This is the method used in building the Formation in the current generation. As for the Formation method used by the Silverwing Clan is the outdated one.

The Formation method used by the Silverwing Clan was something like this. Alpha 1 consist of Energy Source. Alpha 2 consist of Elemental Flag. And the Alpha 3 consist of the Core of the Formation.

As for the Formation system of the newest version is something like this. Alpha 1 consist of Core of the Formation. Alpha 2 consist of Energy Source. And the Alpha 3 consist of the Elemental Flag.

As the time passed, people let go the above system and discovered this new system. The major difference between the two system is that the System 1 consumes too much energy compared to the System 2.

Logan and Gnan were looking and searching for the Core in the Alpha 1 line. Because they subconsciously thought that the Alpha 3 will have the Elemental Flag.

The placement of all the Alphas are very distinct and varies for every Formation. And generally, everyone will try to protect the Core of the Formation in any battle.

But in this Formation where they were trapped, their opponents had hid the Energy Source psychologically forcing their targets to think that the Alpha 3 is the Core and Alpha 2 is Elemental Flag.

Their enemy had successfully fooled them all. But not for long. Logan accidentally found out the truth.

"They made our work very easy now." ,Logan smiled and said, "Those fools thought that just because we were trapped within the darkness, we won't be able to see anything. But they didn't know that we have already found out their little secret."

"That's right." ,Gnan smiled and replied, "Placing Core at Alpha 3 consumes lot of energy. And it will make the material used to create the Core more non resistance towards the energy provided from the energy source. We have been trapped in this Formation for about three hours. And according to our knowledge from the City of Yin-Yan, three hours is more than enough to turn that core into non resistance towards the Formation."

"Keep the lights on." ,Gnan said, "I will destroy the Core of the Formation."

"Got it." ,Logan replied.

Logan shouted, "All the Light Element users, please keep up the work. Don't fall back. Do your best to defeat the darkness as much as possible. In the meanwhile, others will try to do something and destroy this formation."

"We got it." , The clansman of the Keth Clan replied in unison. They all followed Logan.

"As per the non-light element users, please come with me." ,Gnan ordered.

"We got it." ,The non Light Element users clansman of the Keth Clan replied in unison. They all followed Gnan.

Gnan continued, " 27 of our team members are light element users. So they are going to take the responsibility for providing the light for us. And I know that they will not be able to hold up for much period of time. So we need to be very quick and efficient with our moves. Since 27 members are not going to participate along with us, that will leave us with 73 people. As I said earlier that we all are going to divide into three units, each unit will contain of 24 peoples."

Gnan continued, "But remember one thing. I am not going to participate in this mission. I will take the role of a commander. And I will try to protect you people from the attack of those darkness. So just follow my orders. Don't do anything other than what I have told you. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Captain! We got it." ,The Clansmen of the Keth Clan said in unison. And then on Gnan's arrangements, their team divided into three units with each unit contains 24 people. Then on Gnan's orders all the units went towards the three Alpha lines. The Unit responsible for destroying the Alpha 1 was named as Unit 1. The Unit responsible for destroying the Alpha 2 was named as Unit 2. The Unit responsible for destroying the Alpha 3 was named as Unit 3.

After confirming that the attacking units were in their positions, Logan ordered, "All the Light Element users, use your Light attacks and defeat the Darkness!"

As soon as they received their orders, all the light element users use their strongest attack. The entire formation was suddenly became the void of darkness and it was replaced with the Light.

After seeing the Light Element users initiated their work and set the lights on, Gnan ordered, "Unit 2! Attack the Line2!"

Your line 1, line 2 and line 3 were the another name of alpha one, alpha two and all for three respectively. So as soon as Gnan passed his orders to attack the Line 2, the second unit immediately started to attack the Alpha 2 with their attacks.

Whatever happened next was all according to how Gnan thought it would be. Since the Core which was placed in the Alpha 2 position was attacked, all it's Energy was drained. And as per the predefined rule of the Formation, the Core of the Formation started to ask for the Energy to stabilise it's condition.

So the Alpha 1 started to provide the energy to the Core. Here Alpha 1 has the Energy Source. But even before all this could happen, Gnan ordered quickly, "Unit 1! Attack the Runes which is connected to the Line 2!"

As soon as they received their orders, the Unit 2 didn't hesitate to attack the Runes which was connecting the Alpha 1 and Alpha 2. That is, Source Energy to the Core.

As soon as the attack met, the connection between Alpha 1 and Alpha 2 got weakened and the Energy Source was forced to not send any energy to the Core.

In the meanwhile, Core tried to use it's remaining energy and ordered the Elemental Flag to spread darkness within it's vicinity.

But Unit 3 were cleaver. Even before they could receive their orders from Gnan, they proactively attacked the Elemental Flag and were actually succeeded in destroying it.

Without the Elemental Flag, the entire Formation was now a complete mess. And it became easy for them to attack and very soon they destroyed the entire Formation.

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