Shen Qiu's long legs were folded up, and her tired face had a smile on her face: "The money is in place, the changes will naturally be quick, and the anchors signed by the monk's family have already dug over a lot, and it's just today. One day, the Shang family was broken."

Lin Chen said: "Within three days, the two Internet industries of the Shang family will be completely unable to stand up."

Shen Qiu nodded and said, "Okay boss, no problem."

Immediately, Shen Qiu told Lin Chen about some important things in the company today, and then went to dinner.

After Shen Qiu had eaten, it was getting late, and it was time to rest.

Sisters Shen Qiu and Shen Yue said good night to Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan, and went upstairs to take a bath and rest.

Xia Miaoyan also walked up to the second floor after watching TV with Lin Chen.

Lin Chen thought about things by himself for a while, then went to his room and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

After taking a bath, Lin Chen lay on the huge bed and played with his mobile phone.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of Lin Chen's room. After Lin Chen said a word to come in, Xia Miaoyan, who was wearing pajamas, walked in from outside.

At this moment, Xia Miaoyan has washed herself clean, wearing a loose nightdress, and her figure is completely empty.

"Master, you still play with your mobile phone." Xia Miaoyan said after seeing Lin Chen.

Lin Chen nodded, and Xia Miaoyan also walked to the bedside and threw herself into Lin Chen's arms.

Lin Chen put his arms around Xia Miaoyan's fragrant body, and his hands began to be dishonest.

Xia Miaoyan raised her red face and said to Lin Chen, "Master, you have been to Xuanbei County for so many days, do you miss me?"

Lin Chen nodded: "Of course there is."

Xia Miaoyan was very happy to hear this, she hugged Lin Chen tighter, and said softly, "then do you want to bully me?"

"What do you think?" Lin Chen pulled off Xia Miaoyan's clothes.

Following Lin Chen's action, indescribable scenes immediately appeared in the house.

After going through some wind and rain, Xia Miaoyan lay on Lin Chen's arms and said, "Master, I know you want to bully me, I was ready last night, but I was too tired last night, so I went to sleep first. So tonight, I will obediently send myself up." (Does Li's)

Lin Chen reached out and pinched Xia Miaoyan's nose, and said, "I'm getting more and more obedient, and I know the delivery will be delivered to the door."

"Hee hee." At this moment, Xia Miaoyan was as docile as a kitten.

The two stayed on the bed for a while, then Xia Miaoyan said to Lin Chen, "Okay, master, rest early, I'll go back to my room."

Lin Chen didn't let go of Xia Miaoyan, and said to her, "I just slept in my room, what are you going to do?"

"No." Xia Miaoyan's smile was a bit mysterious, and she said, "Master, I'm leaving."

After speaking, Xia Miaoyan put on her clothes and left Lin Chen's room.

Lin Chen put the phone aside and was about to go to bed. There was still Xia Miaoyan's body fragrance on this big bed.

Just when Lin Chen turned off the light, the door was knocked again, this time the door was knocked softly.

"Come in." Lin Chen said. .


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As Lin Chen's words came in, the door of the room was opened again, and a figure in pajamas walked in gracefully.

Lin Chen thought it was Xia Miaoyan's girl who had gone and returned, but after seeing who was coming, he found that it was not Xia Miaoyan who came back, but Shen Yue.

"Boss." Shen Yue and Lin Chen said hello.

At this time, Shen Yue came to her room, and Lin Chen didn't have to think about it to know why Shen Yue came.

The relationship between the two, when they were in Xuanbei County, had already broken through from the relationship between the boss and the subordinate to the relationship between lovers.

After returning from Xuanbei County, Shen Yue did not disclose the relationship between the two.

Seeing Shen Yue's shy look, Lin Chen smiled and said, "Is your sister asleep?"

"Well." Shen Yue walked towards Lin Chen and said, "Sister was very tired from working in the company, and fell asleep as soon as she touched the pillow."

As Shen Yue said, she came to the bedside and sat down slowly.

Glancing at Lin Chen's messy bed, Shen Yue lowered her head and asked, "Boss, sister Miaoyan just left, right?"

There is nothing to hide about the relationship between Lin Chen and Xia Miaoyan. Although it is not revealed on the surface, everyone knows it well.

"How did you know?" Lin Chen asked.

Shen Yue said: "I was about to come to see the boss earlier, but when I just opened the door, I saw Sister Miaoyan coming out of her room and walking towards your room. Come on, I'll be waiting inside the house."

When Lin Chen heard Shen Yue's words, he couldn't help but say, "You waited until you saw Miaoyan leave my room before you came?"

"Yes." Shen Yue said yes.

Lin Chen deliberately joked: "Then why did you come to see me after waiting so long?"

After Shen Yue heard Lin Chen's words, she immediately became twisted.

She had never tasted being a woman for more than [-] years before. Although she was very curious about that aspect, she didn't really want it.

But in the senior suite in Xuanbei County, Shen Yue was taken away by Lin Chen for her most important first time, and she also tasted the sweetness of being a woman. I want to ask for it.

Just now, when Shen Yue was in her room, she was ready to come to Lin Chen, but as soon as the door opened a crack, she saw Xia Miaoyan walking into Lin Chen's room.

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