The King of The Worlds

Vol 5 Chapter 30: wait

"All Saiyans, return to Vegeta planet immediately!"

"Release all missions at once and return to Vegeta planet!"

请 "Please note that this is the highest command of the Saiyan clan King Vegeta, everyone must obey!"

"Please come back immediately!"

When Qin Yi and Barbuda arrived in front of the Saiyan aircraft, the serious words were repeatedly transmitted.

"This is the red order from King Vegeta, which all Saiyans must obey."

Barbuda said in a deep voice.

"Sir, are we really going to return to Vegeta? There, it may be in chaos right now!"

There is hesitation in his complexion. For Barbuda, it is better to follow Qin Yi. And the life here is comfortable and beautiful. He can still see some very interesting things from time to time, such as a fantasy movie, and then people on this planet will use some magical means to set fire and water some type of.

Of course, the most important thing is that his strength can grow rapidly here.

This is not possible under Vegeta Star, under the leadership of King Vegeta.

He has fallen in love here.

And, indifferent, at this time, his mind has not yet completed his transformation, and he has never thought of saving his fellow people.

"It seems that the group of old guys in China have no effect on your ideological education. In your eyes, there is no light to sympathize with the same people!"

Qin Yi's words, let Barbuda stunned.

"Let's go, the purpose of our trip is to rule the entire Saiyan family!"

Both of them were sitting in the flying machine very quickly. The Saiyan flying machine was simple and not difficult to imitate. For Qin Xing civilization, the production could be completed in a short time, and even they improved the flying machine. a bit.

Twenty-five minutes later, under the inspection of Qin Xing's personnel, after the aircraft's fuel, everything showed normal.

With the order of Qin Yi, two rays of light burst out of the ground instantly, piercing towards the deep universe.

"Send the deep sea 鲛 to keep up, keep an eye on your condition!"

On the side of the Planetarium, General Yang immediately ordered.

Although psychologically, he doesn't think that His Majesty at this moment can do anything to hurt him. However, preparations are still needed.

I often think of the previous days, and when I saw a star being smashed by His Majesty, General Yang's mood was difficult to calm down.

The vast, horrifying power is really hard to imagine, and it can be emitted by human beings.

"Your Majesty and Barbuda, about thirteen days later, they will reach Vegeta Star!"

"Deep-sea whale has followed up, and we can know the situation of the two at any time!"

另外 "In addition, the advance fleet sent to the earth has already set out, and they will be dormant there and quickly move to merge with the humans on the earth, learn their technology and collect their civilization."

At this time, Nasa and the staff under him said one after another.

"Okay, all the work is done, it depends on whether I can succeed this time!"

General Yang took a deep breath and said excitedly.

He knew, however, that His Majesty's actions had a very important effect on Qin Guo. If the Saiyans can be ruled and let this magical bloodline be integrated into the civilization of Qin State, then in the near future, Qin State will produce a large number of unusually powerful men.

In the deep starry sky, Qin Yi and Barbuda's aircraft were walking side by side, leaving a trail behind them and heading for the planet Vegeta.

After experiencing the novelty, Qin Yi closed her eyes and began to fall asleep.

The universe is very huge. From a distance, the nebula, the stars, and the extraordinary beauty are seen. However, when the aircraft approached, it was found that these guys, which were originally the size of a marble, were huge and awesome.

But at the same time, it also makes people feel boring and tedious.

Barbuda has long been dormant. For this beautiful starry sky, the rough man Saiyan will not feel any pleasure.

At the same time, Vegeta star.

一半 This half-tech, half-wild planet has undergone major changes. The Saiyans are not the original people of this planet, but the peace-loving Plante talents are.

Because the original home planet Sarada was destroyed, they invaded the planet and renamed it the planet Vegeta.

In the tallest building on Vegeta's planet, King Vegeta was frowning at this moment, his expression looked very gloomy.

"King Vegeta, please believe that I am right, Frieza will destroy us Saiyans!"

"As long as we rise up now, we will have a chance!"

"The Saiyans are not weak, we will surely win!"

Below you, a Saiyan in a uniform is speaking loudly.

"Badak, Saiyan and Frieza are cooperative, and he will not mess around."

King Vegeta was silent for a while, then spoke slowly.

His tone was deep but majestic.

Badak was in a hurry. He heard the meaning in King Vegeta's words, and the other party didn't believe him at all.

"Frieza's ambitions have long been revealed, King Vegeta!"

"He will not leave us because he is afraid of us and the legendary Super Saiyan of the Saiyan family!"

Vegeta frowned even more. At this time, there was a Saiyan drinking out loud next to him.

"Badak, you subordinate, shut up right away and go out now!"

"It's not your turn to intervene in the Saiyan race!"

Badak clenched his fists, stared at the Saiyan, and looked at King Vegeta, who was unresponsive again, and turned and left.

"You will regret it!"

I waited for Badak to leave King Vegeta's palace, and it was quiet again.

"King Vegeta, Badak said."

Said the Saiyan who had just scolded and hesitated.

"He can see it, can't I see it?"

"The problem now is that if we act too fiercely, then death will only come sooner!"

"This is dead chess!"

"It's not just Frieza behind it!"

Speaking of this, King Vegeta suddenly shut up.

只 "Unfortunately, the Super Saiyans in our family have not seen any signs. It has been a thousand years, why haven't they awakened?"

With a long sigh, King Vegeta looked out of the temple.

From here, he can see most of the planets of Vegeta, and he can see the Saiyans who are coming back from all over the universe with a look of doubt.

Why did Vegeta recall all of them, King Vegeta had his own considerations.

The scattered Saiyans will only be swallowed up by the huge Frieza force. When they gather together to form a huge power, the other party will also be afraid of it.

But King Vegeta's thoughts, no doubt, really think too much.

Frieza needs only one finger to destroy them.

内 Newborn infants within combat test points.

"Badak, your son is a subordinate warrior, and his combat power is only 2!"

At this time, Badak frowned. When he heard his younger son's fighting power, his face was even more angry.

"What a waste!"

"Send him out!"

With a little hesitation in annihilation, Badak drank directly.

The Saiyan who was in charge of the test next to him, heard what Badak said, and looked up after a while: "Your son was just born. Don't you look at it more?"

"A waste, what can you see?"

"Send him to the right planet, life or death, it depends on him!"

Badak said coldly.

"Really cruel!"

The Basiyah laughed, bent down and glanced, and the child who stretched his arms and legs in the thermal insulation cabin did not hesitate to put it directly into the ranks of expatriates.

The ruthless Saiyans are almost common because of their children's low combat effectiveness.

You can't say they are ruthless, this is a long tradition of the Saiyan people. Of course, it was they who died. Since the long years, the population of Saiyans has not risen.

I watched with my own eyes the Badak being sent out by my child, and quietly sighed without notice.

"The chance is given to you, life or death, it depends on your luck, Carcarot."

Long sighed in his heart, Badak glanced up at the aircraft that had already risen into the sky, turned his head and left.

King Vegeta doesn't believe him or dares to take action against Frieza, then he will come by himself!

That day, sooner or later, why not take the initiative and kill him!

On the other side, somewhere in the galaxy, inside the spacecraft.

"Are the Saiyan monkeys' recent actions provoking me?"

"It seems that they are really tired!"

Came out with a sneer.

"King Frieza, the Saiyans have always claimed to fight the nation. Maybe they think they have the strength to fight against you. It's ridiculous!"

There was a contemptuous expression from the soldiers next to the puppet.

"Then let them see, my Frieza power!"

Frieza coldly.

"How long is it from here to Vegeta planet?"

The staff quickly calculated ~ ~ and then answered.

"About thirteen days!"

"Go forward as fast as possible!"

Frieza said.


In the blink of an eye, a meteor in the universe ripped into space and headed for the planet Vegeta.

Time passed every day, and in a blink of an eye, it was the tenth day from Qin Yi's departure.

On this day, King Vegeta stood in the palace, looking down, looking calm.

Just now he has received the news that Frieza's spaceship is coming towards the planet Vegeta, and the time to reach the other side is only three days.

Three days! Saiyans can survive in this world for three days.

I changed to another race, maybe at this moment will choose to flee. But Saiyans are not, proud, belligerent Saiyans, and never accept the shameful place of fugitives.

They are brave and fearless warriors, and the strongest fighting nation in the universe.

Only the Saiyan who died in battle, the Saiyan who did not escape!

At this point, King Vegeta knew very well that even if he did not say it, all the people would agree.

唯一 The only thing he feels ashamed of is that this death happened under his own leadership.

"This wait."

"It's really painful!"

Murmured, King Vegeta's face became complicated.

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