"Uncle, we really feel sorry for you and want to help you, but you are a murderer." Zhang Tianen's face was serious. At first, she didn't want to believe that Uncle was the murderer, but now it has been confirmed.

"Ha ha……"

The old man looked at Zhang Tiannan's pretty face and said, "Actually, when it rained heavily last night, I should have killed the two of you in the house, but you came by car, I don't think so. Can drive, kill you, the target is too obvious."

After Zhang Tian'an heard this and felt the gloomy look in the old man's eyes again, she felt a chill in her back.

"Damn it, it turned out that you framed me, made the police think I was a murderer, and I wanted to kill you..." At this time, Qi Hongyuan, who was standing behind Lin Chen, suddenly shouted and rushed towards the old scavenger .

"Be careful." Zhang Tianai called out to Qi Hongyuan, but it was too late, Qi Hongyuan rushed to the front of the old man.

The old man's eyes became sharp, his body was slightly straightened, he stretched out his hand and punched Qi Hongyuan's mouth, and then the old man grabbed Qi Hongyuan's shoulder with one hand and his side waist with the other, as if Like throwing a sack, he threw Qi Hongyuan out.

"Bang..." Qi Hongyuan's body, which weighed more than [-] pounds, hit the ground heavily, and the pain made him unable to get up for a while.

This scene shocked many people. The old scavenger looked thin, but his strength was so great. A young man was no match for him at all.

Lin Chen glanced at Qi Hongyuan on the ground, and after seeing that he was okay, he nodded to the old man: ". "Old man, your skills are really good, and your explosiveness is very strong."

"Since my wife was killed by the woman on the bus, I told myself that I want to live, and I want justice for my wife!" The old scavenger raised his neck, his eyes were already hazy.

Deputy Bureau Sun had a gloomy expression on his face. As soon as he waved his hand, more than a dozen criminal policemen rushed towards the old scavenger.

The old scavenger struggled with all his strength. Although he was in good health and had a lot of strength, his struggle was in vain in the face of more than a dozen criminal police officers at the same time.

The old scavenger was handcuffed, and a pair of shackles also imprisoned his legs.

The old man was pressed on the muddy ground, and a lot of mud was stained on his body and face.

Lin Chen took a step, walked towards the old man, squatted down, and said calmly, "Tell me, how did you kill those people one by one..."

The old man was very disdainful, but from his words, Lin Chen could imagine the process of his crime.

He was scavenging waste in this area, and there were trash cans in the bus stop booths. In the trash cans at the bus stop booths, many mineral water bottles were often found.

He is very familiar with the bus stations and intersection monitoring in this area. He knows what time the bus leaves from the bus station and which station it will arrive at.

He chose to commit the crime in the middle of the night. When he committed the crime, he brought the crime tool and looked for young long-haired women waiting for the bus at the odd-numbered stops.

In the dark night, he wore rubber gloves in his hand, a woven bag with waste in one hand, and a mineral water bottle in the other.

This is a self-made mineral water bottle, which is equipped with a spray device. As long as the bottle cap is opened, the acetaminophen inside will be sprayed out in the form of a mist. .


079 Artwork created [3 more for subscription]

3 to 6% pure acetonitrile can cause coma and act as anesthesia.

7 to 10% pure acetonitrile can cause respiratory arrest in humans.

Ethyl mi with a purity of more than 10% can cause death.

In the dark night, the old scavenger was holding a bottle with a spray device of Bimi. He bent over and hunched over, and walked to the bus stop booth step by step.

In the bus stop booth, is a young girl with long hair and a bag.

The old scavenger reached out and touched the trash can twice, took out the mineral water bottle, and threw it into the woven bag.

Then he raised his head, looked kind and embarrassed and said to the girl waiting for the bus: "Little girl, I want to drink some water, but I don't have the strength. If you don't think I'm dirty... Can you open this bottle of water for me? ?"

The old scavenger at that moment, his eyes were kind, and his weak body seemed so helpless in the dark night.

When the little girl saw such a poor old scavenger, she smiled slightly, reached out to take the mineral water bottle, and unscrewed the cap.

It was only after she unscrewed the bottle cap that she realized that what she unscrewed was not a bottle of mineral water, but a demon who escaped from the 590 hell.

The moment the old scavenger unscrewed the cap of the bottle, he seemed to be a completely different person, and his movements were faster than that of young people.

He hates the women with long hair waiting for the bus at the bus stop. He hates the long hair and their youthful faces. When he kills the girl, he hangs the body in the bus stop.

He has singular obsessive-compulsive disorder, and the number of ropes used must be singular, otherwise he will feel extremely uncomfortable.

After fixing the body, the old man took out a knife and cut off a piece of scalp on the girl's forehead, so that she looked ugly and disgusting.

Throwing the bloody scalp on the ground, the old man tilted his head and admired the artwork he created. He was very satisfied. At that moment, it seemed that his wife appeared by his side and admired with him.

After carefully removing all traces, carrying the woven bag, he walked towards a dark alley.

He wanted to put the blame on someone else. In the dark alley, he took out the things he had prepared from the woven bag and disguised himself as a tall young man, wearing a peaked cap and a black coat, deliberately under surveillance walk by.


After everyone in the audience learned about the perverted psychology of the old scavenger, they all frowned. It was hard to imagine that a seemingly kind old man had a perverted murderer in his heart.

"What a pervert..." Miao Yunfei couldn't help muttering.

Deputy Bureau Sun said: "Okay, now that the evidence is conclusive, the murderer has admitted it himself, and brought him back."

Two young and strong detectives picked up the old scavenger on the ground, escorted him, and walked towards the car.

The old man stopped his body forcefully. He stared at Lin Chen with gloomy eyes and said, "Young man, I will never forget you. If I die, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost. You will have to die."

When the old man said this, his tone and eyes looked very scary and made people shudder.

Facing the old scavenger in this state, Lin Chen showed a faint smile on his face, and he said, "If there were really ghosts in this world, the four women who were brutally murdered by you would have torn you to pieces long ago. Now, you don't need to say such things to me, I'm not scared."

The old scavenger gritted his teeth and stopped talking, and let the criminal police take him into a police car.

Several old criminal policemen began to carefully preserve the contents of the black plastic bags. Other policemen were also dealing with the scene. Those nearby residents were talking about it.

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