This feeling of being naked and being watched by the opposite sex is really _ too uncomfortable.


As Shen Yue stammered, she stretched out her hand to grab the bath towel that Lin Chen was holding in her hand.

With Lin Chen by her side, it would be very easy for Shen Yue to take the bath towel from Lin Chen's hand.

However, when her hand was about to get the bath towel, Lin Chen suddenly shrank his hand back, making her hand about to get the bath towel missing.

Shen Yue didn't get the bath towel, and many complicated thoughts suddenly emerged in her mind.

Why didn't the boss give himself the bath towel?

Why does the boss retract the bath towel so he doesn't allow himself to take it?

Is that what the boss wants to do?

Shen Yue could hear her own heartbeat, which was a feeling of nervousness, fear, and anticipation.

Shen Yue raised her head in a panic, and looked at Lin Chen timidly: "Old... Boss... You..."

After Shen Yue looked at Lin Chen timidly, she found that Lin Chen's eyes were looking at her tenderly.

At this moment, Lin Chen's gentle eyes made Shen Yue's heart almost melt.

Lin Chen stretched out a hand and slammed Shen Yue, who couldn't touch an inch, against the wall at the door of the toilet.

The tip of Lin Chen's nose and Shen Yue's nose were very close, and the two looked at each other. At this moment, it seemed that everything was still.

"Boss..." Shen Yue said timidly: "You...what do you want to do..."

Lin Chen looked at the appearance of Shen Yue's little daughter-in-law, she looked timid, and scenes of getting along with Shen Yue could not help but emerge in his mind.

In the magic sea, Shen Yue treated Lin Chen very well, and her intentions were more obvious. What was Shen Yue's intentions, Shen Qiu wanted to match herself and Shen Yue, these Lin Chen were all in his eyes, but he didn't say it.

Lin Chen and Shen Yue got along these days, and Shen Yue showed her considerate care to Lin Chen. When she saw that she was thirsty, she hurriedly handed over water, and when she saw that she was sweating, she took a tissue and gave it to herself carefully. Wipe, see yourself tired, go behind yourself and give yourself a massage.

Lin Chen is not a love idiot, he sees Shen Yue's thoughts and actions in his eyes.

For such a considerate and sincere girl, Lin Chen didn't want to miss her.

"What do you say?"

Lin Chen smiled at Shen Yue, and then kissed Shen Yue's delicate red lips.

Shen Yue's pure white teeth bit her red lips, if there is slow motion, you can see Shen Yue's red lips trembling slightly.

After seeing Lin Chen's face getting closer and closer to her, Shen Yue slowly put her hands down, and Ren Jun picked her first kiss.

At this moment, Shen Yue knew what it was like to kiss someone of the opposite sex and someone she liked. It was a strange, joyful, and indescribable feeling.

The atmosphere in the room was gradually interrogated, and Lin Chen also gently picked him up from the state of being slammed into the moon and placed him on the spacious bed in the suite.

No words are needed, Shen Yue will not refuse, everything progresses so logically.

That night, Shen Yue realized what it means to be a woman and what is the strength of a man. In Lin Chen's arms, she slept very steadily.

This night was a tired night for Lin Chen and Shen Yue.

The next morning, the two were awakened by a shrill cell phone ringing.

When Shen Yue heard that it was her own phone ringing, she immediately got out of the bed and picked up the phone in a daze.

"Xiaoyue, it's almost noon, why haven't you and Boss Lin come to eat at home, the food is ready." The voice of Shen Yue's mother came from the receiver.

Last night, after returning to the hotel, Shen Yueyou had a phone call with her mother. She told her mother that she would leave Xuanbei County with Lin Chen tomorrow and return to the magic capital.

Although Shen Yue's mother was a little reluctant, her daughter was definitely going back to Mohai to work, so she said she would have lunch at home today before leaving.

It was almost noon now. Shen Yue's mother, Liu Yingmei, saw that her daughter and Lin Chen hadn't gone to dinner, so she called to ask.

Shen Yue said quickly: "Oh, well, Mom, I know, the boss and I will come..."

· · Flowers · · ·

After hanging up the phone, Shen Yue's mind became clearer, and the scenes that happened last night began to appear in her mind.

When she turned her head, she found that Lin Chen was looking at her.

Shen Yue's face immediately blushed.

"Boss..." Shen Yue called Lin Chen.

Lin Chen smiled, opened his arms slightly, and Shen Yue obediently approached Lin Chen's arms.

When leaning against Lin Chen's arms, Shen Yue's body moved, and there was a sudden pain in her lower body, which made her take a deep breath.

"It still hurts?" Lin Chen asked softly.

Shen Yue nodded her head: "Well, it seems to hurt more than last night..."

Lin Chen stroked Shen Yue's hair lightly, and said, "It's okay, it will be fine soon."


At this time, Shen Yue summoned the courage to ask, "Boss, how long has Sister Miaoyan been in pain?"

Lin Chen was stunned by Shen Yue's question. He didn't expect this girl to ask such a question.

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