The King of The Worlds

Vol 5 Chapter 11: 朕 need help

Qin Yi reached out and held the staff of kingship in his hands, his tentacles were cold.

He looked closely and saw that the top of the scepter of the kingship was the shape of the sun and the moon. The scepter glowed with silver light, exuding a strong and overbearing breath.

"It can increase all my capabilities!"

Qin Yi's eyes were bright, and he instantly realized the function of this scepter.

It is not only a symbolic weapon, it also has a good auxiliary role.

With this scepter of kingship, from now on, he can be faster and more convenient in the world of kingship, and he can also release more powerful power.

This is also a heavy kingdom device, just different from the repressive effect of the tower of the kingdom of God. The role of this scepter is to increase.

"The role of the scepter is to enhance it!"

"This enhancement is enhancing everything!"

Eyes flashed, Qin Yi's mouth smiled.

He stood on the ground with a scepter and his expression became majestic.

After three or four breaths, he slammed his scepter toward the ground.


The dull voice came out suddenly, a circle of invisible ripples, a breeze appeared, and the radiation radiated to all parts of the country in the blink of an eye. The wind was extremely fast. In an instant, it had swept across the world, passed over the Little Fairy Realm, and reached the Underworld, covering the Three Realms. When Qin Guo's territories belonged to him, when he arrived in full.


The territory of the country is buzzing at this moment.

Countless stars of light, lifted off from all over the country at this time, when reaching high altitudes, turned into rounds of bright moons, releasing silver rays, pouring down, protecting everything in the country.

In a blink of an eye, after a few more breaths, the moon disappeared and disappeared.

But everyone in Qin Guo felt his body and everything around him changed inexplicably.

Qin Yi stood in place, smiling at the corner of his mouth, he slowly raised his scepter, and once again pointed towards the moon in the sky.

"I call you a guardian moon in the name of a king, representing my authority!"

At the top of the scepter, there was a bright light shining between them, followed by a silver light, straight out, and headed straight for the moon in the sky. At an extremely fast speed, it hit the moon, and in an instant, countless ripples flickered out, and the full moon became brighter and brighter.

The scepter of the king can increase all the power of the king, but Qin Yi can give everything.

At this moment, he gave his authority to the moon as a dead body. This means that this moon is equivalent to his incarnation of authority, and he will be able to protect the country in the future.

As Qin Yi stepped into the realm of Yuehua, his strength became more powerful, mysterious, and vaguely equipped with the omnipotent means of a king.

After doing all this, the people of Qin Kingdom looked up and looked at the moon. They were shocked to find that on the moon that was originally empty, a majestic sculpture with a height of thousands of feet was standing at this moment. This sculpture is Qin Yi. I saw its moonlight, holding a long staff, eyes opened to look down at the ground below. It is extremely solemn and solemn, and it can make people feel endless and overbearing.

After that, under Qin Yu's wide eyes, Qin Yi floated slowly and flew towards the air.

In the blink of an eye, his speed has broken through the sound barrier, and then a flash of effort has been turned into a point of light disappearing. After a short moment, he broke through the atmosphere and the body rushed directly into the universe.

Looking down, the endless sea of ​​clouds, the vast land of Qin Kingdom, in his eyes, have become points.

Among the huge stars, the sea, rivers, mountains and rivers, let Qin Yi clearly see.

He slowly looked up and saw the stars, the starry sky with deep nebulae.

At this moment, Qin Yi has entered the cosmic starry sky with his physical body.

In the vacuum universe, the pressure is huge, and countless rays are projected on his body without any cover, but Qin Yi has no feeling at this time.

Around his body, Yuehua's light shone, and he was immune to all attacks that have fatal damage to humans in the universe.

Even the stellar amount of ultraviolet radiation from the star had no effect on him.

Based on the flesh alone, Qin Yi is able to travel the universe and survive in a vacuum.

There is no doubt that he has become stronger and truly qualified to survive in this starry sky.

Vacuum pressure can't squeeze him, stellar radiation can't kill him, and the body can breathe temporarily without the help of oxygen. After entering the realm of Yuehua, his essence of life seemed to have changed and became another powerful creature.

Feeling the vastness of the universe, from time to time, there are shocking sounds from the ears when the huge stars are moving.

Qin Yi was shocked for the first time to truly feel the reality of this universe.

As he elevates himself, he seems to have a clearer understanding of the world.

At the same time, the endless distant starry sky is in a huge continent.

"My son!"

The middle-aged man resting on the soft collapse suddenly opened his eyes.

"His Majesty!"

The waiter saw the middle-aged man opened his eyes and immediately stepped forward, shouting with concern.

"Yituo! My son, step into Yuehua!"

The middle-aged man's voice was weak, one word at a time, and in his tired eyes, the surprise and joy could not be covered anyway.

"Yuehua ?!"

Elto was surprised.

"So fast!"

"He's fine. He used to make arrangements for an inexperienceable experience."

"In a sense, he can be said to be a prophet of this world!"

The middle-aged man's voice is very light, and the sound of speaking can only be heard clearly after listening carefully.

"What does Your Majesty do for Extension?"

Elto asked diligently.

Since the last shot, the king in front of him has made another three shots, forcing several kings who came to attack, but his injuries have worsened even faster. At this moment, the state is like a candlelight wandering in the vast sea. It can capsize and extinguish at any time.

The situation is very dangerous for the whole country!

"I can't do it, I can't find him, I'm too weak!"

"To save power, also to prevent those guys from peeping at Yier."

"Go and find him, tell him."

"Hey need help!"

Saying these words hastily, the middle-aged man closed his eyes and fell asleep again.

Yi Tuo's face changed greatly. He quickly stepped forward to test the middle-aged man's breath. When he realized that the other party was breathing, he exhaled heavily.

"Sir, rest!"

At this time, he said something to the nervous ministers below to reassure them.

Then his eyes sharpened again.

"Next, I'm going out, inside the court hall, and those impetuous princes, you all pay close attention to me!"

"If the wind blows, immediately kill it!"

The ministers stunned and immediately clenched their fists: "Yes! Respect for the King of Yi!"

After Yi Tu glanced down, he took a step forward, immediately spreading streamers under his feet, his figure disappeared instantly.

Although he did not know why His Majesty ordered him to look for the young king who had only Yuehua, he could only obey and pass the words to him.

In the Qin Kingdom, before the gate.

"Are you ready?"

Qin Yi held the staff of kingship, with a majestic look.

Behind him are rows of troops. Behind the army, there are logistics personnel. Behind the logistics personnel, there are scientific researchers holding instruments and administrative ministers of various parties.

"Ready, Your Majesty!"

People looked nervous but excited.

This is the first time they have entered a different world, and it is also the first large-scale exploration of this kind by Qin Kingdom.

The plan was decided by the House of Representatives after numerous explorations, then determining the coordinates of the boundary gates, and making a good plan.

This time, they are going to conquer the Dragon Ball World!

In this world ~ ~ there are countless dangers, but the gains must be great.

Because, the level of the Dragon Ball World is judged to be Rihua! This world beyond Yuehua is a level that is beyond their reach. However, thinking on the other hand, such a world has formed a complete world, and its vastness and grandeur can be seen.

Coupled with Qin Yi's familiarity with this world, you can give it a try! Once successful, their civilization will achieve leapfrog development.

"So, the target world, Dragon Ball!"

"set off!"

Qin Yi took a deep breath and shouted.

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