After the monk Yunwei said that, Xia Miaoyan walked towards the villa.

Just after walking a few steps, Shang Yunwei's voice rang again: "Miss Xia, since you have forgiven me, can you ask Mr. Lin to forgive me too and stop being angry?"

The potential meaning of Shang Yunwei's words is to let Lin Chen restore her family's two network industries, and don't leave the servers of those two network industries in an inaccessible state.

After Xia Miaoyan heard the words, she paused slightly and said, "I'm not angry anymore. If my master is angry, I can't control this."

After Xia Miaoyan finished speaking, she ignored Shang Yunwei and walked directly into the villa. .


1138 What is the background [4 more subscriptions]

When Shen Yue heard Xia Miaoyan's response to the Shang family, a smile appeared on her face, and she felt that Xia Miaoyan's response was very good.

For a woman with a face like Shang Yunwei, it should be like this.

As Shen Yue also walked into the villa, the door of the villa was slammed shut.

Shang Yunwei's mother hurriedly bent down and stretched out her hand, and helped Shang Yunwei, who was kneeling on the ground, to get up.

"Hey hey..."

Shang Yunwei has been kneeling on the ground for several hours. Fortunately, this is a relatively soft lawn. If it is a concrete floor, it will be broken.

Forget it, after Shang Yunwei stood up, her knee was also purple, which made her parents feel distressed.

"Daughter, how is it, does it hurt?" Shang Yunwei's mother felt distressed.

Shang Yunwei's tears were about to fall out of grievance, but there were many people watching from outside the yard. She held back her tears and did not let them shed.

"It's okay..." Shang Yunwei shook her head.

Shang Ming and others also walked in. After seeing Shang Ming, Shang Yunwei whispered, "Dad, I'm done apologize. When will Lin Chen restore our family's network industry."

Shang Ming glanced at the villa and said, "It should be very soon, let's go back first, we have been here for a long time."

"Yeah." Shang Yunwei snorted, and glanced at the villa with hatred in her eyes, endured the pain from her knees, and walked out of the courtyard of the villa step by step.

The onlookers were still watching, and all of Shang Yunwei's friends had left.

These people from the Shang family had come on foot before to show their sincerity.

Now that the apology has been completed, the driver drove several cars, and they all got in the car and went towards their villa.

Seeing that there was no more excitement to watch, the crowd of onlookers dispersed one after another, taking the matter of the Shang family's daughter kneeling down and apologizing as a topic of discussion.

Living in Tianze Garden, the monks who have hatreds and festivals have asked the nanny at home to cook two more dishes, and have a happy meal at noon today to celebrate the Shang family's loss of face after being cleaned up by Lin Chen.

After Lin Chen made such a fuss, now all the residents of Tianze Garden already know that the owner of Villa 168 is called Lin Chen, a person who the second-in-command of the sea of ​​devils dare not provoke.


Tianze Garden, the villa where Mr. Ouyang lived.

The old man Ouyang was sitting on the leather sofa at the moment, holding a delicate purple clay pot in one hand, drinking tea slowly.

Sitting beside the old man was Ouyang Chuying's father. A bodyguard from the Ouyang family who had just walked in had already informed them of what happened to the Shang family in Villa 168.

The old man Ouyang took a sip of the tea in the Zisha pot, and a smile on his wrinkled old face: "This Lin Chen has a personality, and he is very protective of his own people, so that the women around him will not suffer any grievances. , this is very good."

When Mr. Ouyang said this, his tone was full of praise. When he was young, he also did things that made him angry.

Ouyang Chuying's father said: "Old man, the two network industries of the Shang family have been hacked, and they are still inaccessible. Just like what happened to the Ling family last time, this Lin Chen, his hacking skills, are too Somewhat better."

"The Ling family's network industry and the Shang family's network industry are all done by Lin Chen alone?" Mr. Ouyang asked slowly, "Is there no hacker team?"

Ouyang Chuying's father said: "Chuying is very close to Lin Chen now. She told me last time that it was only Lin Chen who did it alone. His hacking skills are terrifying."

After a pause, Ouyang Chuying's father continued: "Moreover, after the two Internet industries of the Shang family were hacked today, Lin Chen and other companies immediately launched two identical Internet industries. I want to put the Shang family to death."

Old man Ouyang said with a smile, "I'm very optimistic about Lin Chen's company. It will definitely become a giant in the global business community in the future."

At this moment, not only the people of the Ouyang family are talking about Lin Chen, but also in the second-generation circle outside Tianze Garden, what happened today has spread.

The second-generation circle of the magic sea has many levels. The lowest level is the ordinary rich second-generation circle. The rich second-generation circles in this circle are not enough to know the news immediately, or they have no access to it at all.

But people like Shang Yunwei, Ouyang Chuying, Ouyang Jie, and Wan Ruiqiang are in the circles they are in, and they know this very well.

· · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

"How could Yunwei provoke such a difficult person, sigh..."

"I watched the surveillance video, and Yunwei really had a big problem, but who would have known that the girl's background as a man was so terrifying."

"Monk Yunwei's family, it's a planted one this time."

Some friends in the circle who have made good friends with Shang Yunwei all sighed and shook their heads after seeing the outgoing video. The daughter of the dignified Shang family has been reduced to such a level that they must kowtow and apologize in exchange for others' forgiveness.

Unaccustomed to Shang Yunwei, the monk Yunwei and the second-generation men and women who have enmity, they are looking at this matter with a schadenfreude mentality.

"Haha, kneel down and beg for mercy, kowtow to apologize, I didn't expect that Shang Yunwei, the daughter of the Shang family who is usually arrogant and lawless, also has such a day."


"I said something wrong last time, and Shang Yunwei gave me a slap. I still remember this slap very clearly. Isn't she arrogant? How can someone so arrogant give someone a kowtow and apologize."

"The next time I see Shang Yunwei, I have to mock her face to face. I really thought that the second in command was her uncle, and no one could take care of her."

"Don't expect to see Shang Yunwei in the near future. She has lost such a big face. She has to stay at home for half a year before she dares to go out?"

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