Wu Wenlei opened his mouth, and when he was about to speak, the village chief on the side said with a regretful expression, "Wen Lei, you... Did you really do something illegal?"

"I..." Wu Wenlei said weakly, "I...I don't have any...I would do something illegal."

Hearing this, the village chief said to the leading police officer, "Comrade police, I still don't know what you are arresting Wen Lei for. His family is in good condition, so why would he do something illegal?"

Wu Wenlei said: "Yes, comrade police... You, did you find the wrong person, I..."

Wu Wenlei wanted to explain, but the leading police did not give him a chance.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

The leading police officer said, "Wu Wenlei, what are you going to say, please tell us to go back to the Public Security Bureau and take it away."

Take away the last sentence of this sentence. The leading police officer said it to the police officer who controlled Wu Wenlei.

"Hey...you guys, what are you doing...why are you taking me to the Public Security Bureau..." Wu Wenlei shouted weakly, his voice was not like those of those who were wronged, full of confidence and those who wanted to fight mean.

When Wu Wenlei was taken out, the village chief muttered, saying that Wu Wenlei's home was in good condition and there was no need to do illegal things.

Because of the arrival of the police, some villagers also followed to watch and see the excitement.

The leading police officer pulled a villager aside and said, "Hello, are you from this village? How much do you know about Wu Wenlei?"


The villager said, "Learn more. Wu Wenlei, who owns a shop in his family, has some money. When the village needs to pay for some things, this Wu Wenlei will give more money."

The leading policeman asked, "What is Wu Wenlei's temperament? Be kind, or?"

Hearing this, the villager was stunned for a moment, and after a few seconds of silence, he said, "If you want to talk about Wu Wenlei's temper, it can only be said that he is not good, or that his temper is very bad."

The leading police officer's eyes brightened slightly, only those with a bad temper and a bad temper have a higher chance of committing a rage and provoking murder.

The leading police officer said, "Why is his temper bad? Let's talk about it."

The villager explained: "Wu Wenlei has always had a bad temper. He often quarrels with his wife over trivial matters, and sometimes he can be seen beating his wife because he earns some money by running a repair shop. Qian, my family is in good condition, and I’m a little flirtatious in the village, I look down on people, and I’ve even had a few fights with people in the village.”

"People in our village feel that this Wu Wenlei likes to pretend, and they don't really want to pay attention to him."

When the leading police officer heard these words, his eyes became brighter and brighter. This guy, Wu Wenlei, belongs to the type of short-tempered and impulsive type.


At this moment, in the forensic laboratory, Lin Chen, who was doing an autopsy, raised the corner of his mouth slightly and showed a smile.


PS: Seeing that many brothers like Detective Chinatown, I'm already thinking about it. .


1085 Innocent Implicated 【2 More Subscription】

Lin Chen has been busy in the forensic laboratory for a long time. During the autopsy process, his expression was always solemn, without a trace of smile.

But at this moment, the smile on his face was like a spring breeze.

There was only Lin Chen in the forensic laboratory, and there was no one standing outside the glass door of the laboratory, so naturally no one saw the smile on the corner of Lin Chen's mouth.


The team of police officers who controlled Wu Wenlei, after asking a villager what they thought of Wu Wenlei, found another villager in the village and asked him how Wu Wenlei was.

The old villager said, "Wu Wenlei is a bastard, but he likes to put on a show. He made two money by opening a repair shop. He is a show-stopper in the village, and no one looks at him. I hate him. Vice virtue."

The leading police officer said: "But "[-]" is that the village chief has always said that Wu Wenlei's family is in good condition, and he can't do anything illegal. In the village chief's mouth, Wu Wenlei seems to be very good."

The old villager took a breath of the eye the police officer gave him, sneered, and said, "Our village chief and Wu Wenlei have a very good relationship. Wu Wenlei has some money, and the village chief is willing to make friends with him. The two have such a good relationship. , why don't you say good things for him?"

The leading police officer said, "What bad things has Wu Wenlei done?"

The old villager said: "He has done a lot of bad things. He looks down on people and starts fights when he doesn't agree. After the fight, the village chief still helps him. Once, my son got into a fight with Wu Wenlei because of the field. After a quarrel, Wu Wenlei directly beat my son, my son was not as strong as him, and he beat him up. Afterwards, the village head came, and the village head helped Wu Wenlei, and the matter was over."

The leading police officer nodded: "Is that so..."

In the words of the village elder, he was full of dissatisfaction with Wu Wenlei, and now he knows some of the reasons why he is so dissatisfied.

Following the inquiry and investigation of several other villagers, the conclusion is that Wu Wenlei is arrogant and domineering because he has a little money. He fights with the village chief because of his physical strength. If he disagrees, he will fight. His temper , also bad.

After getting the news of these inquiries, the leading police officer returned to the police car.

Wu Wenlei was also in the car, his hands were controlled by two police officers, and he sat in the back seat with a gray face.

From the mouths of the villagers, the leading police officer could already confirm Wu Wenlei's personality, and it is very likely that he committed extreme murder.

Maybe he didn't think about killing him when he pressed the head of Fang Dongshan, the old man of the reservoir, into the water.

But Fang Dongshan was old and couldn't stand his toss, so he drowned in the water.

"Wu Wenlei!" The leading police officer called his name coldly.

Wu Wenlei, who was sitting at the back, originally lowered his eyes and thought about things in a daze. After hearing the voice of the leading police officer, his body trembled and he came back to his senses.

"What... what's wrong?" Wu Wenlei looked at the leading police officer.

The leading police officer sneered and said to him, "According to my preliminary judgment, you can't escape, you are the murderer."

"Murder... murderer?" Wu Wenlei's forehead was sweating, and he said, "what murderer...I don't know why you arrested me, I...I'm not a murderer."

"Haha." The leading police officer said, "Go back to the Public Security Bureau and make an excuse."

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