The King of The Worlds

Vol 5 Chapter 14: Tempted on the verge of death

Capturing Saiyans?

Although the Ministers of Qin Kingdom are not very familiar, but there are some concepts of alien world alien creatures, it is definitely not so easy to capture success.

Moreover, what scared the ministers most was that there were not many of them.

This is a huge race, and Your Majesty is going to catch this creature?

"咣 咣!"

I swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva, and the gray-haired old man hesitated.

"Oh, Your Majesty is going to catch Saiyans?"

The red mark on the three-dimensional figure is not a joke, it represents danger, or it is real danger. Once conflict erupts, their entire civilization will be hit hard.

"Is there a problem?"

Qin Yi raised his eyebrows, his eyes sharp, and asked lightly.

"No, no!"

Seeing this look of His Majesty, these ministers present did not have people who dared to resist and even comment. They were not Gandalf, nor were they spotted. Facing this vast world, the Supreme God King, which has two kings, can only obey.

"Go ahead quickly!"

Qin Yi Road.

After speaking, Qin Yi lifted his feet and left, headed forward, and continued to watch the manufacture of the huge starship.

The spacecraft technology of Bliss Space, although not so advanced, is far beyond the earth, and can be easily achieved by flying in space.

If you want to gain a lot in this world, a spaceship is a must-have tool. At this time, Qin Yi also began to lament that, fortunately, he had conquered a technological world earlier, otherwise, it was time to catch the blind.

The huge starship has a length and width of 10,000 meters, dark blue in the whole body, and exquisite sci-fi colors. Qin Yi learned that this starship was the latest research success of Qin Guo's scientific and technological civilization, and was called the Zhouyu. In the name of the mythical legendary puppet, travelling the Xinghai is unstoppable.

Within it, it can hold 100,000 people and support them to survive in it.

的 The fusion of multiple civilizations made Qin Yi marvel at the brilliant achievements of civilization in his own world.

At this time, the Qin State Council, the Ministry of Military Affairs, and the Astronomical Institute have already begun joint operations.

"Old Nasa, quickly find the Saiyan closest to our drone!"

"Based on the following conditions: 1. Priority is given to the Saiyan who is close to Qin Xing; 2. Priority is to choose the Saiyan who is close to the unmanned spacecraft; 3. Be sure to choose the Saiyan who placed the order!"

General Yang of the Jun Military Department said Shen Sheng.

Nasa, the white-haired old man who was in charge of introducing just now, nodded: "I naturally know, but to meet this condition, it is difficult to find!"

His right hand quickly fluctuated quickly on the three-dimensional projection screen of the Astronomical Bureau, knocking on the next ripples, and countless symbols flowed out.

The huge screen immediately began to spin up and turned into a deep galaxy vortex before everyone's eyes. After a few breaths, the vortex trembled, and countless streamers flew away, rushing quickly towards the rear.

之间 In the blink of an eye, the screen becomes clear.

A special spherical ship appeared in the eyes of everyone, and it moved quickly in the cosmic starry sky, marking a trace of air.

"this is?!"

The staff of the House of Representatives looked puzzled and speculative.

"Saiyan aircraft!"

Nasa Road.

"it's him!"

General Ye Yang and the members of the House of Representatives were shocked at this moment. Observing the aircraft from the outside, there was really nothing special about it. It even looked a bit old and awkward, and could not fully reflect its technological attributes.

"You can't see the opponent's combat effectiveness from the outside, but once you start to seduce, if it succeeds, it will fall on Qin Xing, and no one knows the consequences!"

Nasa solemnly.

After a pause, he looked at the big officials next to him.

"Go and persuade your mind to change your mind now, there is still a chance!"

General Yang Yang looked dull, and the members of the House of Representatives also thought about it.

The wonder of what alien creatures in the world represent is completely unknown to them. If anything goes wrong, it will bring huge disaster.

He was opposed to His Majesty's will, or even persuaded him after he gave an order, which was also a headache. After all, no matter how forgiving the emperor is, it is difficult to tolerate courtiers against his orders.

For a while, General Yang's complexion changed, and the staff of the House of Representatives also faced a difficult look.

After a long while, General Yang sighed and uttered a voice.

"Naza, find the drone closest to the Saiyan vehicle."

The staff of the House of Representatives trembled and looked at General Yang.

"Are you sure? If there are adverse consequences, you will also bear great responsibility for this matter!"

Nasa solemnly.

"Do it, I believe in your Majesty."

"As a courtier, your orders, let us execute!"

Took a deep breath, General Yang said in a deep voice.

Gonasa took a deep look at General Yang and was surprised at his courage. Even if it is His Majesty's order, if such an order related to national affairs is wrong, the person who makes the second decision will also be under pressure from the whole country.

Then, Nasa no longer hesitated, and flicked his hands, flying at a high speed in the universe, a dark spaceship like a whale came to everyone's eyes.

"Deep-sea whale, unmanned spacecraft, equipped with lightweight offensive weapons, speed is dominant, under extreme circumstances, it takes only three hours to reach the Saiyan aircraft."

Jonathan introduced.

General Yang Yang stared at the deep-sea whale unmanned spacecraft, frowning, and soon he sank: "Military Department, let him attack immediately."

"Naza, draw a starry sky route!"

"The House of Representatives, quickly made a Saiyan capture plan, and ordered Qin Xing to prepare!"

His order was given, and everyone behind him was dignified and turned away.

Capturing Saiyans is definitely the most dangerous and tense thing they have to do when they come to this world ~ ~ Time passes and the military quickly Gain control of this ship.

"Report the general, you have obtained the manual remote control permission, you can start the operation!"

The soldier's voice came into his ear, and General Yang waved his arm.

"Act now."

Nasa also quickly spoke at this time: "The map of the starry sky has passed."

Next, in the stereoscopic projection screen, the spaceship that was originally moving straight, trembled slightly, followed by a twist of the head, and a red flame was emitted from the tail.


After a severe tremor, the deep-sea whale unmanned spacecraft broke out in a horrible speed, cut off the vacuum, and quickly rushed towards the Saiyan's location.

At the Planetarium, the ministers watched this scene nervously.

Thirty hours later, Saiyan's spherical aircraft appeared in the sight of everyone.

"Saw it !!!"

Suddenly, everyone stood up and stared at the stereo screen.

The orb-shaped flying machine, simple and peaceful, is like a sleeping beast, which makes people fear.

Next, they are tempted, tempted on the verge of death!

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