and said, "No, comrade police, what I said is true, I didn't lie at all."

Seeing Guo Yuan's expression and reaction, Zhou Xiong thought to himself that this guy seemed to be telling the truth. If it were him, he would have no doubts about Guo Yuan.

However, Lin Chen insisted on doubting him, so he could only continue the interrogation.

"You still have to die, right? Liu Yiyi was killed by you. You can say that there are many loopholes in what you said." Zhou Xiong said.

Following Zhou Xiong's questioning, Guo Yuan still shook his head, saying that he didn't, and there was no problem with his facial expression.

Zhou Xiong also has no substantial evidence, and most of them lied to him.

Immediately, he had to call Shi Mingjun, who was imprisoned next door, into this room.

When Shi Mingjun walked into the interrogation room, he looked at Guo Yuan and said nothing.

Seeing Shi Mingjun, Guo Yuan lowered his head slightly and said, "Mingjun, I'm sorry, I've done something I'm sorry for you, and there's something I've been hiding from you."

Shi Mingjun heard Lin Chen's reasoning and said that Guo Yuan was the murderer. He took a deep breath and said deliberately, "What is hiding from me?"

Guo Yuan's tears flowed out of his eyes. While talking to Shi Mingjun about his private relationship with Liu Yiyi, he also revealed all the things that he deliberately pointed and suspected to him.

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Guo Yuan was full of emotions and looked very regretful, regretting that he had led the blame and suspicion to Shi Mingjun.

He said that he didn't talk to Shi Mingjun about his relationship with Liu Yiyi because he was afraid that Shi Mingjun would look down on him and feel that he could only find him to play with the remaining women.

After Shi Mingjun heard what Guo Yuan said, he was already shocked and hard to attach.

"You, you..." Shi Mingjun pointed at Guo Yuan, his voice trembling a little: "Is it true what you said?"

"Really, it's all true, Ming Jun, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Guo Yuan cried and apologized, saying, "I, Guo Yuan, are not human, and I still want to frame your best friend, I'm sorry, but Yiyi's death , it was really just an accident."

... .....

Shi Mingjun said in a trembling voice, "I think of you as a brother, but you actually framed me. The police speculated that you were the murderer. I couldn't believe it. Guo Yuan, you really disappointed me."

Guo Yuan said sorry, but he knelt down directly to Shi Mingjun and apologized to him.

Shi Mingjun pointed his finger at Guo Yuan and said, "It turns out that during that time three years ago, you often went out alone at night and didn't let me follow. The mysterious thing was to see Yiyi. I thought you were in love at the time. ."

"Guo Yuan, you bastard, Yiyi was raped by that bastard Qian Deyi, why didn't you tell me, you never mentioned it to me?"

Shi Mingjun had already rushed in front of Guo Yuan, reached out and grabbed Guo Yuan's collar, Shi Mingjun was very angry that Guo Yuan concealed this.

Guo Yuan defended: "Mingjun, I wanted to tell you a few times, but you said you didn't want to hear about Yiyi at all, so I didn't say it..."

The two were arguing in the interrogation room. Zhou Xiong and the others just stood by and watched. They didn't do anything out of the ordinary, so naturally they didn't step up to stop them.

Lin Chen watched for a while, then stretched out his hand and rubbed his temples, and said, "Let's go, I won't be able to get anything out of the interrogation for a while, so go and fill your stomach first."

"Well." Ouyang Chuying responded, and the three walked out of the building of the County Public Security Bureau together.

After Lin Chen drove and picked up Xia Miaoyan at the hotel, several people went to the restaurant Xia Miaoyan ordered online. .


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Along the way, Lin Chen and the others were all thinking about this case in their hearts, but they didn't speak.

Xia Miaoyan saw that the atmosphere was a bit wrong, and was very curious about what happened, but seeing Lin Chen, they didn't speak, so Xia Miaoyan kept silent.

After arriving at the restaurant she ordered, Lin Chen and the others sat down one after another. Xia Miaoyan had already ordered the dishes she wanted to eat on the Internet. When people came, the chef had already started.

Xia Miaoyan poured a glass of water for Lin Chen, Ouyang, Chuying, Pei Qian and the others, and finally poured another glass for herself. After she took a sip of water, she asked curiously, "Master, how is your case investigation? Look at you. There is something wrong with your face, and you don't speak, is there not much progress?"

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