" Leyman?" , surprised Gnan thought for a moment and said, " Alright! Take him to the guest room."

" Yes My Lord. " , replied the messenger and left.

Gnan thought for a moment and guessed the reason behind the visit of the City Lord. He might have come here for Ringo. What a greedy man? , Thought Gnan in disdain. He then left the room and walked towards the guest room.

When Gnan entered the guest room, he found a bunch of people sitting on the sofa. He then looked at Leyman and pretend to smile.

" Hello mister Leyman." , greeted Gnan out of courtesy.

" Hello Gnan. " , replied Leyman and continued, " Where is Sitaram? "

" Father is busy. " , replied Gnan, " He won't be available for some time. "

" So are you the incharge here? " , asked Leyman with a smile.

" It's temporary though." , replied Gnan , " What brings you here Lord Leyman?"

Leyman smiled and said, " I think you already knows the answer for that."

" Yes. I have a guess." , replied Gnan, " But guess won't give you the true image of your guests intentions mr.Leyman."

" Hahahaha. " , replied Leyman, " That's right. Fine. I won't drag it anymore. The reason for my visit is the girl known as Ringo Nora ."

Gnan understood. His guess was right. He indeed came for Ringo. Ringo is a Heavens child. It was obvious that she will attract the attention of many people. Sitaram told him to send away whoever comes for her. Sitaram always treated Ringo and other girls as his own grandchildren. Obviously he will be pis*ed off when someone tries to take her away from him.

So Sitaram told Gnan to send away whoever comes for Ringo. He even told Gnan to protect Ringo even if he has to kill the opponents!

Then Gnan said with a smile on his face, " I'm sorry Leyman. But I have to disappoint you. We cannot send Ringo with you."

Leyman's face instantly darkened. But immediately a smile appeared on his face again and said, " Gnan, you know as an heavens child what kind of future Ringo Nora will have. Don't waste her potential by keeping her here. I'm here to personally take her as my desciple. She will have a bright future if she gets a good teacher. "

" We indeed provided her with an excellent teacher. So you can rest assured Leyman. " , replied Gnan.

" You mean in a town like this?" , said Leyman arrogantly, " It's the place which is not worthy enough for the heavens child. "

" Maybe you are forgetting that this is the town which produced a District champion, Leyman. " , Said Gnan with a smile on his face.

" What if I decline? " , asked Gnan.

" Then prepare to die." , replied Leyman with arrogant smile.

" Are you trying to use force on us Leyman? " , asked Gnan with a calm face.

" No. As your town which is under my authority, I have the power to take whatever things I want for the future development." ,said Leyman.

" But Ringo is not a thing Leyman. So please leave without any violence. " , replied Gnan calmly.

" Leave?" Said Leyman with a sinister face, "I am not going anywhere without Ringo Nora. "

He then lifted his hand and chanted a spell. Immediately a wind tornado appeared . The tornado was so big that the entire Weissan town can see it.

Everyone who saw this was stunned. Sitaram who was in the training hall sensed it but didn't care. He knew just how strong Gnan is. So he chanted a spell and virtual space opened. The entire training hall which has Arjun and Sitaram sealed inside that space. The connection with the outside world was totally disconnected.

Gnan sensed the space magic and understood what his father wanted to say. His father has given him the license to fight against Leyman. A smile appeared on Gnan's face.

Leyman saw the smile and felt like something was wrong. He then increased the power in his spell nervously and increased the size of the tornado.

Leyman then said, " I have a good relationship with Sitaram. Why would you go and spoil it. It's not too late. Accept your defeat and hand Ringo Nora over to me."

" I'm also giving you a chance Leyman. " , replied Gnan calmly, " Please stop everything and leave this place peacefully. "

Leyman felt that his face has been slapped tightly. He thought, Where exactly his confidence is coming from? After seeing my power even district governor will have to be prepared atleast. But Gnan is sitting right there and enjoying his coffee. It's like he is not putting me in his eyes at all. Thinking all this city lord Leyman became furious.

He then said angrily , " So be it! You forced me to do this."

He activated his spell. The entire mansion was engulfed in the tornado. The beautiful Mansion later was nowhere to be seen. Everyone who saw this felt like their hearts skipped a beat. After sometime the tornado stopped. But the mansion was no where to be found. Everyone who witnessed this scene was shocked. They loved Sitaram very much. But after seeing the town head's mansion was destroyed by the giant tornado they were concerned about Sitaram and others safety.

But there are two people who were delighted. Herman and his father Donald. In the past Donald was the one who has been chosen as the Town's head. But at the last moment the district governor announced that a new person is going to be the Town's head. That's how Sitaram became the Weissan town head. Donald's hatred for Sitaram skyrocketed. He then patiently waited for the doom of Sitaram. He waited patiently. Today after seeing all this he obviously felt happy. Herman was happy to see Arjun's death too. He hated Arjun because the treatment which was his to begin with was stolen by Arjun. He knew that his father was supposed to become the Town's Lord. But suddenly the decision was changed and Sitaram came out of nowhere and was announced as town's head. Seeing Sitaram's Mansion getting destroyed Herman was happy.

Keira, Mika , Uma and Ringo were stunned and tears started to come out of their eyes. They immediately ran towards their home. They were the most concerned people among everyone else about Sitaram and others.

But right at this moment something unexpected happened. The destroyed mansion came back again as if nothing has happened! Everyone who died in the attack came back to life! Everyone who saw this including Leyman were stunned. All the spectators including the principal of the Weissan Academy, Ringo and others who witnessed this scene were shocked. Donald and Herman were sweating.

Right at this moment a person flew out of the main entrance of the mansion and fell on the land with a loud sound. He got up by coughing up blood. It was Layman!

" YOU!!!" , Shouted Leyman agrily. But deep down in his heart he was shivering in fear. He was also shocked earlier when he saw that destroyed mansion was reverted back to normal. He was dumbfounded by this. Earlier When he looked at Gnan who was 10 meters away from him who was drinking coffee, disappeared suddenly and instantly appeared in front of him. Gnan then poked Leyman on his stomach gently. At that instant Leyman flew out of the main entrance of the mansion and coughed blood.

Someone in the crowd recognised Leyman and shouted, " Isn't that Hess city's city lord Leyman?"

Everyone were stunned. The city lord was being beaten up badly by someone from the mansion! Who exactly is bold and strong enough to beat someone like Leyman in the town? Then a person came to their mind. Sitaram! Sitaram is someone who trained Aeron to become the district champion. There would be no one beside Sitaram who could do this.

Then among the silence a series of footsteps could be heard by everyone which was coming from the entrance of the mansion. Everyone thought it might be Sitaram, but stunned to see Gnan instead.

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