At the moment, Kiko's clothes are relatively simple, but her appearance is there. Although the clothes on her body are very ordinary, the whole person still looks so beautiful.

Kiko was carrying a backpack on her back. Judging from the direction she came from, it was obvious that it came from the same high-speed train that Lin Chen called it.

"You are on the same high-speed train as us?" Lin Chen looked at Kiko "four eight three" and said.

"Yes." Kiko nodded, saying yes.

At this time, Ouyang Chuying, who was slightly ahead, also noticed that Lin Chen did not continue to walk forward.

She turned around and saw Kiko who was talking to Lin Chen.

Ouyang Chuying's eyes showed surprise, didn't Kiko sleep in the room in the morning?How did it show up here?

Ouyang Chuying took a few steps back, looked at Kiko, and said, "How did you buy the high-speed rail ticket for the same train as us?"

Kiko patted her fair little hands and said with a smile, "I just entered the intranet of the ticketing website, searched for your names, and after knowing which high-speed train you are taking, I will buy a ticket for the same train as you. "

"I was going to buy a ticket for the train next to you, but after thinking about it, I bought a ticket for the carriage behind you."

After hearing Kiko's words, Ouyang Chuying felt a little helpless to the female hacker.

"You hack into the ticketing website and check the ticket buyer's information. This is an invasion of other people's privacy. You are illegal." Ouyang Chuying said sternly.

Some passengers who got off the high-speed train slowed down after seeing the conversation between Ouyang Chuying and Kiko, the two beauties, and looked at the two girls.

"Haha." Kiko heard the words, smiled, and said to Ouyang Chuying: "Officer Ouyang, don't use this to scare me, I hack into those websites, and I will never leave traces. You have no evidence, but you can't arrest me. Oh."

Ouyang Chuying naturally knew this in her heart, and she was just a professional habitual scare to scare Kiko.

Obviously, the scare that is useful to ordinary people does not work for Kiko.

Lin Chen glanced at Kiko, who was a little proud, and walked forward. As he walked, he said, "Who said yesterday that he wouldn't be a follower? Why did he follow him again?"

Kiko followed Lin Chen unhurriedly, and she said lightly: "I have the same car with you, it doesn't mean that I am a follower, I kiko, I won't be a follower. kuuhuu"

Kiko said, quickened his pace, walked to the position next to Lin Chen, then turned his head to look at Lin Chen, and said, "I came to Zhengshan County this time for the [-] million case-solving reward, my I won't be with you during the investigation process, so don't call me a follower."

"That's good." Lin Chen nodded.

Kiko waved his small fist and said to Lin Chen, "Lin Chen, looking at your previous record of solving cases, you are quite amazing, but this time, maybe I will find the murderer before you."

"Wait and see." Lin Chen said in a flat tone.

"Okay, wait and see." Kiko said with a bit of confidence.

After several people came to the exit of the high-speed rail station together, some people from the Zhengshan County Public Security Bureau were already waiting at the exit to welcome the arrival of the Mohai Special Case Team.

The captain of the criminal police brigade of the Zhengshan County Public Security Bureau shook hands with Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu and Wu Xuan in turn and greeted them.

Finally, the captain of the criminal police came to Lin Chen, stretched out his hands towards Lin Chen, and said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, hello, I have long admired the name, this time, with your help, the serial murder case in our Zhengshan County , it will definitely be detected.”

Lin Chen shook hands with the police chief and said two words casually.

Then, the captain of the criminal police greeted Lin Chen and the others to get into the car, and said that the leader had prepared a banquet in the guest house, so that the special case team could pick up the dust.

Ouyang Chuying, Wu Tianyu, Wu Xuan, and the others all got into the police car parked on the side of the road one after another. When Lin Chen was about to get into the car, he saw Kiko standing alone at the exit. She felt that she was a girl, and she was unfamiliar. Yes, it's okay to leave her here alone.

Then he said to her, "Do you want to be together?"

After Kiko heard Lin Chen invited her to take a ride with her, a smile appeared on her lovely face: "Okay . . ."

Kiko followed Lin Chen and got into a police car. The two policemen sat in front, and Lin Chen and Kiko sat in the back.

After everyone got in the car, the police car did not stop in the city, and quickly went in the direction of Zhengshan County.

On the way to Zhengshan County, the police of Zhengshan County talked to the people of the special case team from time to time, but what they said were irrelevant things and did not talk about the case.

From the city to Zhengshan County, it takes more than three hours to drive on the highway.

Kiko, who was sitting next to Lin Chen, was quite energetic at first. As the car was driving on the highway, the shaky scene did not change. Kiko began to feel heavy eyelids, and then fell asleep in a daze.

After she fell asleep, her body slowly leaned on Lin Chen's shoulder.

Lin Chen was reading the news on his mobile phone. After Kiko's head was leaned over, he glanced at Kiko and found that Kiko was asleep, so he didn't say anything and went with her.

When the car was about to reach Zhengshan County, Kiko, who fell asleep leaning on Lin Chen's shoulder, slowly opened his eyes.

After kiko woke up, she found herself leaning on Lin Chen's shoulder, which surprised her, and immediately sat up straight.

"Why did I fall asleep?" Kiko muttered after sitting up straight.

Lin Chen glanced at Kiko and said, "You didn't sleep on the high-speed train, did you?"

"Well, I didn't sleep, I wrote a program 0.7 with a computer on the high-speed train." Kiko said, with a little smugness in his tone.

Kiko said this because she wanted Lin Chen to ask her what program she wrote, and then say it herself.

However, after hearing what she said, Lin Chen was expressionless, not at all curious about what kind of program she wrote.

Using Lin Chen's shoulder to sleep for a while, this feeling made Kiko feel amazing.

She said to Lin Chen, "Thank you for lending me your shoulder."

Lin Chen waved his hand and said nothing.

Kiko looked at Lin Chen's face and rolled his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, several cars finally stopped at the entrance of the Zhengshan County Guest House.

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