The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 219: Dusk and Dishwasher Profession

If people are too honest, how else do you get on variety shows? What I want is your sense of humorous art!

Yang An hated iron and steel: "Can't refuse, but at least try to get some benefit for yourself! Do you see your sister coming over? She is your temporary agent, right? She hasn't eaten and drank water right wrong?"

Zhou Jinying hid from the camera, covered her mouth, and ran away with a smile. Like other artists' agents, she is responsible for taking the artist's luggage, answering the phone, controlling the wallet, and handling some urgent matters. Novel. し S520.

Xiaodongbei said: "Think about your sister, in such a cold day, eh ~ it's cold and hungry, eh ~ should you resist?"

Yang An pulled Li Jingtian: "Jingtian, if you don't ask again, you won't have a chance!"

The two gritted their teeth and followed the rebellion: "Protest! We want better treatment!"

Sun Cannon beckoned and stretched out four envelopes, two a and two b: "Give you two first-class positions, and the other two are economy class. Please choose!"


The word has a shadow in everyone's heart!

The first class should be better treatment. The four thought about it and each smoked an envelope.

Open the envelope and announce the result. Similar lenses will always have the highest ratings. Yang An is well aware of this. Every time he comes here, he has to lead everyone to show together.

The silly Zhou Jinci and Li Jingtian have never had such a reality show experience, and plan to open the envelope directly to see the results.

Yang An immediately stopped: "Wait a while! Jinci, do you want to change with me?"

Xiaodongbei is getting better and better, like a bad uncle looking at Li Jingtian: "Jingtian, would you like to challenge our luck? Give you a chance to change!"

Li Jingtian said with a smile: "Okay, I will change with you!"

Yang An looked forward to looking at Zhou Jinci, but Zhou Jinci shook her head: "Sorry Yang brother, I still don't change."

Xiaodongbei changed the envelope and was happy.

At this time, the two of them had torn open the envelope and congratulated, "yeah! First Class!"

Yang An and Xiaodongbei were ashamed. They were in economy class and lost again!

"Brothers don't say difficult brothers, they are willing to bet on losing, let's go ..." Xiaodongbei shook his head and sighed, walking towards the ticket gate.

Zhou Jinci and Li Jingtian laughed loudly, entered in advance from the VIP channel, the shuttle bus service, the personal service, and enjoyed extremely!

An hour later, four people got on the plane.

First-class guests came first, Li Jingtian and Zhou Jinci came to their places, saw the clothes on the seat, and stunned: "What is this?"

The stewardess next to her smiled, "Please change the two flight attendants' clothes!"

Li Jingtian was still saying that the first class was good. At this time, the 180-degree change made him speechless: "I know that the production team is not so kind, and PD is all enemies!"

Zhou Jinci doesn't matter. What has he never done? Take the initiative and go to the bathroom to change clothes.

Economy class was crowded. Under the coordination of the CCTV Liaison Group, the airlines were special agents. Instead of arranging seats according to names, they temporarily vacated three row seats. Is an ordinary traveler.

At this time, Yang An and Xiaodongbei stood up, both of them were star faces, quite appealing.

Yang An said: "Dear passengers, this is my new show, which is being filmed, so there may be everyone's shots later, don't be restrained, don't hide from it, you can get on my show, what a rare appearance Opportunity, right? Of course, the safety precautions on the plane still have to be observed, please do not use electronic products such as mobile phones when the plane takes off ... "

Travelers are really pleasantly surprised!

A boring journey, I met Yang An, the hottest red maple celebrity, and Xiao Dongbei, a well-known comedy star that everyone is familiar with. When you watch this show, it must be a comedy show, everyone is happy!

"You brother Yang, you're welcome. How do you want us to cooperate, though!"

"Yes! I must cooperate!"

"Can't live ... give me a shot ..."

A dude is weird, learning Yang An's performance in Comedy 2 and crying to the camera with a crying cry, the whole cabin is laughing.

Yang An was speechless and could only give the buddy a thumbs up.

After the plane takes off, the camera must also be turned off. After flying to the sky, start recording.

Yang An and Xiaodongbei were sitting and chatting. Li Jingtian and Zhou Jinci, who were wearing flight attendant costumes, pushed in the car. The two kept smiling throughout the journey. After serving the other passengers, they banged Yang An and Xiaodongbei on the shoulders.

The two looked and laughed on the spot.

Yang An was acting, Xiaodongbei was really laughing and spraying. After the two of them bent over and laughed, they clapped high fives together.

"First Class?"

"Haha, is this better treatment?"

"You two are so well-fitting in flight attendant clothes!"

"Oh, this clothes stand, it's worthy of a model, it's a good figure!"

Yang An and Xiaodongbei stood up to touch them, and laughed casually. The two male flight attendants were inconvenient to dodge, and did not dare to be angry: "Sir, please take care of yourself ..."

"Sir, is there anything you need? You can't use your feet manually."

"I have a swollen smile on my face. Although I am angry, I still have to smile at any time ~"

"Be sure to show eight teeth ~"

The flight attendant profession is also a very painful service industry. There are basically no rest periods when flying all the way. Sometimes, when you encounter unscrupulous passengers, you will also be teased, troubled, and scolded. The outside world looks beautiful. Actual The upper area is also the hardest hit area for diseases such as tendinitis, urethritis, varicose veins in the legs, hyperthyroidism, and aviation otitis media.

The professional experience on the plane was mainly completed by Zhou Jinci and Li Jingtian, which brought many unknown details to the audience.

After getting off the plane, the two flight attendants had to stand at the exit and farewell the passengers. Almost every passenger took out his cell phone and took a group photo with everyone.

Xiaodongbei asked the director: "Let's go, too?"

Sun Cannon took out four envelopes: "Please make a choice!"


"I don't want to choose!"

"Oh my god, would you guys be so entangled and just let us do something right?"

Sun Cannon was unmoved and kept reaching out like this: "I can give you a hint, two are the original bottom of the spicy pot, and two are the special spicy bottom of the pot."

It sounds good, Xiaodongbei thought for a while: "This is good, who can eat spicy food? Who can't eat spicy food? Raise a hand, when the time comes, everyone will change it. I said first, I don't like spicy food. "

Li Jingtian said: "I don't like spicy food too."

Yang An and Zhou Jinci are both from Hongfeng. This place has a taste similar to that of Shancheng. It is hot and spicy: "We can do both. Is there no shabu bottom? Everyone just sits at a table."

Sun pd shook his head: "pump it!"

The four pulled out, discussed a few words, and quickly exchanged envelopes.

Sun pd said: "Okay, choose the special spicy bottom of the pot, Yang An and Zhou Jinci, go down. Xiaodongbei and Li Jingtian, follow us now."

Both were stunned: "Where to go?"

Sun pd laughed: "Go to Mongolian grass to taste the purest and most original prairie hotpot! Let's go and take off in half an hour!"

Yang An and Zhou Jinxi laughed and laughed: "We stay in Shancheng to eat extra spicy, you go to Mongolian grass to eat the original flavor! Bye ~"

The four-person team was divided into two groups. Yang An and Zhou Jinci came to the most famous hot pot restaurant in Shancheng to enjoy real hot pot food.

And Xiao Dongbei and Li Jingtian wearing flight attendant clothes silently wept, they had to fly to Mongolian grass as soon as they arrived in the mountain city. Before they landed, it was already night, and they had to take a 12-hour green leather train to the grassland. The deepest nomadic area, the camera team has been arranged over there!

While the group of four was still on the plane from Hongfeng to Shancheng, the two distinguished guests of Beihu Mountain Villa were preparing to enjoy a roast lamb dinner.

The lobby manager came over: "The two must make a choice and complete the task before they can eat the whole roast lamb."

Shabei and Ning Hao looked at it and said, "It's all here, what are you afraid of? The professions in the restaurant are nothing more than chefs, waiters, cashiers, doormen, as long as your villa is not afraid of us Play bad, despite letting go. "

"That is, we have experienced all the strong winds and waves, let's make a question!"

The beauty manager smiled and handed over a tray, a knife, and a thick rubber glove.

Ning Hao is an experienced brother: "I don't care. I have worked in the restaurant for three years and I can do everything."

Shabe hesitated again for a long time: "Let me get the knife!"

With a smile, Ning Hao took rubber gloves.

Then, the beauty manager revealed the correct use and brought Shabei and Ning Hao to the back kitchen.

"Within an hour, cut 50 pounds of onions, 50 pounds of green peppers, 50 pounds of radishes with a knife. Wash 200 dishes with gloves!"

Three sacks of vegetables were in front of him. Shabei wanted to cry without tears. Green pepper and radish are easy to say. The key is onions. He knew that cutting onions would shed tears. 50 pounds of onions can make him cry.

Ning Hao also finds this task too difficult. Washing 200 dishes an hour, about 18 seconds each ~ ~, and without pauses, how is this possible?

Shabey advised the chef and wanted to change jobs.

The head chef was very busy and said casually, "I don't want to cut onions and don't want to kill sheep? Well, go wash the dishes!"

Seeing the four bowls piled up like dirty hills, Shabei and Ning Hao gritted their teeth and washed them!

There are two aunts washing dishes next to each other. The two cooperate very fluently, one is washing, and the other is cleaning. The speed is very fast.

Shabei and Ning Hao discussed how to wash and decided to learn from the aunt to cooperate.

But they soon realized that washing the dishes was not so easy. First, they had to sit on a small bench. Both Shabei and Ning Hao were about 170 in height, but they were much taller than the aunts. They were bent The waist was okay at first, but after a few minutes, the back pain could not stand up.

As for the cleaning agent and dishwashing action, these are easy to say. The most unbearable thing for Shabei is the cold water washed by the dishes!

Yes, the cold water in winter is terrible! (To be continued.)

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