"Yeah." Lin Chen nodded, in his previous life and in this life, he was only educated in high school, and he never went to university.

"Then what kind of work are you doing now?" Ruan Rou continued to ask.

Yu Chudie also looked at Lin Chen, wanting to see the current situation of the old classmate.

"No work for the time being." Lin Chen shook his head and said, "Staying at home all day long."

After hearing Lin Chen's words, Ruan Rou appeared calm on the surface, but she immediately lost interest in Lin Chen in her heart.

Yu Chudie looked at Qi Hongyuan and asked him, "Qi Hongyuan, what are you doing now?"

When Qi Hongyuan heard this, the smile on his face faded and he became nervous. He said: "I can't work now, because there are many people who want to kill me, I want to kill them all, and when they are all killed, I will kill them all. I can look for a job..."

When Yu Chudie and Ruan Rou heard this, they were stunned and looked at each other, not knowing what Qi Hongyuan meant.

Seeing this, Lin Chen had to explain a few words to the two casually, telling them that Qi Hongyuan had been hit because of things at home, and now his consciousness is not very clear.

After listening to Lin Chen's explanation, the two women nodded, Yu Chudie looked at Qi Hongyuan with some sympathy, while Ruan Rou said nothing.

"Among the few of us, Ruan Rou is the best one, and now she's a singer. I'm just trying to ask her to introduce me to the agency, but I don't know if the agency wants to...  .." Yu Chudie said.

"You have a good voice, and you should sing well." Lin Chen said.

"Really?" Yu Chudie smiled, and being praised made her tin happy, she said, "Speak shamelessly, I also think I sing tin well."

Yu Chudie finished speaking.Ruan Rou put on a disposable mask and stood up.

She casually waved at Lin Chen and Qi Hongyuan, and said, "Lin Chen, Qi Hongyuan, if we have a chance to see you again, we will leave first."

If Lin Chen and the others were rich, Ruan Rou would sit down and chat with them a little more, maybe she could get some sponsorship investment or something to support her in releasing a new album.

But these two old classmates, one has a mental problem, and the other is handsome, but he doesn't even have a formal job. It's useless to sit down and talk for such a classmate for a long time, it's a waste of time.

Yu Chudie saw Ruan Rou stand up and left, she was slightly taken aback, she smiled a little embarrassedly at Lin Chen and Qi Hongyuan, and said, "Lin Chen, Hongyuan, I have something else to ask Ruan Rou, let's go first, we'll have a meal together when we have time."

"Okay." Lin Chen nodded, Ruan Rou's attitude and thoughts could be understood in Lin Chen's heart, but he just smiled slightly, ignoring Ruan Rou, naturally he didn't bother to care about her. 1.1

After Yu Chudie followed Ruan Rou, she said, "Ruan Rou, what's the matter? Why did you leave suddenly? We haven't asked Lin Chen for their contact information."

Ruan Rou squinted at Yu Chudie and said, "I want contact information? What are their contact information for? One has a mental illness, and the other doesn't even have a job. You, learn from me, and you can talk to them again. , I might ask you to borrow money and ask you for help."

Hearing Ruan Rou's words, Yu Chudie felt a little uncomfortable, but she wanted Ruan Rou to introduce herself to the agency, so she didn't refute anything.

Immediately, the two got into the Audi driven by Ruan Rou and left the hotel.

Lin Chen brought Qi Hongyuan back to his home, the two sat on the sofa, and Lin Chen began to ask Qi Hongyuan about his parents' car accident. .


082 Don't be so cowardly 【Subscribe】

When Lin Chen mentioned his parents to Qi Hongyuan, Qi Hongyuan suddenly became nervous and vigilant, his body sitting on the sofa shrank back, and said to himself, "Don't ask this... Don't ask this..."

"Why don't you ask?" Lin Chen said.

Qi Hongyuan shook his head, his face a little lost, and said, "I don't know, I don't know anything."

"Don't know anything? How and why did your parents die? You don't know?" Lin Chen's tone was a bit stern, not as easy-going as before.

Qi Hongyuan reached out and hugged his head, his body shivered - shaking, he said, "Don't ask me, don't ask me...don't ask me..."

Lin Chen looked at Qi Hongyuan like this, and knew that it was very painful for him to let him recall the past.

However, there is no way to avoid those things in this way. Lin Chen stood up, walked over, and said word by word, "Be like a man. If your parents were killed, go get revenge."

"Vengeance?" After hearing these two words, Qi Hongyuan took his head out from under his arm, and he looked at Lin Chen: "Vengeance? No, he can't take revenge, he is too powerful, he let me go , otherwise I will die, they will kill me, they will kill me..."

"He could use his power to kill your parents, but you can rely on me, and I can help you." Lin Chen said.

Qi Hongyuan looked at Lin Chen's eyes and said, "No...Old classmate, don't get involved, you will die too, that's not something we can afford..."

Qi Hongyuan was very afraid of that memory, and there was a psychological shadow in his heart that could not be erased.

Lin Chen understood that there was only one way for Qi Hongyuan to remove those psychological shadows, and that was to make the guy who killed his parents be punished.

Under Lin Chen's guidance, Qi Hongyuan was not as excited as he was at the beginning, and slowly, he began to tell Lin Chen what happened in the past.

Before Qi Hongyuan's parents had a car accident, his family ran a hotel. The hotel had a good location and business was very good.

But after the business was good, the location of the store was also watched.

The man was called Qian Qinghu, one of the famous local black bosses. After Qian Qinghu took a fancy to the hotel, he brought his younger brother to the store to talk to Qi Hongyuan's parents about the transfer of the hotel.

No, that's not talking, it's doing what he wants.

At that time, the hotel was worth at least five million yuan, but Qian Qinghu just offered a price of [-] yuan, and asked Qi Hongyuan's family to take the [-] yuan and get out of the house immediately.

As the hotel continues to operate, there will be a steady stream of money coming into the account. Besides, more than [-] million yuan, and Qian Qinghu only gave [-] yuan. This gap is too big.

Qi Hongyuan's parents disagreed, so Qian Qinghu's subordinates stepped forward and broke the bones of Qi Hongyuan's mother's arm for the first time.

After beating people and smashing a few tables, Qian Qinghu took the people away.

Qi Hongyuan and his father were both injured, and they immediately reported to the police. After the police arrived, they made a note in despair and left.

Looking at the attitude of the police at the time, Qi Hongyuan and his father knew that the police and that Qian Qinghu were wearing the same pair of pants.

In the days that followed, Qian Qinghu's people often came to the hotel to harass him, beat up Qi Hongyuan's family, beat the waiters and chefs in the store, smashed tables, and smashed glass. will come.

When Qi Hongyuan went out once, he was caught by Qian Qinghu's people into a van, and they took Qi Hongyuan to a deserted river...

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