The King of The Worlds

Vol 4 Chapter 77: That guy

But at this time, a black-red light bloomed.

"The path to the virtual circle has been constructed, everyone, retreat immediately!"

Urciola's indifferent voice sounded, awakening everyone who was shocked by Qin Yi's sword.

"Quick! Quick! Quick! Everyone, quickly go to the virtual world!"

Urahara Xishou awakened like a dream and shouted loudly.

At this moment, everyone just reacted, and a group of figures immediately rushed into the channel that was constructed.

"Want to run?"

The acceptance Wang Mulu was so arrogant that a burst of anger immediately exploded from his heart.

He realized that the sudden arrival of this group was to rescue these people from the corpse soul world. And he was just piggybacking. What makes him even more famous is that he has fallen into a disadvantage in this battle today.

Damn it, it's horrible! !!


Yang Tian made a roar, and the breath of the acceptance king broke out again, and his body was about to evolve again and leap toward a stronger class.

"Kill everything to the enemy!"

"Don't let go of one!"

Suddenly, at the entrance of the corpse soul, there was a loud sound, and a horde of deaths came in, and the majestic breath rose at this moment, causing the corpses to change their colors.

"That is?!"

"Dead Army of Laos!"

"His, the number is so horrible, more than before!"

"Oh my god, how can this resist!"

People glanced away and saw the large figure, like a black ocean, flooding like a flood, and the rumbling sound made everyone's ears deaf.

Many, the number of deaths that poured into the corpse soul at this moment, too many!

Ten thousand, one hundred thousand? No, it has reached millions and millions!

The head of the person has purple hair, pupils are also purple, his face is indifferent, and his body is exhaled with indifference.

"My lord, Ziyu comes to report!"

"Come here, it seems, it's not too late!"

The purple sword in his hand slowly lifted, pointing to the sky.


In a short time, the black Wang Yang roared wildly, and swept away.

In the ocean of death, a black hair, blue dye with glasses, looking not far ahead, one stood in the sky, one stood on the two kings of the earth, his eyes blinked under the glasses.

"What a terrible alien!"

"It's too strong!"

Despite the words of admiration in his mouth, the corners of his mouth slowly curved.

"But this is fun!"

Under the slaughter known as Asterium, Bengyu inhaled too much soul energy, and it has swelled to a peak that even Lan Ran could not imagine.

He predicted that such a force would be enough to destroy the entire world!

In the field, Urahara Kisuke and others changed their faces.

"Quick, retreat !!"

The terrible legion poured in, almost like a locust crossing. Not talking about its individual strength, just the quantity, has made people scalp, can not afford all the courage to fight against it.

Every figure was thrown into the channel at a faster speed and disappeared.

With the support of this huge country, the Death Soul of the Corpse Soul can't even revive a trace of warfare.

This is not a series contest at all!

In the sky, Qin Yi's gaze was condensed, and he looked down and said coldly to Cheng Wang.

"It seems that today is not the time for us to die!"

His body flickered, and he struck through the void in an instant, preparing to evacuate.

"Then on the battlefield, another victory and defeat!"

The accepting king gasped and growled his head.

"Want to escape ?!"

When he bent his knees, he was about to catch up, but at this moment, the mask on his cheek shattered with a clatter, which made him shake.


At this moment in the battle, his strength began to decline.

Li Yuanli's attack, Qin Yi's attack, the two combined, causing injuries to his body, making him extremely fast. At this moment, it has reached its limit.

Eyes stared at Qin Yi fiercely, and Cheng Wang hated his teeth.

This time, he didn't take any advantage.

With the arrival of the mighty army of the kingdom of puppet nations, the death **** of the corpse soul together with the party of Qin country disappeared quickly.

What remained behind were the Ten Faces and the generals of Qin's army.

"Hundred steps flying sword, fairy!"

He was the first person to wear a knight's costume with a sword and a sheath around his waist, but after he murmured these words.


A strong sword groan came out, and for a moment, it seemed like a streamer burst out. This figure suddenly turned into a phantom, bringing up a series of lightning, and rushed into the front of the God of Death before the hundred meters ahead.


Jian Guang Sen Han, waving in the sky, his body suddenly changed into thousands.

"Puff puff!"

When the sword dissipated, the figure had no idea when, and returned to its original position.

His face slowly lifted up, revealing a sensible skull mask.


The mask shattered, revealing a mature and stable middle-aged man.

Gai Nie, this man is Qin Shiming's sword sage Gai Nie.

He turned and walked, stepped into the aisle after a few steps, disappeared, and didn't look behind him again.

"Southwest, annihilate!"

Until then, thousands of deaths in his vanguard enemy camp, like cutting straw, fell down one by one, shaking the kingdom of death.

The left-behind leaders in all directions, at the last moment, caused great damage to the kingdom of death.

Of course, for a Laos country with hundreds of millions of arms, not even a small amount of money can be counted, but it has given them a footstep.

At this time, all of the dead souls in the corpse soul and the people of the Qin Kingdom in the virtual circle disappeared.

"It seems that our enemies are also very powerful!"

Lan Ran came to the acceptance king and said with a sigh.

"Blue dye!"

The accepting king had recovered his original appearance at this time, his face was a little pale, his figure was very futile, and his power was exhausted, which made him uncomfortable.

"Next battle, you have to deal with one of those two guys!"

Lan Ran froze for a while, but unexpectedly, the accepting king would say something like this, it was a little unexpected.

"Accept the captain, in my strength, I'm afraid."

Before he finished speaking, the acceptance king had sneered.

"My King believes in your strength. Under the muddy waters, the gains you get are more valuable than a single shot, aren't they?"

"Blue dye!"

The tone of the last two words aggravated Lan Ran's heart.

Then he chuckled: "Then, since they are also an alliance, it's worth it for me to make a shot."

"The Yuanyuan King, leave it to me!"

Accept Wang Lengheng, turn around and leave.

Zi Yan followed expressionlessly.

"Convene all the strong in the country and enter this world!"

"All deities must come together!"


Speaking of which, Cheng Wang's face showed an extremely dignified and hesitant expression.

His voice even stopped for a while before he condensed.

"Bring the one that King obtained in that unknown hero world ~ ~!"

Hearing such words, the purple lotus was also a moment, revealing its solemn color.

"My king is sure? That guy's strength."

"But it is far more than us. If he unblocks, it will be a disaster!"

Accepting the king's mouth grinned, his eyes did not hesitate at this moment.

"My King never decided to take him a second time!"

In the virtual night palace, Qin Yi also had a serious look.

"Notification spot, Qianshouzhu, White Beard, Warring States and others, quickly descended into this world!"

"From now on, we will be ready to fight at any time!"

The real storm is coming!

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