The King of The Worlds

Vol 5 Chapter 56: Travel to earth

Qin Yi, aware of the savage and crazy blood factor of Saiyan, was dignified.

This purebred Saiyan bloodline, as long as it is in battle, will quickly fall into madness, and the combat power will also increase sharply.

Although compared with Broly's sudden increase, but the combat power that will quickly converge after the battle ends, he will not come down after going up. But this is still very dangerous.

保持 Keep calm and sober consciousness at all times is what the king must do.

He lost his mind and turned into a wild beast, which was too scary for the king.

"Frieza, take your brother, let's go!"

His face was cold, Qin Yi said to Frieza.

The latter flashed his eyes, his body fluttered, and a whirlwind blew from the ground. He picked up Gula, who had fallen into the sea, and quickly returned.

At this time, Gula was also very miserable, and all parts of his body seemed to be scattered and became dying. This state of mind made Frieza a little stunned.

No doubt, Qin Yi's power is stronger than when he fights with him.

The two men fought with a stronger force than he did, but did not destroy the planet, but in a very short period of time, they won the victory and defeat, which is evidence that it is bright.

Ride aboard the spacecraft, and everyone turned away from Gulaxing.

Twenty-seven days later, Gula awoke and turned around.

In the Frieza planet palace, Qin Yi sits high, looking down and approaching himself from below, wearing a scared Gula.

"Gula, choose, surrender or die!"

He watched Frieza, King Kurd, and the three Saiyans standing in front of him, Gula grinned.

"I'm curious about your Saiyan power, and even my dear father and brother have become yours."

"What else do I have to choose?"


Ugula was very humble, and he respected power.

Weak meat and strong food, this is a normal operation in the universe.

笑 Qin Yi only smiled when Gula said the words of surrender.

好 "Well, I still have very important things to do. In this universe, I will not do more management."

"Frieza, I will give you a few Saiyans, and you will help me manage this universe."

"As for the other Saiyans."

I glanced at King Vegeta and Badak and others.

"I have other arrangements!"

For a moment, Frieza felt that in his opinion to manage the universe, it was enough for him to have any Saiyan help.

But Qin Yi's order, he can not resist.

"Yes, brother! Then you can rest assured!"

Pouting and laughing, Frieza whispered.

"In addition, there are some people in my country who will come to visit you later. I also hope that you will be friendly and get along with them!"

如果 "If, let me know that you have acted uncooperatively."

Speaking of this, Qin Yi's eyes showed a touch of cold light, and the dark green hair was also trembling, and the magnificent breath came out.

After the battle between Xun and Gula, his combat effectiveness reached a level of 800 million, far more than everyone present.

"Brother be assured!"

Frieza twitched in his heart, and said immediately.

Qin Yi nodded and then led King Vegeta away.

After half a month, they returned to Qin Xing.

"All Saiyans, go with me!"

"Vegeta, Napa, Radiz, you go to Frieza and start working under his hands from today!"

In front of the Saiyan people summoned in front of her, Qin Yi spoke in a deep voice and gave an order.

王 After King Vegeta stopped, he couldn't help but yell: "Sir, where are we going?"

还有 "Also, why send three children to Frieza? This is very dangerous!"

Qi Qinyi's gaze fixed: "I have my own arrangements."

"Frieza is a dangerous person, yes, but the three of Vegeta are next to him, and they are safe. Rest assured!"

I heard Qin Yi say this, King Vegeta is not good to say anything. ..

At this time, Nasa, who is in charge of the spaceship project, came over.

"Your Majesty, our spaceship is ready to go now!"

另外 "In addition, the advance troops sent to the earth have arrived and developed a desert island for us as a place to stay."

Qin Yi nodded: "So, let's go!"

"King Vegeta, lead all Saiyans, we should leave here!"

"The next time, I will personally teach you so that you can master as much as possible how to become a Super Saiyan!"

King Vegeta stunned, and then rejoiced.

The Pasirians were also excited and became extremely positive. Under Qin Yi's leadership, the Saiyans all boarded the spacecraft heading to Earth.

This spaceship, called the Blackbird, has the size of an island, can accommodate a full 100,000 people, and has a very fast flight speed. It can easily make transitions between universes. Complete the trip to the galaxy.

And in accordance with Qin Yi's requirements, about tens of thousands of gravity chambers were built on it, and the ecosystem was built in to cultivate vegetables and meat to ensure the spacecraft's self-circulation. It can be said that this spacecraft can complete a long flight in space.

Twenty days later, the huge spaceship roared and drove out of Qin Xing toward the deep universe.

"Our goal is the green 877 planet of 4032, which can also be called Earth!"

的 The colonel responsible for maneuvering the spacecraft, said to Qin Yi and others.

Qin Yi's eyes flickered. Perhaps compared to other planets in the universe, this planet named Earth is nothing strange. But he knew that next, the humans on this planet would soon be on the world stage. Saiyan people just listen at will, they don't care which planet they go to.

"Master? ~ Do you want us Saiyans to conquer this planet?"

King Vegeta guessed Qin Yi's mind, but was interrupted by the latter's wave.

"King Vegeta, don't always judge things with such violent thoughts."

"Conquest should never be a Saiyan pursuit."

"I like it better, you use the word vacation to describe our work!"

Qin Yi's words made King Vegeta and the Saiyan people stunned.

"Have you brought all your ideological education books?"

Hearing the word ideological education, the Saiyan's subconscious eyes flashed with fear. That's more than fighting people, it's about letting them collapse.

"In order to become a Super Saiyan, you must cultivate s cells in your body!"

Next, Qin Yi said a word that made Saiyan pay attention to him.

"S cell?"

King Vegeta wondered.

"Yes, why do you think I'm in this period, let you practice character and control your emotions."

"It is precisely because the bloodline factors of Saiyan violence have subtly affected your brain."

"As long as you don't know gentleness and kindness, you can't be a Super Saiyan in a day!"

"When Saiyans know kindness and can control their emotions, the body will produce substances called s-cells. The more s-cells, the more difficult it is to become a Super Saiyan!"

Wu Qinyi informed all Saiyans with this message and made them widen their eyes.

"And this is one of the reasons I became a Super Saiyan!"

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