The car quickly stopped at the entrance of the county public security bureau, Lin Chen stepped out of the car, turned to Yan Zong and said, "Take Yan Zong to the interrogation room, I want to interrogate him."

Zheng Yong nodded and did as Lin Chen said.

A few minutes later, Yan Pengtian, who lost his teeth and had a fractured spine, sat on a chair in the interrogation room.

Because of the fractured vertebra, he was in great pain while sitting. He cried and shouted to go to the hospital, but Lin Chen didn't give him a chance to go to the hospital at all.

Yan Pengtian covered his waist with one hand. Regarding the 726 annihilation case, he still held the last glimmer of hope. That Lin Chen could not convict himself. .


1005 One of the Iron Evidences [3 more for subscription]

With this thought in mind, Yan Pengtian waited for Lin Chen's arrival with difficulty.

After waiting for a few minutes, the door of the interrogation room was opened, Yan Pengtian looked up, did not see Lin Chen and the others coming, but saw Zhuo Zishan with his hands cuffed.

Seeing Zhuo Zishan being handcuffed, Yan Pengtian's pale face was a bit ugly.

He thought of saying something to Zhuo Zishan, but there was a policeman behind Zhuo Zishan, Yan Pengtian hesitated for a while, but didn't speak.

This is a multi-person interrogation room, and Zhuo Zishan was placed beside Yan Pengtian.

The police officer who brought Zhuo Zishan in said: "Be honest, Mr. Lin will come right away."

After speaking, the two police officers walked out of the interrogation room.


As soon as the door of the interrogation room was closed, Yan Pengtian couldn't wait to speak, he said, "Sister, sister, why, why, didn't you say that this Lin Chen is just a little detective? Why does he have such a strong background, even the county party secretary? Are you listening to him?"

Yan Pengtian has no teeth in his mouth, and when he speaks, it leaks everywhere and is a little vague.

Zhuo Zishan saw Yan Pengtian's appearance with a distressed look on her face, she said, "I was deceived, I was deceived by the old turtle Zheng Yong, I asked him before, and he said that Lin Chen has no background. , it's only because he admires Lin Chen that he is polite to him, who knows..."

When Yan Pengtian heard what Zhuo Zishan said, he covered his eyes with his hands, and started crying again.

Yan Pengtian cried while saying: "It's over, it's over, it's over now, all the big leaders Dad knew, I couldn't get in touch with each of them, I was beaten like this by that Lin Chen, Dad was worse than me, he has already sent him to the hospital."

"What?" Zhuo Zishan's eyes widened: "Dad was also beaten by Lin Chen?"

Yan Pengtian simply told Zhuo Zishan what happened in the hotel. After Zhuo Zishan heard it, under Yan Pengtian's gaze, his face showed despair.

"How did things... develop into... this way..." Zhuo Zishan's expression was dull, and it was difficult to speak.

Yan Pengtian really wanted to scold Zhuo Zishan for a few words, blaming her for not knowing Lin Chen's background clearly beforehand. If she knew Lin Chen's background was like this, she would never have dared to offend him.

It's just that the fracture of the spine made Yan Pengtian really feel unbearable pain, and he didn't have the strength to scold Lin Chen.

After a while, Zhuo Zishan said, "Pengtian, you should still be saved."

When Yan Pengtian heard this, he hurriedly asked, "Sister, what do you mean?"

Zhuo Zishan looked at Yan Pengtian and said, "Lin Chen and the others accused you of murder, but they actually retrieved the surveillance video that I deleted. Those videos only recorded that you and Ou Kuan and the others appeared near the crime scene, and they cannot Convict you, although you killed three members of their family, but as long as you didn't kill anyone, they couldn't convict you."

Yan Pengtian's expression changed when he heard this. He looked around and whispered to Zhuo Zishan, "Sister, what nonsense are you talking about, this is the interrogation room, there is surveillance."

Zhuo Zishan shook his head: "Not all interrogation rooms of our Public Security Bureau have cameras, but this interrogation room does not have cameras. With our voices, people outside can't hear them."

When Yan Pengtian heard Zhuo Zishan's words, he was instantly overjoyed.

Although Lin Chen cleaned up the Yan family, the things that Yan Pengtian did in the past were very clean. As long as he was not implicated in the 726 murder case, it would be more than ten years at most, or indefinitely, and he would not be sentenced to death.

As long as people don't die.

Thinking of this, Yan Pengtian nodded vigorously to Zhuo Zishan and said, "Okay, sister, I won't admit it."

"Yeah." Zhuo Zishan nodded vigorously.

While Zhuo Zishan and Yan Pengtian were having this conversation, next door to the interrogation room, Lin Chen and the others were watching the sister and brother's every move through the surveillance camera.

Lin Chen and the others heard the content of the conversation between the two just now.

Lin Chen took his eyes away from the surveillance screen, and he asked Zheng Yong and Li Guo, "Is there any surveillance in your public security bureau's interrogation room?"

"Yes." Li Guo replied immediately: "There are several interrogation rooms in our Public Security Bureau that are not monitored. The interrogation room next to the interrogation room where Zhuo Zishan and the others are located is not monitored. Just now, Zhuo Zishan She was pressed in and didn't let her look up. She misremembered the interrogation room, and mistook the interrogation room with hidden cameras as an interrogation room without surveillance."

Zheng Yong shook his head slightly and said, "This pair of mindless siblings, who used to be rampant in normal times, are now in chaos when their death is imminent."

Both Zheng Yong and Li Guo sighed, just for what the sister and brother said just now, even if Lin Chen didn't show the crucial evidence, they could still convict Yan Pengtian.

· · Flowers · ·

Lin Chen's eyes fell on the monitoring screen again, and the corner of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a smile.

Immediately, Lin Chen turned around and walked towards the interrogation room where the two siblings were.

After entering the interrogation room, Yan Pengtian shouted: "I am not the murderer, I am not the murderer of the 726 murder case, Mr. Lin, please, let me go..."

Yan Pengtian's expression of begging for mercy is still very sincere, and his eyes are full of desire.

Zhuo Zishan also said: "Mr. Lin, the surveillance video you recovered before really doesn't mean anything. Pengtian just happened to pass by the crime scene on July 7."


"I don't know what happened to the three deleted surveillance videos. Maybe someone wanted to frame me."

Yan Pengtian begged for mercy again: "Mr. Lin, I was really wronged. The situation at that time was just as my sister said. I just happened to pass by there. You can't say that I am the murderer because of this, right?"

Zheng Yong, Li Guo, Shen Yue, and their faces were very calm. The previous recording of Zhuo Zishan's mobile phone, the two of them mistakenly thought that this was a conversation in an interrogation room without a camera, which was enough to convict them.

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