On the first night of the recording, Yang An stayed at the hotel in Shancheng and saw the production team's low-pixel video material sent back from the Mongolian grass. They had a short meeting with the production team.

There are definitely a lot of shortcomings when shooting the reality show for the first time. First of all, the photographer ’s problem, an artist will have two or three photographers to shoot with, and three groups near and China Cosmos. With appropriate editing, it can show very The smooth perspective of God brings a clear display to the audience.

But from the images returned by each group, at least half of the photographers have not yet felt the trick. After all, indoor shooting and outdoor shooting are two very different concepts. Outdoors require a wider field of vision, and the photographer's response should be more agile.

For example, at the airport, when Yang An mentioned Zhou Jinying, the photographer took four seconds from the moment he heard Yang An ’s prompt to capture Zhou Jinying ’s lens. At that time, Zhou Jinying had already laughed and hid. The photographer only took pictures. To one side.

Yang An said, "Our photographers must be good at dealing with emergencies. What needs to change and what does n’t change. Whoever switches lenses, everyone must think carefully. Gu Yunfeng, you have to come up with a complete solution. , The photography team needs to strengthen! "

Gu Yunfeng, the longest working photographer, promised immediately and said that he would study it carefully after returning.

After the photography is finished, the accompanying PD and the directors are not careful. Xiaodongbei is a typical example, which was taken out as a negative textbook.

Three groups, Yang An and Zhou Jinci are the most reassuring, because Yang An can control the field.

Shabei and Ning Hao, Shabei has host experience, and Ning Hao is also a film director. The two shot very easily, and they are OK in all aspects.

Only Xiaobeidong and Li Jingtian went to the remote Mongolian grass area, and the main PD Sun Cannon led the team to follow, but still got into trouble.

Sun Dabao admits his mistake: "This is not enough for me. I did not fully communicate with the artist and did not coordinate with the train passengers in time, which caused an accident. I will make a more detailed plan next time, considering more. Possibility to ensure artiste safety. "

In fact, everyone is very angry, some passersby are not high enough, some passersby are particularly shy and uncooperative, and some people deliberately grab the camera to make troubles. In short, all kinds of people have it, and they can't let PD resist all responsibilities.

Yang An may have heard everyone ’s voices and said, "PD is like this. You get tens of thousands of salary in one episode. The thing to worry about is much more than the propaganda staff who only cost a few thousand yuan a month. All aspects need to be considered. OK. For the time being, we have not seen similar programs in China. It is difficult to have pressure without competitors. Only ourselves can bring pressure, so I ask everyone to pay attention to details. I do n’t blame any PD. Admit it, and correct it, just don't make the same mistake next time. "

The next day, Xiaobeidong and Li Jingtian were still struggling with turfgrass. After 35 hours of struggle, they had not eaten a full meal, did not drink a bite of hot tea, and walked thousands of kilometers to the grassland finally. One was riding, the other was By car, I came to the herdsman's yurt, and finally enjoyed the pure prairie hot pot meal. When I ate the first hot pot, Xiaodongbei's tears almost fell down.

The recording of everyone in the first period was over. On the evening of the eighth day of the first month, everyone met at the hotel of Red Maple and finally gathered together.


A red salute blasted off and landed on the small northeast head that had just arrived.

"Congratulations! Congratulations to Tohoku for winning the" Most Worst Men Award "by the men!"

"Welcome you back alive ~ You worked hard!"

"It's so rare, I'm afraid there are two thousand kilometers to come and go?"

Everyone was joking, watching Xiao Dongbei sweep the red confetti on his hair and shouting indignantly: "More than two thousand kilometers? I checked, and according to my road map, four kilometers away, I can cross China It's up! "

Fortunately, Li Jingtian was young and strong, and tired enough. He shook his head: "It's too scary for this crew. I shouldn't have promised Yang An at first. It would be terrible not to feed us for 35 hours ..."

Who is the luckiest? Of course Ning Hao!

He took a Hummer, washed a car, brushed a plate, spent more than 3,000 on a hearty roasted whole lamb, and spent the whole time on Red Maple. What is the money? More than 3,000 is just small money, and people are comfortable, and With Shabei doing his contrast, the camera will not lack him.

The five people took their seats, began to criticize the production team, to fight against PD, and to resist Yang An, but when they talked about the gains and feelings during the trip, they were all sighing.

Yang An pushed in, followed by the production team and a group of cameras.

When the five were preparing for the crusade, they hesitated to see the camera.

Yang An grinned and smiled, "What to eat in the evening supper? Do you eat on the barbecue? Yes-Or-No?"

The people mourned and protested.

"That said, I can record for a maximum of three days. I want to take a midnight flight at zero. What supper?"

"I'm afraid of hearing multiple choice questions now!"

"Refused to choose!"

Yang An is not annoyed: "Okay, now we will start recording the final footage. Come and see, this is the thick chicken soup I made for you!"

The director helped send out the printed documents, and everyone had corresponding questions and reference answers.

Shabei nodded, deliberately saying: "This arrangement is good, very humane, and has transformed us into people with a strong CCTV program style."

Yang An cursed with a smile: "Brother Sha, don't blame me for doing this. I have to prepare six different cut editions and get CCTV for trial. I must be fighting this saliva battle. You must start a relationship at that time for me. Speaking, we can't delete our footage for no reason because the broadcast platform is CCTV. I really can do whatever it takes to get ratings! "

On the one hand, Ning Hao was deeply touched, looked at the answer file, and said, "Movies and televisions are the same. I am most afraid of reviewing the film. I wish you success!"

Zhou Jinci asked: "What are the red lines that can't pass the trial? I think the whole process is OK?"

Yang An explained: "There are several places where there is controversy. You do n’t need to worry about the specifics. The production team will handle everything. After the supplementary recording of the chicken soup for the soul, everyone can disperse. The next program production, wait for me. Notice, the specific content has not yet been determined. In short, in the next two or three months, let us make "Great Challenge" a great benchmark! "

Sabe held out his hand: "Come, settle the notice fee first!"

Ning Hao also coaxed: "Just! When I came out to record the show, I didn't make any money, but I posted thousands of pieces. I can't kneel and wash the clothesboard when I go back empty-handed!"

Xiaodongbei sighed: "I will accompany my soup and medicine ~"

Everyone laughed, Yang An had no choice but to look at this group of people, the men's gang looks pretty good, getting more and more on the road!

After all the recording work is done, the rest is tedious editing and post-production work.

After getting the master tape from the first day, the editing started.

The two sound effects brothers saw 20,000 BGM libraries, and almost cried out in front of the keyboard. They couldn't imagine why 20,000 BGM were prepared for a show, and the boss said it was not enough!

Yang An gave an example: "What kind of sound effect do you think is suitable for air hammer attack?"

The two people searched and screened in the library respectively. Finally, one person found three sound effects, repeated one, and finally submitted five sound effects to Yang An for review.

Post-production also includes a subtitle group. After hearing these five sound effects, the subtitler pushed his glasses: "With subtitles, we can make three different effects."

Yang An watched his demo on the computer and said, "If it is replaced with" duang ~ "subtitles, will the BGM choose the sound effect from my mouth, will the effect be better?"

The sound effect of Duang called out by Yang An is a little special. The sound effect brother has been looking for a long time. Finally, everyone is satisfied, but the subtitler is a bit puzzled: "Is this too different? I have never seen this!" "

Yang An laughed: "Don't think that" The Great Challenge "is a serious program in CCTV. In fact, CCTV can still show happy variety shows and can also guide the trend."

He patted the shoulders of the little brother of sound effects and subtitles: "Take advantage of your imagination and creativity. We are the first outdoor reality show. If we are not benchmarks and we cannot guide the fashion trend, who else?"

He didn't say a word, he chose CCTV cooperation for convenience and influence. CCTV chose him, and also hoped that the style of CCTV programs would gradually change and gradually become closer to the people. The two sides have a mutually beneficial relationship.

Since this is the first time broadcast, then you must do two words, amazing!


At ten o'clock in the night, in a hotel room, Zhu Xiaoming was sitting and smoking with a few people. The ashtray was filled with cigarette butts. The exhaust fan was buzzing. Several people argued endlessly.

Zhu Xiaoming is a senior producer of Dongshan Satellite TV. These are his colleagues in front of him. Although two of them are newcomers who have just joined the team for two days ~ www.readwn.com ~, the identity of the newcomer is the director of the "Great Challenge" program group. Zhu Xiaoming attaches great importance to the opinions of these two people.

The phone rang, and everyone stopped automatically. Zhu Xiaoming stood up and went to answer the call.

Um, a few words, Zhu Xiaoming came back, and by the way operated the laptop on the desk, opened a mailbox, and a schedule appeared on the desk completely.

Everyone looked around, and Zhu Xiaoming smiled at the corner of his mouth: "They have already finished work, and the scheduled broadcast time is the 16th of the first month, that is, February 26, we have eight days left!"

The two veterans are hesitant, but the two newly joined are very optimistic about the star reality show, 2: 2.

Finally, Zhu Xiaoming decided to follow up the production, but an old man persuaded: "Boss, we are not CCTV, and" Great Challenge "is not" Brave Challenge ", you must be careful!"

Zhu Xiaoming smiled instead: "Lao Chen, you are in a misunderstanding. Why is" Brave Challenge "ranked first in three years? Because we dare to broadcast content that CCTV cannot broadcast, I tell you," Great Challenge "must be It's a boring fake big empty political show! "(To be continued.) Activate the new website

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