The King of The Worlds

Vol 4 Chapter 82: Storm Swordmaster

The sword was his life, and nothing could be more important than this man's sword. Oh yes, except for fine wine.

But when the thirty-six lords heard these words and heard that this man wanted his sword, their faces became a bit ugly. Looking closely, the bottom of their eyes was deeply fearful.

It is unimaginable that each of the thirty-six lords is the supremacy of one side of the world. However, when he faced this person, he showed such a look.

"His sword!"

In the end, a Venerable shouted.

His voice, bound by some strange power, went straight northeast.

People looked towards the northeast. In the next second, a squad of hundreds of people set off in the air, and one person held a sword in the center. This sword looks uncomplicated and noble in style, but looks rather simple and simple. It gives people a humble appearance, but no one doubts how terrible the power will be when the sword returns to his master.

After a few minutes of silence, the sword was put into the hands of the Venerable by a squad of hundreds.

"Here is the sword. You can't mess around. Besides, we won't pull this chain!"

His Holiness Shen said.

The man grinned and raised his right hand.

His Holiness waved his hand and threw the sword at the man.


Although the sword was flipped up and down and spun to the man's hand, it was like fate, and the man still held the hilt with great precision.

"Can there be fine wine?"

The man was obviously in a good mood as soon as he held his sword, and asked again with a laugh.

"Give him wine!"

Seeing that man holding the sword in his hand, the lords showed a dreadful expression, and began to rise cautiously, speaking again to the people behind him.

Immediately, someone threw the bottle into that man's hand.

The latter shook his hand, and an invisible force vibrated. Then he opened the stopper and raised his head.


Drinking water spilled into the population, and the sound of swallowing continued for a while, attracting everyone's attention.

Even if everyone is watching in front of so many people who don't look well, there is no discomfort in that person, just like he is the only one in the world.

A bottle of wine quickly hit the bottom. He paused, and when the last drop of wine entered his throat, his breath was soothed and he took a sip of wine.

"I haven't had such a refreshing drink in a long time!"

"I am satisfied. Although the people in your world are weak, there are some things that I like very much."

His Holiness was staring at him closely, watching any movement of the man closely.

"Now, can we go?"

The man heard, raising his eyebrow suddenly laughing, and his sword trembled in his wrist.


Quick, anyone can't see clearly, can't imagine such a fast sword, what is the principle. But almost instantly, the thirty-six lords had not yet responded, and the sturdy, extremely large number of chains were all neatly cut off in an instant.


The thirty-six lords have changed color, and they still underestimate the strength of this guy.

Obviously, the magical hero's power has been sealed, but even such a terrible power can erupt.

At this moment, the thirty-six lords were on alert, sweating from their foreheads, and they were ready to fight.

"Why nervous? It's just these chains that make me feel uncomfortable!"

The man stretched out and stood slowly from the ground.

The blue robe fluttered, but the horsetail was messy but long, floating in the wind. A shallow, shallow fringe from the forehead to the left eye hangs down. With great confidence.

"Looking at you being able to take me into this world, not dead, and giving me a good wine, I can tell you my name."

"Blast Swordmaster, Yasuo!"

"This name, you will remember it for your whole life!"

His discourse is lazy, with laziness, but with a powerful contagious power.


The thirty-six lords all deeply remembered the name at this moment.

"Your King, let me do what I promised, so take me there!"

"However, unlock the imprisonment inside me and unlock my strength, I hope he will not break his word!"

Yasuo faintly opened his mouth, blowing slightly, blowing his robes and the black hair on his head away, showing a mess.

"The king never breaks his word."

"Then, Mr. Yasuo, please come with us!"

The thirty-six Venerable Shen cried.

In the face of the most powerful people they have seen after experiencing countless worlds, they naturally respect the anomalies, and they are also careful to guard against the sudden rise of the other party.

Yasuo nodded. He was surrounded by thirty-six lords in the center, and then passed through the gate together and disappeared into Laos.

"Who is that person?"

"It's unimaginable that there are still 36 people who are afraid of His Holiness!"

The Lao nationals were all surprised.

But there was not much time to surprise them, because the front line was urging to send troops into the target world again.

"The front line seems to be very tight. This time, it has entered the country with power, and it is impossible to imagine how fierce the war there is!"

"I heard that it is only a pre-war alert at present, and the war has not yet begun, and our opponent seems to be a king too!"

"King, that's a world, it's unthinkable!"

The soldiers of the Lao Kingdom had a lot of discussion, and their hearts were tense.

In the realm of death, in the realm of corpses.

Thirty-six lords pass through the gate and come to this realm.

Instantly, there was a God of Death who came forward. His strength was a captain-level powerhouse, but even so, the attitude of the Death God was still very respectful.

"Sir, Your Majesty is waiting for you!"

The currently standing Venerable bowed his head slightly: "Take us."


Reaper answered quickly, then turned and left.

The corpse soul at this moment is no longer what it was. The entire Jingling Court and Huting Court's thirteen squads are spread across the kingdom of death, and even Liushun Street has been forcibly transformed into the territory of the kingdom.

Hundreds of millions, frightening deaths, entered on a large scale, firmly occupying this world.

At this moment, UU reads in the captain's office.

"The corpse soul world is already the domain of the king, and this world has also been occupied by my forces."

"In this way, my country is in control of two realms in this world, and the opposite side, Qin country, has only occupied the virtual circle!"

"They are all at a disadvantage on the site!"

Accepting Wang Lengsheng said.

In front of him, sitting are some of the corpse souls who surrendered to him and most of the leaders of the death kingdom legion, such as purple lotus and blue dye.

"His Majesty, all Your Holiness are here!"

At this moment, there was a **** of death outside the door.

The acceptance king immediately fixed his eyes, looked out the door, and then smiled.

"Let them come in!"

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