The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 216: Life is C between B and D

Smart is wrong by being smart!

Tell your kid to guess what I mean!

Yang An sat on the stairs with a smile on his face, Xiao Dongbei's face was sullen, depressed, and crazy, making everyone laugh crazy, the masked man grabbed the air cushion hammer, aimed at him for a meal, hit Little Northeast has nowhere to hide, shrinking to hide in the seat!

Sun Cannon refused to let go, and asked the third question: "yes-or-no?"

Little Northeast tangled and died!

The production team's grandson was uncertain. Yang An and Xiaodongbei couldn't figure out the routine. Yang An honestly said, "My third question is whether I want to stay on the first floor. I chose no for reference only."

Xiaodongbei was mad, and began to please Sun Dabao, the photography team, and even the driver: "Master, did you just look back at the problem? Didn't you see it in the rear view mirror? Tell me OK? I invite you to breakfast You go to the Northeast to play, and it ’s all mine. I ’m asking you to eat scotch noodles. ”

No one helped him, and the production team was all colluding. Xiaodongbei was helpless: "Oh my gosh, it's a hood! You asked me to go up? My new windbreaker, a mud horse windbreaker!"

A Ni Ma's stalk, only the players who participated in the first season of comedians know that Yang An laughed, and it was a good decision that Xiao Dongbei joined the heart, Xiao Dongbei was full of joy, and raising his hands was a joke. It's a great weapon to grab the camera, and the sense of art is very good!

"Choose yes!"

Xiaobeidong selected, and Sun Cannon slowly turned over the question board. Xiaobeidong opened his eyes and sighed, sighing with blood.

The title is: "Do you want to go to the second floor?"

And Yang An's problem is exactly the opposite!

These two unlucky ones, brothers and brothers, went up to the second floor together. The two stood side by side in the wind, a sponge baby towel hung on their necks, a man in a trench coat and sunglasses posing as a black man, and shouted at the camera on the second floor: "Let the storm be more intense ~~"

The open-top bus goes all the way, the third is Li Jingtian, the treasure island idol artist, the value is responsible, the small fresh meat, and the character is also very good. Although beaten, it has always been smiling, at most it is to protect the face, smile Although not many, it is impressive because he was the first artist to stay on the ground floor and not need to go up.

The fourth person was Ning Hao, who had good luck, was beaten and stayed on the first floor.

Fifth person, Shabei finally appeared.

Like the husky of Sahuan, Shabei started to tease when he got on the car: "Master, I know you. You picked me up from the airport yesterday, right? Master, you see that we are so destined, I trust you most, you tell Me, what did those people choose just now? What happened in the end? "

Upstairs Yang An and Xiao Dongbei took the opportunity to rush down to avoid the rain, sandwiching Shabei from left to right, not allowing him to distinguish, forcing him to answer.

Shabei is also a person with high IQ. He followed the style of brain-teasing and teasing, quickly analyzed the situation of the previous four, and immediately guessed the truth, and gave his own answer: "I choose yes!"

Topic 1: "Do you want to be beaten?"

Bang bang ...

Shabei was beaten, and everyone laughed, forcing him to choose the second question, not allowed to think, he hurriedly chose a no, and shouted, "I don't believe my question is the same as Yang An!"

Bang Bang!

In the second round of beatings, Shabey looked up and saw the question board. The question was "Do you still want to be beaten?" He became so angry that he protested loudly: "I chose no! I chose no! Don't want to be beaten! Why do you still beat me? "


Sun Cannon spread his hands, and the masked man who hit the wrong person quickly returned to the second floor, and the four in the car laughed crazy.

Yang An laughed and said, "That's the production team. You didn't discuss it! The third question, answer quickly!"

Even the production team didn't talk about the rules. At this time, Xiaodongbei finally knew how to play the reality show. He turned and grabbed the air hammer from the masked man, and took the initiative to beat Shabei: "Hurry up!"

In the chaos, Shabei finally made the wrong decision again, and was forced to the second floor. He knelt down and sighed.

Three bitter men were rushed to the second floor of the bus to blow the rain, leaving the last person Zhou Jinci, who was waiting at the gate of Hongfeng Opera Academy.

The "Great Challenge" bus opened to the entrance of the Academy of Traditional Chinese Opera. It also aroused the cheers and onlookers of the students. The above three teasers shouted loudly: "Hi ~~~"

Yang An was wearing SpongeBob's towel, Xiaodongbei was wearing a mud horse windbreaker, and Shabey waved a pink air cushion hammer, cheering and responding to the students outside the car.

Zhou Jinci is also a type that is easy to meet, and has good luck. He didn't get a hammer, and chose to stay in a layer.

The first session was successfully completed. It was enough to make a joke. The three arrogant and clever people all stood on the second floor because of their little cleverness, and the three ordinary, steady, and kind people all stayed on the first floor. , An An Yi Yi.

The bus continued on to a public parking lot next to Hongfeng Opera Academy.

The rain stopped slightly, six people came out and stood in a row in front of the bus. Twenty people on the opposite side carried long guns and short cannons, and held up long-bar radio microphones. These were two distinct camps.

It's an enemy!

Sun pd introduced: "The theme of today is the choice of life. Each of you will face many choices every day. Your choice will determine your destiny. For example, just now you have someone on top and someone below, just because the answer is different . "

Shakespeare said that life is c between b and d, b is birth, d is death, and c is choice. Today ’s theme of life is all multiple choice questions. Every choice of guests determines their choice. How different is your destiny.

Six people protested and each expressed their opinions. The most active is definitely Shabei. He is a first-class master who grabs the mirror, followed by Xiaodongbei. Among the other three, Ning Hao said nothing because his personality was too stable. People, I feel a bit unable to fit into this circle, Zhou Jinci is even more boring, only knowing to laugh, many times the camera was given to him, he did not express.

Because Yang An is the master mc, his task is not to grab the shot, but to control the rhythm. He doesn't need to be as funny as Shabei, so he keeps watching.

There are a lot of things that can be seen in the first recording of today. The shooting effect is good, which steps have problems, and who have problems. Everyone is trying to figure it out. Sun Dabao and Yang An looked at each other without interruption, but Continue shooting.

"Director, I'm so hungry and cold, I've been blowing on it for a quarter of an hour ..." Shabe complained, "Can you give me something to eat?"

Xiaodongbei laughed: "Yanger started to rain from 6 in the morning. He hasn't shouted till now. What do you call?"

Yang An held her forehead and sucked her nose: "Any medicine? Give me two!"

Shabei and Xiaodongbei also wanted it. Sun Dabao brought a medicine bottle from the logistic side, and one person poured two.

Shabe was about to ask for two sips. Yang An pressed his arm and pulled Xiaodongbei with the other hand. The three stood together facing the camera. Yang An whispered: "Eat together ..."

Shabei reacted in an instant, stood in front of Yang An, grabbed the mirror, raised one hand, and made a V shape, which is also the meaning of 2: "I took the medicine, I felt cute ~"

Then the three put the cold medicine in their mouths, rolled their eyes, swallowed it dry, and the production team did not even provide a sip of water.

The audience laughed and everyone in the director's group who did not resist the machine laughed and covered his mouth.

Sun Dabao said: "Here is a chance for you to drink hot coffee, but you have to choose, a-or-b?"

Yang An himself did not understand what the move was. Even if he guessed it, he did not know what a and b each represented. The answer from the production team was also blind to him.

Everyone looked at him, Yang An warned, "Look at what I do? To be honest, I don't know what the answer is, pd is out of my control!"

Shabe asked, "What do you choose?"

Yang An thought for a while: "Choose a, and you can't escape if you want to come."

Shabei shoved the a sign into Yang An's hand, and took three steps on his side holding the b sign.

"Have you made a mistake! You don't believe me so much?" Yang An fainted. "No one wants to be with me, isn't it? Guys who have no righteousness!"

Shabei and others laughed: "You have no luck today, who told you not to call Chen Luoqi over?"

Yang An threw the a brand over and smashed him: "Chen Luoqi is called rocky, not lucky! Are you still a North University bully! Even if lucky (lucky) is not on my side, I can make a comeback, believe it? Who wants to follow me go?"

Zhou Jinci was the first one to stand out, and of course he was willing to follow Yang An to the fire.

Ning Hao also said with a smile: "You are lonely, I will accompany you!"

Li Jingtian was only familiar with Yang An. He picked up the a brand and said, "I'm here, too."

There are four people on the a side, and only Shabei and Xiaodongbei on the b side. Yang An sighed: "It was just the three of us who were standing on the second floor and blowing the rain. I don't believe I was out of luck today."

With a bang, Yang An ran to the b position and shocked the three of the a team.

Shabei also wanted to change sides, but Xiaodongbei grabbed him and persuaded: "Brother Sha, Feng Shui turns, and the emperor comes to my house, let's transfer it now, so be it!"

Both sides chose 33 to reveal the answer.

Sun Cannon ordered ~ ~ The bus behind the six of them suddenly drove away, revealing two cars covered in clothing, with a sign standing in front of the left, with a written on it, at least ten meters long. The car on the right says b, and it looks like a mini car.

Sun Cannon said: "Choose a, take a luxurious long Hummer, choose b, take Alto!"

Ning Hao, Zhou Jinci, and Li Jingtian laughed, high-five each other, and then took off the hummer's coat, cheered and shouted yeah!

Li Jingtian deliberately ran to b, grabbed the car jacket, and tore it off after a while, it was Alto without a windshield!

Yang An is about to kneel ...

Little Northeast is like a wooden chicken ...

Shabei stood still and said nothing ...

The rain drops on the hair of the three people, each of them has a camera to take a close-up shot. During the post-production, the three people are depressed, disappointed, and sad. They are the tragedies of the theater of life! (To be continued.)

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