Pei Qian is very beautiful, and she has a temperament that Xia Miaoyan and the others do not possess.

Her true feelings revealed and her initiative made Lin Chen a little difficult to control.

If Pei Qian was drunk, Lin Chen would hold herself and would not take advantage of others' dangers, but at this moment, Pei Qian's mind is clear and her speech is orderly.

She was awake and knew what she was doing.

In the end, the two embraced each other, and the room was no longer as calm as before.

After a long time, everything calmed down, and the room fell into a long silence.

Although it is not too early, both of them are in good spirits after what they have just experienced for so long.

Pei Qian looked at the ceiling and mumbled softly, "This... is this what it's like to be a woman?"

Pei Qian has lived for so many years, and today is the first time to try it. The feeling is really indescribable.

"What did you say?" Lin Chen heard Pei Qian's muttering, but she couldn't hear exactly what she was muttering.

Pei Qian turned around, glanced at Lin Chen, and quickly retracted her gaze, saying, "No...nothing..."

Since Pei Qian didn't want to say it clearly, Lin Chen didn't ask anything.

Reaching out to help Pei Qian put a strand of messy hair behind her ear, Lin Chen said lightly, "You were impulsive just now, now, will you regret it?"

Lin Chen somewhat felt that the progress between himself and Pei Qian was a little faster, and it didn't take long to add up.

"Regret?" Pei Qian smiled and said, "I'm an adult, I know what I'm doing, I know what I want, I don't regret it."

After Pei Qian finished speaking, she hugged Lin Chen, raised her head, and said to Lin Chen, "What about you? It happened suddenly, do you regret it now?"

After Lin Chen heard Pei Qian's words, he couldn't help laughing: "Men don't suffer in this kind of thing, I have nothing to regret."

Pei Qian bit her red lips lightly and said, "Lin Chen, if you dare to say regret, your thighs will be bruised."

Pei Qian's personality is different from that of Xia Miaoyan. Xia Miaoyan is docile like a clingy kitten, while Pei Qian has a somewhat strong personality.

"If you dare to twist a bruise out of my thigh, I will twist it back on your thigh." Lin Chen said with a wicked smile.

Pei Qian was surprised: "You, you dare, don't you know Lianxiangxiyu?"

"Lianxiangxiyu?" Lin Chen shook his head and said, "It doesn't exist."

This night, Lin Chen stayed in Pei Qian's bedroom without going back. The relationship between the two had changed a lot after the window paper was pierced.

The next morning, Lin Chen and Pei Qian woke up around six o'clock...

After waking up, Lin Chen was still in high spirits, but Pei Qian was sore all over, as if she was about to fall apart.

While Lin Chen was getting dressed, Pei Qian got up from the bed and hurriedly said, "I'll come."

Pei Qian took Lin Chen's clothes, put them on for Lin Chen, and said, "I used to watch costume TV dramas, and women dressed men for men."

Lin Chen said, "You can watch TV shows too."

"Of course." Pei Qian picked up Lin Chen's pants again, and said, "I'm an ordinary girl too, well, besides facing cases and corpses every day, I also have my own hobbies."

After Lin Chen got dressed, he went to the bathroom to wash up.

As soon as Lin Chen left, Pei Qian blushed, put away the blood-stained sheet, put on a new one, and then went to the bathroom to wash up.

After the two finished washing up, Pei Qian asked Lin Chen again, "Lin Chen, are you sure you are going back to the sea of ​​magic today?"

"Sure." Lin Chen nodded and said, "It's been out for many days, it's time to go back, Pei Qian, if you feel reluctant, you can come with us, and I can arrange for you in the Mohai Public Security Bureau. bad."

After Pei Qian heard Lin Chen's words, she thought for a while, and then said, "Well, yes, I'm your woman anyway, so I can go to the magic sea in the future, but I don't want to give up 1.4 my side for the time being. work, when I'm ready, come to the sea of ​​magic, okay?"

Lin Chen nodded, Pei Qian threw herself into Lin Chen's arms with a smile, and hugged the first and last man in her life tightly.

Immediately, the two went out together, took the car downstairs, and drove towards the outside of the community.

It is still very early, because of what happened last night, both of them are hungry at the moment.

Lin Chen was going to find something to eat at a roadside stall, but Pei Qian recommended Lin Chen to go to a special breakfast restaurant.

After arriving at the breakfast shop, Pei Qian ordered a lot of things, and then the two started to eat.

After eating for a while, Pei Qian suddenly said to Lin Chen, "Lin Chen, I want to tell you something, you have to promise me."


PS: When I started writing the character Pei Qian, I was ready to accept it. .


932 Back to the Magic Sea 【Subscription】

After Lin Chen heard Pei Qian's words, he was a little curious and said, "You speak first."

Pei Qian said: "I want you to promise me something very simple, that is... I just can't tell Chu Ying and Miaoyan about my relationship with you for the time being."

"Why?" Lin Chen asked casually.

"The speed of our progress is a bit too fast. That's it so soon. I'm afraid they will think I'm frivolous when they find out. After we have more contact in the future, it's not too late to let them know." Pei Qian Speak your mind.

"Okay, no problem." Lin Chen nodded, how are the three girls, Zhang Tiannan, Xia Miaoyan, and Pei Qian.

The two were chatting and eating breakfast, Lin Chen could feel it, Pei Qian cherished every bit of being with her, and looked at herself from time to time, full of tenderness.

After breakfast, Pei Qian said to Lin Chen, "It's only seven o'clock, Lin Chen, go back to the hotel, Chu Ying and Miaoyan will not know that you didn't go back last night, I will take a taxi to the police station by myself. ."

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