The King of The Worlds

Vol 4 Chapter 85: kill


The people present at the scene were commanded, especially the House of Representatives, and they immediately operated. The military divisions of the three kingdoms, Naruto, Pirates and other world talents observed the situation, made decisions one by one, and issued orders quickly.

In the House of Representatives, personnel moved quickly and ran towards the various legions.

"Giant Corps, the House of Lords war order issued, quickly go to this world, occupy the northwest, and destroy the Red Army!"

"Sin Legion, Sakura Manji as the leader, quickly went to this world, occupied the Eastern Legion, and emptied all the puppet forces of this world!"

"The Dragon Emperor Army, General Yang obeyed, and went to the present world to attack the Southern Red Army!"

"The red pupil army heard orders and went to the present world to attack the western army."

"The Qin Shi Army, the Three Kingdoms Army obeyed orders, went to the present world, occupied the northeast, and support the army at any time!"

The orders were issued quickly, and the legion heard the orders and stood up immediately.

"Holy Order!"

Chi Zhen's deafening response sounded, shaking the whole virtual circle. In the next second, a large number of troops moved forward, entered the channel already prepared by the broken surface, and stepped into the present world.

Under the large-scale battle, the army launched by the Qin Kingdom at this moment is nearly ten million, dense and dense, and extremely terrible.

These nearly ten million troops are all elites who have been brought into the underworld in batches and have been blurred. Each one, even if it was not very strong, has powerful strength after being blurred.

In the desert of the virtual circle, at this moment a large number of people are heading towards the virtual night palace.

These people glanced at the Qin Guojun Army, which was almost all over the virtual circle, with shock and fear.

"Is this the power under the king of the other world?"

"It's really terrible. In this way, he really has the strength to compete with that accepting king!"

His friend Habach's eyes blinked, Shen said.

"There are too many strong people. We came along and saw nearly 30 million people. They are all rare and elite!"

"In this case, even if we are strong, but under the attack of such a sea of ​​tactics, it is not enough to see!"

Behind him, the members of the Knights of the Star Cross said solemnly.

更 "What's more, among these guys, those who stand in the forefront, who are obviously leaders, are not low in strength!"

"It's impossible to imagine, how can there be so many powerful people in their world!"

"It's appalling and creepy!"

A few people talked to each other, their hearts were very shocked.

They naturally cannot understand. In the world of kings, civilization is universal, that is, the cultivation of the whole people, and become stronger. In this big era, unless you are too lazy to cultivate or are not interested, you will have a half-trick and change Being strong is almost taken for granted.

Like the earth in previous lives, nine-year compulsory education is general, everyone is literate and masters knowledge. With the written foundation, it promotes the enlightenment of the whole people's spiritual intelligence, promotes the development of IQ, and can also promote economic development.

For example, when Qin Yi left, this was the most popular web article. If civilians are illiterate, who will pay attention to these?

He walked through the virtual circle all the way and headed towards the virtual night palace. People like Youhabach and the invisible empire were silent all the way.

This time they have really learned a lot. When they saw a large number of deaths of 臬 Country pouring into the corpse soul world, followed by 36 lords, Yuhabach knew that they could not stay any longer.

The power of Laos is obviously different from the **** of death. There are too many of them, and there are endless stream of elites. In just one or two hours, dozens of people have issued signs of the Ice Palace. If it were long, they would be captive.

It's troublesome!

So, Youhabach chose to go to the virtual circle and meet with Qin Yi and others.

But what I didn't expect was to see such a scene that shocked them.

In the end, when reaching the Naruto world and the Pirate World Legion, its horrific combat power made the invisible empire's eyes dignified and fearful.

This is a trembling, desperate force.

"80 million! Totally nearly 80 million troops!"

Whispered in the heart of his uncle Habach.

"Yuhabach, Your Majesty has been waiting for you for a long time in the Xuye Palace, please come in!"

He stood at the door with a broken face, Ke Yatai, and reached out with a smile.


His friend Habahe nodded and stepped into the virtual night palace.

When she entered, her eyes narrowed again.

Here, there are silhouettes standing at this moment, and each one has the strength that makes him dignified. It's equivalent to Captain Grim Reaper World. No, the vaguely unknown atmosphere seems to be beyond this limit.


Qin Yi smiled and shouted when he saw Youhabach.

Immediately, the people in the Xuye Palace looked back, then gave way to let him pass.

"Pluto, I've led all my men here. Next, how should we fight this war?"

My friend Habahe walked quickly to Qin Yi and asked Shen Sheng.

"Take down this world first, and then take action on the dead soul world."

Qi Qinyi also did not conceal, and spoke directly.

"Of course, 朕 has sent troops to this world. If the time is about the same, the war should have begun now!"

His friend Habach said, "So fast?"

"The soldiers are expensive and fast, but I don't want to set down the soldiers and horses with the accepting king, but look across the bank, wasting time!"

Qin Yi said lightly.

He followed closely, his eyes condensed, and the cold light flashed.

"He wants to annex my world, but what I don't know is, I think so too!"

Youhabach was shocked. What he didn't expect was that these two kings from a different world had completely regarded their world as a two-fighting arena and ignored the rest of the world ~ ~ As for everyone in the invisible empire, along the way, our goal is to accept the king, which is the corpse soul world! "

Qin Yi's voice came and made Youhabach nod.

He suddenly felt a little excited at this moment, and his blood seemed to be boiling. The feeling was unique, but he understood it.

Such a large-scale war is even more shocking than his actions a thousand years ago.

The war that subverts the world! Spread across three worlds, just thinking about it is enough to make people tremble.

At the same time, in this world.


He Akashi was sitting on the ground with his eyes closed, experiencing the new power of death.

But at this moment, a burst of loud noises came from his ears.

"Alert !!!"

"Enemies are found in the sky, everyone is on alert, ready to fight!"

"Fast! Be on alert, notify the entire army!"

The sounds of one after another started to sound, and Akashi frowned, and opened his eyes.

"what happened?"

He asked subconsciously, looking at the sky.

However, immediately following, Akashi's complexion changed rapidly.

"this is!?"

Above the sky, black and red ripples appeared. After a couple of breaths, a large group of people in strange robes rushed out holding spears or swords.

一 As soon as they appeared, they looked pale, yelling in unison, murderous, and dived down.


Suddenly, Akashi reacted.

"It's Qin's army !!!"

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