Aeron has won the district championship. The entire weissan town was submerged in happiness. The people of weissan town were drinking and eating while talking about the victory of their hero Aeron.

"Lord Aeron was awesome. His fire manipulation magic is awesome. ", someone said.

"Yes. He certainly has the bright future." Second person said.

Then the first person said ,"This will change the fate of our weissan town."

"Maybe our weissan town will promote to the status of city" , second person said.

The first person said by shooking his head ," You don't understand. It's not that easy for a town to be promoted to the status of city. It's just one person who won the competition. To be promoted to the status of city because of winning a competition, that's not easy."

The second person said hurriedly, " But it is the first time in the history of our district where a town has won a championship right. It's a big achievement where history has been created. How come the promotion won't occur? "

"It's because their is a certain procedure that needs to be followed for a town to be promoted to the status of city. In order for a town to be promoted to the status of city the town need to have enough contribution points. I think our town doesn't have enough contribution points. ", said the first person.

Then the second person said thinking, " yes, I know that. The town has to take the quest from district council. Then after completion of the quest, according to the difficulty of the quest the contribution points will be given to the town or city that completed the quest. "

Then the first person said, "You are right. But the difficult mission are always taken by the city which allows them to have more contribution points. That's not only where it ends. Depending on the difficulty of the quest along with contribution points the priceless treasure will also be given to the person who completed the quest. This treasure will be enhance the growth of the person. "

The second person said as if enlightened, " That's how it is. Now I understand it. Since the city always complete the difficult mission, they are always given the high quality treasure as the reward . But the quest that we complete are always of low in quality. So our resources are always small. "

"Yes." The first person continued, " Whatever. It's not up to us to discuss all this. Look, the district governor is on the stage. Let's watch the ceremony. "

The district governor was walking down the path while producing the majestic aura. He first walked straight to the Weissan town head Sitaram and congratulated him. After having a short chat with Sitaram he went straight to the champion Aeron and congratulated him. The district governor handed the trophy to Aeron. As soon as he received the trophy the crowd has given the loud applaud to their champion.

The crowd went into uproar. Someone shouted from the crowd , "Lord Governor , you have good sense of understanding. "

The governor gave a satisfying look at the person who said and continued, "A talented person like him needs to be in the district.So I've decided that I'm gonna take Aeron as my personal disciple. So Aeron are you interested?

Aeron went into the shock immediately and said immediately by kneeling on his toes , "Disciple Aeron greets you master."

The crowd went into uproar once again. They all shouted in unison , " Long live Lord Governor!!!"

The district governor said in the satisfying tone , "Good. Iwill be staying in the town for two days . Make your preparation, we will be leaving in two days of time."

Aeron who was on his toe kneeling said by suppressing his exitement , "Yes Master."

Then the district governor said some encouraging words to the remaining participants and handed their rewards. The District Governor left after the ceremony came to an end.

The local crowd were enjoying the event. The foreign crowd were feeling envy of the local crowd. The other town heads and city lords were congratulated the champion Aeron and the Weissan town head Sitaram for their happiest moment.

Arjun who was watching all this was pumping with exitement with the treatment Aeron was receiving and was happy about it. That moment his eager to become strong became even more strong. When he was in his dream he heard a sound from behind.

"It looks like you are still in your dreamworld where you are the strongest in the world. "that person said mockingly.

Arjun face expression instantly changed and said , "Herman , what do you want ?"

Herman said by laughing mockingly, "Nothing. I was wondering what exactly the person who didn't awakened his Magic Core was thinking right now , So that I can help him with awakening his Magic Core. Afterall awakening the Magic Core is not an easy thing. "

Arjun face darkened and said angrily , " Their is no need for you to help me. My grandfather said that tomorrow he will help me in awakening my Magic Core. So you mind your own business. "

Herman said while laughing , "It's good to have someone who is in the position of the town head as the grandfather right. But no matter at what position your grandfather is he is not a god who can help you in awakening your Magic Core. Forget about your grandfather, It's not possible for the likes of the district governor to awaken someone's Magic Core. "

Arjun said in reply , "we don't know until we try right."

Herman said , " We will see then." And he walked away from there.

Herman was the son of a rich family. His father has the business in many vilages and town. Herman have the average talent in magic field. Hence he was always looked down upon by others. But Arjun always received the respect of others because he was the grandson of the town head. What's more he didn't even has the Magic Core. Herman who has the Magic Core was always looked down upon by others for his poor talent. Herman didn't accept this difference in treatment. Hence when he came to know that Arjun didn't awakened his Magic Core he started to look down on him.

But Arjun didn't care about the conversation between him and Herman. He went straight to Aeron.

Aeron was the son of the clerk who works for Sitaram. Sitaram once saw that Aeron has good future in the magic field. But Aaron's father doesn't have enough money to send him to the academy. Hence Aeron was taken as the personal desciple of Sitaram. Aeron was very happy and was very close to Arjun who is Sitaram's grandson.

Arjun went straight to the Aeron and congratulated him excitedly , " Congratulations big brother Aeron. You've done very well."

Aeron smiled and said , "Oh! , did you enjoyed it?"

Arjun said , " yes. I want to achieve the same feet too. "

Aeron smiled and said , " but you are yet to awaken your Magic Core. Quickly awaken it. Your grandfather is very good teacher. You will learn from him something very good. Because he is very knowledgeable person and you could learn so many things from him."

Arjun said ," Yeah. Grandfather said that he will awaken my Magic Core for me. So I'm at a little bit at ease."

"That's perfect" , said Aeron who continued, " I had the same problem as you have now. At first I didn't had the Magic Core. But your grandfather is really an awesome person. He helped me in awakening in my Magic Core. But by the time it was awakened it was too late. That's why I'm doing what i reached 12 - stars now at the age of 28. If i had awakened like others at the age of 6 then i would have reached 12 - stars at the age of 20 or something.

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