"It sounds nice."

Lin Chen said to Shang Yunwei, "It's really better than singing, but in my ears, it feels too fake."


1136 I don't know how high the sky is [2 more subscriptions]

Lin Chen looked at Shang Yunwei, and said coldly: "I feel that I am amazing, when no one dares to provoke me, I will do whatever I want, hit someone on a motorcycle, even if I don't even apologize, I still have an expression of disgust, and my eyes are full of Disdain."

"If your parents had educated you well since you were a child, you would not have such an uneducated character. Like most second-generations, you have no ability. You rely on your parents to show your power, and you don't know how high the sky is."

After Shang Yunwei heard Lin Chen reveal the words so frankly, her face was a little embarrassed again.

She also knew in her heart that what she said just now was very hypocritical.

Lin Chen stared at Shang Yunwei's eyes and said, "When I first saw that video, did you scold me a lot? After watching the video, you really want to clean up with me, right? But you found that your Shang family is in my eyes. Li, it's nothing at all, so, you humiliate, come to me like a dog, come to apologize, right?"

Shang Yunwei's white teeth were biting hard, Lin Chen's words were so rude, every word was so excessive, and she didn't show any sympathy for her.

Shang Ming and the others lowered their heads, feeling that their faces were dull.

The onlookers outside the yard were talking more vigorously.

A female friend of Shang Yunwei said: "Hey, I knew that the background of the girl I bumped into yesterday was so terrible, and Yunwei should have apologized at that time."

Shang Yunwei's male friend sighed: "I was there yesterday, and I saw that girl carrying a few bags of fruit, thinking it was a girl from an ordinary family who bought some fruit and passed by from Tianze Garden, who would have known such a powerful woman , I will walk outside to buy fruit by myself."

"Mr. Lin, I..." In the yard, Shang Yunwei said a word to Lin Chen, and I didn't know how to say the next words.

"What are you?" Lin Chen's eyes were calm.

"I was wrong, I shouldn't be so arrogant, I hope you can forgive me and stop being angry with me." After plucking up the courage to say this, Shang Yunwei closed her eyes, thumped, and knelt down. In front of Lin Chen.

The moment Shang Ming saw his daughter kneeling in front of Lin Chen, he felt distressed, clenched his fists, and secretly said: "Lin Chen, wait, don't let me seize the opportunity, the shame you gave me today, he I will give you a hundred times the day back 々々."

When Shang Ming's wife saw that scene, she was also distressed for a while, and she resented Lin Chen very much in her heart, but they buried the hatred well and didn't show it.

After Shang Yunwei knelt in front of Lin Chen, she lowered her head and said, "Mr. Lin, I'm sorry, I was wrong, I ask your forgiveness."

Ouyang Chuying and Ouyang Jie looked at each other, their eyes were very calm, and Shang Yunwei's humiliating kneeling was what they expected.

Lin Chen looked at Shang Yunwei and asked, "What are you doing?"

Shang Yunwei no longer dared to look at people, she felt it was too embarrassing, she raised her head slightly, her eyes still lowered: "Didn't you say in the video, let me kowtow to apologize? I will kowtow to you now and apologize, I hope you can forgive my mistakes yesterday."

With that said, Shang Yunwei was about to bend down and kowtow to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen waved his hand and said, "Not only are you arrogant, but you also have a bad memory. I'm talking about you kowtow to my woman and apologize, not me."

Shang Yunwei, who bent her waist halfway, stopped immediately after hearing Lin Chen's words.

She also remembered that in the video, Lin Chen really said that.

Shang Yunwei raised her head and asked, "Where is the girl who was knocked down by me, where is she, I apologize to her."

Ouyang Jie said at this time: "Her arm was hit with a layer of skin by you, and she bleed a lot. Now she went to the beauty agency to repair the wound, and she didn't come back so soon."

"Ah?" Ouyang Jie's words surprised Shang Yunwei.

She made up her mind on the way here, hurried to Villa 168, kowtowed and apologized, then left quickly, hiding at home and not going out in the near future.

But Ouyang Jie told her that the girl was not in the villa, so wouldn't he have to wait here all the time?

"Mr. Lin, that girl, she, when will she come back?" Shang Yunwei asked Lin Chen, looking at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen said lightly: "How do I know, maybe a while, maybe at night."

When Shang Yunwei heard the words, she was immediately embarrassed.

What Lin Chen wants is for her to kowtow to Xia Miaoyan and apologize, but now Xia Miaoyan is not in the villa, should she stand up now or kneel and wait for her to come back?

If he stood up, he was afraid that Lin Chen would feel insincere and he would be unhappy.

But kneeling all the time, she couldn't stand the embarrassment.

Shang Yunwei's mother finally couldn't stand it anymore, she walked over quickly, came to Shang Yunwei's side, and said to Lin Chen: "Mr. Lin, hello, I'm Yunwei's mother, what happened yesterday , we Yunwei have already apologized to you and kowtowed to you too much, you have a lot of adults, please forgive our Yunwei's fault."

Shang Yunwei's mother, a usually noble woman, was also licking her face at the moment, begging Lin Chen's forgiveness.

Lin Chen looked at Shang Yunwei's mother, and then at Shang Ming at the door of the yard. From their eyes, expressions and some small body movements, it could be seen that the hatred of this family towards him was still very big. .

Lin Chen looked at Shang Yunwei's mother and asked, "...Can't understand human language? I said it very clearly in the video. I said it again just now, and I don't want to say it a third time."

When Shang Yunwei's mother saw Lin Chen's eyes, she froze in her heart and didn't dare to say anything.

The rest of the Shang family wanted to come in and intercede together, but in the same way, as soon as Lin Chen said this, they all understood that it was futile to talk more, and they had to wait for the girl to come back.

Lin Chen stood up from the stone bench, glanced at everyone in the Shang family, and said, "Kneel if you love to kneel, go back if you don't want to kneel, I won't force you."

After Lin Chen finished speaking, he didn't stop at all, and stepped into the villa.

His voice was clear and neat, leaving only a slender and tall back for everyone.

(Is it?) Ouyang Chuying patted the dust on her palms, stood up, and walked into the villa with her younger brother Ouyang Jie.

After Lin Chen, Ouyang, Chuying, and Ouyang Jie entered the villa, they left only the Shang family and many residents of Tianze Garden who were watching the excitement outside the courtyard.

Shang Yunwei knelt on the ground, didn't get up, she held a pair of pink fists tightly, and she hated Lin Chen in her heart.

Shang Yunwei's mother turned to look at Shang Ming and asked, "What should I do? Just let my daughter kneel like this?"

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