The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 227: 2 shows collide face to face!

On March 3, Sanya Hotel, a bus with the words "Sanya Chengbo Tourism" drove over, and another GMC nanny stopped next to it. Two Ford RVs followed. This was from Dongshan Satellite TV. "Star Challenge Show" crew.

A large team like this has a special person in advance to take care of it in advance, and the manager personally receives it after the hotel. The one-stop luxury service makes customers feel at home.

In the three RVs and babysitters, there are artists and production team leaders. Zhu Xiaoming took everyone out of the car and carried luggage. The stars are very disciplined and have many things. The agent shouted here, and ordered the hotel waiter over there. Almost fainted, the scene was noisy.

Ordinary buses are staffed by large luggage such as staff and machines brought by them. There are more than 20 people. They do not have a large number of celebrities and accompanying agents.

Zhu Xiaoming handed all the other things to the assistant to handle, and he dedicated himself to accompany the six grandparents. It was not easy to invite them to come. They are some popular film and television stars. Either this is out of date, or the time is not available. It's easy to adjust to the three days of 345 shooting, it really can't be delayed for a minute!

"Excuse me, are you ... the show crew of Dongshan Satellite TV?"

The hotel lobby came to inquire alone and was very kind.

Zhu Xiaoming's assistant was so busy that he thought he was a busy and boring hotel guest and replied casually: "Yeah, I've been filming here these days."

The man was a little embarrassed and said, "Since they are all colleagues, it's better to talk! Could you please hurry up? Our entertainers are coming soon, we are shooting the tidbits ..."

The assistant was dumbfounded and looked up. Sure enough, there were six or seven people standing in the corner of the hall. At first glance, it was known that it was a photography team. With the front station liaison, maybe they were there to accompany, all dressed ... "Great Challenge" Short-sleeved T-shirt vest!

The assistant didn't know what to say, the other side always kept smiling, and the attitude was very good. The assistant had to agree to it casually, and turned to report to Zhu Xiaoming.

Zhu Xiaoming has n’t finished entering the star yet. The assistant came over to report the news, buzzing, and drove over two more buses, and quickly got off the bus. They were all staffed with heavy luggage. The Challenge team is here!

Yang An jumped off the bus first, looked around, and noticed people like Star Challenge Show.

Zhu Xiaoming's heart sank, and he promptly signaled the assistant to take the rest of the people in, and dared to take the initiative to greet him: "Ah, Yang Yang! Are you here too?"

Yang An froze, this man looked familiar, and Sun Dabao behind him prompted: "Dongshan Satellite TV producer Zhu Xiaoming!"

"Haha! It turned out to be Zhu Da, what a coincidence! Do you guys film here?"

"Yeah, yeah, what a coincidence! Hey!"

Zhu Xiaoming scolded himself in the heart, did you, Li Gui met Li Yan, still doing similar programs, living under the same roof, this should not be embarrassing and dying!

"Yo, you have a lot of people!" Zhu Xiaoming hurried away from the topic.

Yang An looked back: "More than seventy people, not yet to accompany, but it's fine, pure tourism, haha!"

Zhu Xiaoming almost fainted, and not to accompany the station staff, you brought more than 70 people? If you count Canadian artists, wouldn't you have more than a hundred people to serve as a group?

"Star Challenge Show" adds up to less than 40, which is still the star agent!

Zhu Xiaoming didn't want to stay any longer: "Well, there's something over there, I'll talk again when I'm busy!"

Yang An waved her hand, politely: "It's all right, eat together in the afternoon?"

When Zhu Xiaoming didn't hear it, Fei also got out of the room, returned to the room, and quickly called for an assistant: "How did you do it! Yang An, they are filming here, you and he are booking the same hotel? Are you sick?"

The assistant also stunned: "I don't know! Is it the hotel we ordered first? Who knows he will come!"

Zhu Xiaoming was too lazy to listen: "Hurry up and change places!"

The assistant was dumbfounded: "Guide Zhu, we booked a three-day room, and the other person only gave a 40% discount, with a service charge. If you change the room temporarily, there is no discount or discount here, but you will also be charged a penalty, and go to another hotel to make a reservation I ca n’t get a discount, and I do n’t necessarily find dozens of rooms.

Zhu Xiaoming slaps over: "Hundreds of thousands are out, and tens of thousands can't bear it? Go and ask!"

The assistant could n’t help but asked to go out, but after that, the slightly better hotels nearby were not eligible, the number of rooms was not enough, the sea view rooms were not enough, the grades were low, and they were not satisfied anyway.

Coupled with the star guests who have already stayed, they are not willing to toss any more, and some of them have started to take a bath and change clothes. Everyone spends three days on the show, and it takes one day to change the room.

Zhu Xiaoming had no choice but to stay stubborn. He pretended to be okay and smoked at the window of the elevator. Watching dozens of people talking and laughing, he quietly stuffed a hundred yuan to the front desk staff and learned that the Yang'an team All live in deluxe double rooms and suites!

Damn it, CCTV is amazing? Wealth of money to death you!

Zhu Xiaoming cursed a few words of CCTV and Yang An, and began to spy on the military situation: "Little sister, can you tell me how many discounts the hotel gave them?"

The waiter was vigilant: "Mr. Sorry, I don't know."

The bottom-level waiter of this trade secret is unknowable. Even if he knows it, he cannot easily reveal it.

Zhu Xiaoming had to give up. He noticed that the amazing production team had been dispersed. The photographers were scattered in various places. The PD at the scene took the walkie-talkie to arrange work. The person in charge of the hotel and the hotel staff followed the side support, especially the hotel side. Flattery, that's a good attitude, that is a cooperation, do whatever you say.

Zhu Xiaoming looked at his watch. It's 2 pm. Yang An can't start working as soon as he arrives, right?

A nanny car creaked in front of the hotel, and the photography team greeted him. The star of the man's gang Sabbe walked down. He wore a fancy floral shirt, flower shorts, flip-flops, and was shocked when he got out of the car.

"No, it's filming now?" Chabe asked. "Is it a feature or a feature?"

The staff led the way and motioned him to follow.

Shabey soon entered the shooting state, observing the Sanya Hotel in a fake manner, and greeted the lady who was standing in a row in front of the hotel, lamenting the luxury of the hotel.

The photography team followed Shabe to the cafeteria, and the waiters passing by smiled at Shabe.

Shabe licked his tongue, clapped his hands, and said excitedly, "I'm almost hungry and mad, and I don't eat anything from the morning. I said that your production team ca n’t pick the door. If you have money to live in a hotel, would you have no money? Shall we buy a bowl of porridge? "

Zhu Xiaoming wanted to go over to watch the fun, but his identity was too sensitive. There were people who knew him in Yang An's team. When he was caught and thrown out, it was a shame.

Five star hotel is so cool!

The front station staff has arranged everything, and there are dozens of dishes in the self-service area, which can be taken at will.

Shabei is a gourmet and also a foodie. The theme of this issue is not a life choice, so he doesn't have to worry about suddenly popping up a Yes-Or-No, but there must be doubts.

"I eat whatever I want, right?"

"Willn't you pay me?"

"Cut a grouper! Wow, lobster sashimi, I love this!"

"What is this? Is this Chinese food? Wow, Leaping Fish, I haven't eaten this for many years! Here is one!"

After being reminded by the staff, Shabe finally rest assured to choose food daringly. Anyway, don't pay for it yourself. The production team pays for it. Of course, he chooses what he likes to eat, and he is welcome.

After making the selection, Shabe came to the eating area and found that Yang An was sitting inside.

"Yo, brother Yang, you came earlier than me?"

Sabe put the plate in front of Yang An, and sat down and sighed, "Wow! This is a five-star hotel, you eat these? You don't have to roast eel? What about salmon and lobster sashimi?"

Yang An moved the position: "I came with the production team, ten minutes ahead of you. It seems that my body hasn't recovered yet, and I shivered in the morning. I'm wearing shorts at this time. I am afraid these seafood are not available. Blessed. In addition, do you really think the production team will be so kind? Do you forget what I said to you? "


The fork in Shabe's hand fell off, and the lobster meat he chewed in his mouth also seemed to be boring. The shadow area in his heart was really difficult to calculate: "How can I forget? The production team are all enemies ... don't you Scared me, I took a bite of lobster meat. Can I retreat now? "

Yang An Haha laughed: "Looking scared you ~ ~ Cup bow snake shadow, bird of surprise bow! When have you seen the buffet can be returned? When you get it, just continue to eat it, even if there is no difficulty Dangerous, when were we men afraid to help? "

Shaibe poked at the grilled eel: "Eat!"

After a few minutes, Zhou Jinci came out of the hotel elevator. He arrived with Yang An, but PD told him to go to take a bath and change clothes before telling him to come down.

Zhou Jinci met Ning Hao who had just arrived at the hotel. The two walked together, both of them were easy-going characters. They talked and laughed without any doubt. They ordered a large plate of their favorite dishes and sat next to Yang An and Shabei. , I am very happy.

The four were eating and chatting. Xiaobeidong and Li Jingtian also arrived. Xiaobeidong was not used to eating big seafood. He chose some common foods. He loved sweets, so he had more fruits and desserts.

Li Jingtian is different. He is very particular about eating, with vegetarian food, nutrition, and even the plate is carefully designed. From the color point of view, it makes people appetite greatly.

Everyone was here, and Yang An, who finished eating, wiped her mouth and said, "Every decision of the production team is meaningful. Although I don't know what they want to do, I'm sure it's absolutely impossible for us to relax. Be comfortable and enjoy. "

Everyone doesn't care: "Anyway, it's a challenging task! Everyone can complete it together. No matter how difficult or dangerous it is, what's so great?"

"Yes, we have all sworn!"

Sun Dabao came from behind, applauded everyone's unity, and handed over a question board: "The second installment of" The Great Challenge ", please accept your first task." (To be continued.)

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