Seeing this, Lin Chen smiled, stretched out his hand and patted Qi Hongyuan's shoulder, then Lin Chen took him to the company, brought some snacks to the five employees in the company, and told the mobile phone customers The research and development of the terminal, put forward several opinions.

At this moment, Lin Chen's cell phone suddenly rang, the caller ID was Miao Yunfei's phone number, Lin Chen pressed the answer button, and Miao Yunfei's voice came from there: "Lin Chen, aren't you at home?"

"Outside, what's wrong?" Lin Chen asked.

"As for your classmate Qi Hongyuan, I'm at your door." Miao Yunfei said lightly.

"Okay, come back right away." Lin Chen hung up the phone after he finished speaking.

Ten minutes later, Lin Chen took Qi Hongyuan back to the door of his house and saw Miao Yunfei wearing a police uniform.

The way Miao Yunfei looked at Lin Chen today has changed from before, and she is no longer so picky and bored. After seeing Lin Chen's step-by-step reasoning in cracking the serial murder case at the bus stop, Miao Yunfei has feelings for this guy. Subtle changes.

After waiting for twenty minutes, Miao Yunfei didn't complain. After Lin Chen let her into the room and sat down, he asked, "Have you found out about the car accident of Hongyuan's parents?"

"Yes, Deputy Bureau Sun is very concerned about your affairs. After you left, people worked overtime to investigate." Miao Yunfei replied.

Qi Hongyuan on the side heard the words, his body was tense and he pricked up his ears to listen.

Miao Yunfei opened the traffic accident file and said: "According to the traffic accidents of the year, Qi Hongyuan's parents encountered a truck on the way to the provincial capital, and then died in a major traffic accident. After the accident identification, Both parties have certain responsibilities, the truck driver was single and had no money, and after paying a little money, he was arrested and sentenced to prison."

Miao Yunfei raised her head and said, "Judging from the dossier, there is nothing too strange."

Lin Chen glanced at the dossier and said, "There are some things that cannot be written on the dossier. Do you know why Qi Hongyuan's parents went to the provincial capital?"

"Why?" Miao Yunfei asked in confusion.

293 "Because they have no way to sue and have nowhere to go, they went to the provincial capital." Lin Chen said in a low voice.

Immediately, Lin Chen told Miao Yunfei all what Qi Hongyuan told him last night.

After listening to Lin Chen's remarks, Miao Yunfei looked at Qi Hongyuan's helpless and sad look when he talked about the past, she said, "I don't deny that there are some worms in our team, but don't kill them with a stick."

"Lin Chen, about that Qian Qinghu, give us some time, and I'll check it out. Don't be impulsive. You take Qi Hongyuan to find Qian Qinghu at night, it won't work at all."

Lin Chen smiled and said, "You check yours, I'll do mine, there's no conflict."

Miao Yunfei frowned, she didn't want to talk to Lin Chen, she said whatever, and then got up and left.

After Miao Yunfei left, Qi Hongyuan said hesitantly: "Old classmate... just you and me go to find that Qian Qinghu, is it really okay?"

"Don't worry." Lin Chen said, and after that, Lin Chen went to work on his own business.

In the evening, Lin Chen took Qi Hongyuan to have a meal, and then drove towards Qian Qinghu's place.

Qian Qinghu, [-] years old this year, on the roads in a certain area, his brother Hu's name is still very loud. .


086 The number one thug [5 more for subscription]

Bars, KTVs, and bathing centers are all industries that the black boss likes to operate.

The bar KTV can sell white powder, and the bath center can operate the skin and meat business.

At this moment, Qian Qinghu is in a KTV private room, waiting for an important guest.

This private room is very big and luxurious. Qian Qinghu is sitting on the soft-soft sofa, with Erlang's legs crossed, smoking a cigarette. There are two young and beautiful girls beside him, one is serving him wine, the other is giving He carefully fed the snacks.

Taking a bite, touching them, and being served by the two girls, Qian Qinghu didn't know how comfortable it was.

"Knock down!"

There was a knock on the door of the private room, and then a tall young man walked in from outside.

This young man is almost [-] meters tall, weighs more than [-] kilograms, and is full of explosive muscles. His name is Shaokang, and he is the number one thug under Qian Qinghu. I do not know how much hard work.

When Qian Qinghu saw Shaokang coming in, he turned his head and asked, "How is it, is Boss Hong here?"

Shaokang shook his head and said, "Brother Hu, not yet. Didn't you say you'll be there at eight o'clock on time? I've been waiting downstairs for a long time. Seeing that he hasn't come yet, I'll come up and ask you."

After Shaokang finished speaking, he looked at the two girls sitting beside Qian Qinghu, and there was a touch of greed in his eyes.

These two girls are new arrivals. Generally, the new girls are the first ones to have a taste.

Qian Qinghu took a breath and said, "It's alright, maybe there is a traffic jam on the road. Boss Hong has a way and won't be targeted by the police."

"That's good." Shaokang nodded.

Seeing that Shaokang was interested in the two girls beside him, Qian Qinghu asked with a smile, "Shaokang, which of the two do you like?"

Shaokang was also polite and said, "The one on the left."

Qian Qinghu immediately said to the girl on the left: "Go, wait for Shaokang tonight."

When the girl saw Shaokang's burly figure, she looked down at her small body again, feeling that she might not be able to bear Shaokang's ferocity.

Shaokang took the girl into his arms, and rubbed his hands on the girl wantonly.

At this moment, Shaokang's cell phone rang. He pushed the girl in his arms away, picked up the phone to connect, put down the phone, and said to Qian Qinghu, "Brother Hu, Boss Hong is here."

"Okay." Qian Qinghu asked the two girls to go out first. While waiting for Boss Hong to come, Qian Qinghu suddenly remembered something and asked, "By the way, did you grab the storefront on [-]rd Road? ?"

Shaokang said: "I grabbed it. The family didn't know whether to live or die. The man's leg was broken by me, and the woman's big tui was stabbed twice by me, and then they were honest."

When he said this, Shaokang had a cruel smile on his face.

"Yes, it's right to do this. In the future, when something like this happens, let it go on the premise of not killing people. Some people are just cheap. "Qian Qinghu pointed.

"Yes." Shaokang nodded.

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