This girl, Ge Fang, has the taste of a literary and artistic young woman. After she said to the little red fish that the bait is dangerous, she gently put her hand into the water and released it.

The little red fish swam and swam into the reservoir.

This little red fish escaped Wu Wenlei's dangerous hook, but Ge Fang, who saved it, is falling into danger step by step.

After Ge Fang let go of the little red fish, she also liked fishing very much, so she asked some questions that novices like to ask.

Wu Wenlei showed his economic strength while answering.

For example, how much did this fishing rod cost, which country and which powerful big brand produced it, how much for a pack of this bait, how many packs to use at a time, etc.

Ge Fang just asked some questions, but her active inquiry and approach made Wu Wenlei want to think, thinking that Ge Fang is like this, she may have other plans.

For example, when Ge Fang leaned over like this, he was seducing himself.

The process of their conversation was not long, but during this short conversation, Ge Fang noticed Wu Wenlei's sexual obsession and deliberately rubbing oil on himself.

This is why she is a simple girl who lives under the protection of her parents and has no experience in the world. If it were anyone else, they would have found out that Wu Wenlei had bad intentions.

Ge Fang felt that Wu Wenlei didn't seem like a good person, so he said goodbye to him and walked away.

Wu Wenlei saw that Ge Fang was gone and walked towards the exit of the reservoir. He knew that Ge Fang was going to leave the reservoir and go back.

Wu Wenlei, who has a brain on the sperm, is full of women, and he starts to pack up the fishing gear and other things.

From where he was sitting, he could see the entrance and exit of the reservoir.

After he quickly put away the fishing gear and tied it to the motorcycle, he saw Ge Fang walking down the mountain.

Wu Wenlei immediately got on the motorcycle and went in the direction Ge Fang left.

Walking and riding a motorcycle are incomparable. After Ge Fang walked several dozen meters down the mountain, Wu Wenlei rode a motorcycle and caught up with her.

Ge Fang has begun to guard against Wu Wenlei, thinking that this is not a good person.

Wu Wenlei rode his bike and said to Ge Fang, "Little girl, how did you go up the mountain just now?"

Ge Fang didn't want to answer very much: "I asked a friend, and he said that there is a reservoir here, and it happened to be not far away, so I went up to take a look."

Wu Wenlei said: "Then are you going to go now?"

Ge Fang said, "Well, there's not much way to go."

Wu Wenlei: "Although there is not much road, it is quite far. You are too tired to walk like this, and the sun is so big, don't tan your big white legs."

Ge Fang walked with his head down and did not speak.

Wu Wenlei said, "Take my car, I'll take you down the mountain."

Ge Fang said, "No need, I'll go on."

Wu Wenlei: "It's just a ride for you. Why, aren't you afraid of me? It's impossible for me to sell you in broad daylight."

Ge Fang said: "You go first, I'll just go by myself."

Wu Wenlei invited him again and again, but Ge Fang lowered his head and either said no or didn't answer him directly.

Ge Fang's impatience with Wu Wenlei has already been shown, and the section where the two are located is also a relatively remote section.

Wu Wenlei was a little stunned at the time, and said directly to Ge Fang: "...Little girl, you look pretty, come with me once, I'll give you a thousand dollars, is it enough?"

When Ge Fang heard Wu Wenlei's words, he was taken aback immediately, and Wu Wenlei was fascinated, and now he actually set the starting price directly.

Ge Fang's patience is also limited, so she said a few words to Wu Wenlei in a very rude tone, probably meaning that he should stop thinking about eating swan meat.

Wu Wenlei was also very unhappy after being told by Ge Fang, so he said, "It's very remote here. If it's inconvenient to go down the mountain, it's okay to stay here. I'll give you [-] yuan and come with me to the grove once, okay? I see. You are dressed so revealing, and you are not a serious girl. Instead of doing it for your little boyfriend for free, it is better to do it for me once (Wang's) for three thousand yuan, okay? I will pay for it. "

Ge Fang was furious: "You are crazy, you are not serious, your whole family is not serious, go back three thousand yuan to play with your mother, get away, don't bother me."

Wu Wenlei narrowed his eyes: "Grass, you scold again!"

Ge Fang was in a fit of anger: "Just scold you, your whole family is not serious, you go back and play with your mother."

Wu Wenlei's sperm was on his head, and he was also angry at Ge Fang's scolding.

He twisted the gas pedal, and the motorcycle quickly drove forward for a while, then stopped and got out of the car.

Wu Wenlei went back to find Ge Fang's theory, and while cursing, he touched Ge Fang.

Every time he touched Ge Fang, he felt excited. He was very familiar with Xiaoshan Reservoir and knew that there would be no one on this road.

After many quarrels and touches, Wu Wenlei's desire overcame his reason, and he picked up Ge Fang and rushed towards the grove. .


1098 Throw it on the ground 【Subscription】

Wu Wenlei and his wife have been married for many years. In order to find freshness, they also searched for excitement in the woods behind the house twice.

Although it is said that the woods are not as clean and comfortable as the bed, people like freshness, and it is an unprecedented experience to come here once in a while.

Wu Wenlei carried Ge Fang and rushed into the woods. Ge Fang screamed in fright, and kept hitting Wu Wenlei's head, shoulders and back with his hands.

For Wu Wenlei, Ge Fang's strength was nothing at all. Her beating made Wu Wenlei even more excited.

Almost all rapists, when raping the victim, their minds are irrational and full of desires. In the process of committing crimes, their whole beings are driven by desires. Give control.

In retrospect, they could hardly believe why they did that at the time.

It was the same for Wu Wenlei at that time. He didn't have the serious consequences of doing this in his mind, and he didn't think about other things. There was only one thought in his mind, and that was to get Ge Fang's body.

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