"Tick tock..."

Yan Zong's crotch was dripping blood.

Lin Chen looked at him and said, "This kick is for the little girl who was raped by you six years ago, okay?".


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Lin Chen's foot directly caused Yan Zong's crotch to drip blood.

It's obvious that Yan Zong's life was almost destroyed by Lin Chen's kick, otherwise, he wouldn't have shed so much blood.

Yan Zong, the helm of the Yan family, his son Yan Pengtian usually walks sideways in the county town. His behavior is even worse than his son.

A typical smiling tiger, the one who grins in front of him and stabs a knife in the back.

But now, just like the old dog Yan called by Lin Chen, Yan Zong was kicked like a dead dog by Lin Chen's kick.

The bodyguards standing at the back wanted to move but didn't dare to move. You can only look at me, I'll look at yours, standing there in a hurry.

Faced with Lin Chen's question, Yan Zong said with a trembling voice, "Lin...Mr. Lin, you have to beat me, I...I have nothing to do with someone Yan, but...about the rape of an 8-year-old girl. I'm really...I really didn't do it..."

Yan Zong is not stupid, let Lin Chen beat him, he will go to the best hospital after the big deal, but he raped an 8-year-old girl, but he absolutely cannot admit it, that will give Lin Chen a chance to convict .

When Lin Chen heard Yan Zong's words, he raised Yan Zong's body by a few points, hit him with a knee, and landed on Yan Zong's crotch again.


Because Lin Chen kicked the balls with a kick just now, Yan Zong's hands were covering his crotch, and Lin Chen's knee hit directly broke his palm covering his crotch, and The lifeblood in the crotch was wounded again.

If after the first time, Yan Zong went to the best hospital to recuperate for a period of time, he would still be able to restore his manhood.

Then Lin Chen's second knee hit completely shattered his dream of revival.

"Ah..." Yan Zong howled miserably, and the voice spread throughout the banquet hall.

His crotch was dripping blood faster, his palms were broken and had changed shape.

Some timid people didn't dare to look at it at all. Some men saw Yan Zong's bleeding crotch and subconsciously covered their crotch, feeling the crotch chill.

"This time, I gave it to you for the female high school student who jumped off the building and committed suicide after being raped by you. Do you have any opinions?" Lin Chen asked Yan Zong's distorted face with pain.

"I... I... Mr. Lin, spare... spare my life..." Yan Zong's thinking was still relatively clear at this moment. When he saw Lin Chen beating himself like this, the county party secretary stood motionless, his expression relaxed, he was even more It is clear that Lin Chen has nothing to fear when he packs himself up.

"Forgive me?"

A sunny smile appeared on Lin Chen's face, and he looked like a harmless sunny boy.

Lin Chen said, "Do you know that you are forgiving? Those children, students, and women who were raped by you, when they begged you for mercy and begged you to let him go, did you let them go?"

"I..." Yan Zongzheng was about to explain, Lin Chen's fist left an afterimage in the air and landed on his nose in an instant.

A punch fell, the bridge of the nose was instantly smashed, and the entire face of Yan Zong's old face was slightly sunken.

This punch caused Yan Zong to break his face, nosebleeds gushing out frantically, and the corners of his eyes were cracked.

Yan Zong's whole figure was like a loach in a hot pot, his body twisted hard, but his collar was grabbed by Lin Chen, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from Lin Chen's hand.

"This punch is for the married lady you broke into her home and raped by you, and the girl who was about to become someone else's wife three years ago, but was raped by you before marriage." Lin Chen's face He had a sunny smile on his face, but his actions and words were so cruel.

"Ahhhh..." Yan Zong's miserable howls never stopped, he wished he could pass out at this moment, so that he wouldn't have to bear the pain of his body and the humiliation of Lin Chen.

"Old dog Yan." Lin Chen looked at the richest man in Xuanbei County, who was worse than death, and said, "The things I said are just the tip of the iceberg of what you have done over the years. I don't know Xuanbei County. Who will be the richest man in the future, I only know that your Yan family will soon be removed from Xuanbei County."

Lin Chen's words were clearly heard in everyone's ears.

The guests present all looked solemn. At first, most of them were skeptical of Lin Chen's ability, but now, Lin Chen's behavior and the courtesy of the county party secretary explain everything.

The Yan family is really over, and if the crimes accused by Lin Chen are true, it is hard to say whether Yan Zong's old life can be saved.

"It's over, the Yan family is going to play, and the business world in Xuanbei County is going to change..."

"Not only the business world, but also the underworld will change..."

"Has Boss Yan really done so many bad things? Rape an 8-year-old girl. Is this what people do?"

"...hehe, can't say, can't say..."

"I've heard this kind of rumor before, but now that Mr. Lin said it, maybe it's not good..."

The guests were discussing in a low voice. The Yan family had not completely collapsed yet, and they only dared to discuss with their friends and did not dare to say things too absolutely.

Yan Pengtian, the eldest son of the Yan family, his head is blank at this moment, he was kicked and his teeth were broken, and his father was beaten by Lin Chen, why did things develop like this?

Which god did he provoke, didn't Zhuo Zishan say that Lin Chen was just a bit of a famous bullshit detective?

Holding Yan Zong's Lin Chen, he shook his hand, Yan Zong was like a dead dog and was thrown to the ground by Lin Chen.

Yan Zong's palms were broken, his life was destroyed, his face was smashed, his son Yan Pengtian was kicked with broken teeth, his spine was broken, and he could no longer stand up.

This pair of father and son, who were in high spirits and eloquently talked about ten minutes ago, but at the moment (Li Li's) are so miserable, they were cleaned up by Lin Chen and could not fight back.

Lin Chen looked at Yan Zong on the ground, and said, "When you use your power to bully others to the point of ruining your family, you must prepare to be liquidated one day."

When Yan Zong and Yan Pengtian heard Lin Chen's words, their bodies trembled again. In their eyes, Lin Chen is no different from the devil now.

The banquet hall was extremely quiet, and everyone's attention was on Lin Chen.

After Lin Chen said that, he turned his head to Zheng Yong and said, "Arrest Yan Zong on charges of rape, malicious wounding, and intentional death of others, and I have evidence to suspect that Yan Zong is still running a drug business, so I immediately seized Wan Jun. Hotel, and conduct the most rigorous investigation of the entire Yan family."

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