The King of The Worlds

Vol 5 Chapter 9: God wants to see you

At the same time, several people were sitting in a compartment of the Hero Club building, watching the picture of the examination room.

"Grimcho, how do you decide the answer to this question?"

Ke Yatai asked with a smile.

怎么 "How do you decide?"

Glim Qiao raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Catch, two paper balls, which one is caught!"

Ke Yatai laughed: "Isn't it all luck?"

"Luck is also a kind of strength, isn't it?"

"You and I can reach now, not all because of the luck of the master?"

Grimcho smiled coldly.

After he said something, he pulled his hand, and immediately two of the paper **** that had been thrown on the ground were sucked up.

After the uncle opened, Grimcho glanced and threw it on the table.

告诉 "Tell the back office the answer."

At this time, 埼 玉 is still biting his pen nib, frowning and thinking about how to choose.

此时 At this moment, he felt that this question was not a serious question at all. It was completely subjective and seemed to be a person's prank.

When I reached the end, I raised my nib and wrote down the answer.

"I can!"

This time, an alarm bell sounded in the test room, and the candidates were shocked. About two thirds of them were standing up at this moment.

The error rate is so high!

Saitama was also a little embarrassed. He noticed that the alarm bell on his desk had not yet sounded, and he was relieved.

哪里 Where is the test of self-confidence? It is simply a test of luck.

为什么 "Why? Master Invigilator, is this question testing confidence again? Being a hero is not something that requires careful consideration, consideration, caution, and always humility?"

Someone shouted, very unconvinced.

What's so special, the first and second tests are self-confident, and the fourth one is still confident, and the ghost believes it!

Alas, everyone is staring at the proctor at this moment, waiting for his answer.

I saw the invigilator smile coldly, and then spoke lightly.

"I'm sorry, this question is completely based on luck. There are only two answers. Can you choose it? It depends on your luck."

"I might as well tell you that even the first and second questions are not self-confidence exams, that is completely nonsense!"

"It's all luck!"

This paragraph made the entire examination room stunned, and I didn't know how many voices yelled out.

奇葩, it's too much! How can there be such an exam!

笔 This written test is too bad!

"Continue to the exam! Those who answered incorrectly leave, go to the test floor!"

Invigilator coldly.

Because only those who answered the first question incorrectly will be kicked out of the examination room. Those who got the second, third, fourth and later questions are all qualified for the physical examination. These people have not disqualified. According to the examiner's intention, even the first question was not answered correctly, that luck is too bad, even if it is on the battlefield, it is a bad luck and can not live long.

In the cubicle, Grimcho put his legs on the table, and found a comfortable position to lie down.

监 This invigilation is simply a waste of time for him. It is not an important thing.

Suddenly, the phone on the desktop rang.

力 Grimcho opened his eyes, looked at the table, then his eyes suddenly changed, and he sat up straight.

"It's the master!"

There are several telephones on the desktop. This ringing is from the highest level, that is, the special line of Qin Yi.

"the host."

Ke Yatai answered the call and said gently.

"Xiao Ke, go to the examination room, pick up Saitama, and let him come to me directly on the top floor."

"I have called up the screen of the examination room where he is located. Please take a look."

Qin Yi's voice rang on the phone, and Grimqiao opened his ears and listened.

"Yes, let's do it now!"

Ke Yatai looked at the indoor screen, a screen zoomed in quickly, and then a prominent bald man appeared in his eyes.

The phone hung up, and Grimcho looked sharply at the dull man in the screen.

"Is he? The strongest person in the world!"

"After waiting so long, he finally appeared!"

There was war in Grimjo's eyes.

Ke Yatai was helpless on the face: "Grimjo, don't mess around, this is the person the master wants, if I fight, I can't help you!"

"In the past, you could grab others' tasks and goals, and I can still make peace, but this time, you really don't want to make a fool!"

At the end, Ke Yatai's gaze also contained a warning.

"Moreover, according to the information, the fighting power of this bald man is extremely powerful, and it can even be compared with that of the domestic Yasuo sword hero!"

When I heard the name, Grimcho contracted his pupils.

He will never forget that he was frightened and frightened by a sword and before he could react.

"Is this guy really as strong as that guy?"

力 Grimcho gritted his teeth.

He Yasuoqiang, he released a strong breath outward, but this boy looks really ordinary, there is no special place!

The two of them did not delay any more time, and left for the examination room where Saitama was.

After three minutes, Saitama suddenly heard a noise and noise in the corridor outside.

"Oh my God, is he really? I won't admit it!"

"One of the Ten Devil in the World, Leopard Demon, Grimcho!"

"I didn't expect that he would appear here, and being able to see him, even if he failed this time, it was totally worth it!"

"And the person next to him seems to be a gentle lion, Ke Yatai, Ke God, my God, my Ke Ke, my breath is choking!"

声音 The voice came clearly and caused a shock, and even the invigilator distributed at three points in the examination room was not calm, and his eyes couldn't help glancing outward.

real or fake? Here is the second devil?

They are a little skeptical, but their duties as proctors prevent them from moving around at will and sticking to their posts.

After ten more seconds, two figures appeared at the entrance of the examination room.

The extremely ugly invigilator saw the two, and immediately his face changed, and his expression was in awe.

"Master Grimcho, Master Ke Yatai!"

He walked quickly and bent down deeply.

Ke Yatai greeted him with a smile, a polite gesture, but Grimcho glanced at the examination room, and then called directly ~ ~ 埼 玉Who is Saitama, come out! "

I was curious about the identity of Saitama, and then raised my hand.

"My name is Saitama!"

Glim Qiao stared at 埼 玉 's bald head and hooked his hands: "Yes, it's you, 埼 玉, you don't have to take the exam anymore, you passed."

"follow me."

"Master wants to see you!"

Three words say this, the whole test room people have stayed.

Ugly shook his mouth even more than the proctor, and he dared not say anything.

"the host?"

Saitama said dullly.

The people in the examination room were even more embarrassed by these two words.

十 魔, do you have a master?

"You also call him the only **** in this world."

"Don't delay time, hurry up!"

Saitama also knew that this was not a joke. He stood up and followed Grimcho and disappeared quickly.

他们 When they left, the fryer was in the examination room.


The legendary man appeared!

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