The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 241: I hope you can dominate the Golden Eagle Festival!

The red carpet is laid on the east three side doors of CCTV. The open-air location is empty and luxuriously decorated. Both sides are crowded with entertainment reporters and audience fans. At this time, it looks like four o'clock in the afternoon and five o'clock. The temperature has been around 15 degrees these days. Stars are basically wearing evening dresses. Even if actresses rarely wear Dou Yan, they will not feel cold.

The hosts of the field are Shabei and Li Si. In order to look more harmonious, Shabei wears higher inside and Li Si wears low-heeled shoes. The two are finally flush.

The two stood in front of the promotional background for the Golden Eagle Festival, and Shabe excitedly said to the camera: "Dear viewers, friends, welcome to the xth China Golden Eagle Television Awards Gala! I am the host, Formosa, Sha shell!"

Li Si laughed: "I'm the host Li Si! Tonight is the biennial carnival of Chinese TV people, and the long-awaited awards evening for hundreds of millions of viewers. Many of our nominees, awarding guests, and performing guests at the Golden Eagle Festival , Is about to embark on the red carpet in front of us. The red carpet is already full of fans and reporters on both sides. Please give the radio to the scene and let the people across the country hear their cheers ... "

Shabe pointed at the camera and shouted, "Okay! Here are the guests with the biggest card of today's first group. They are the hosts Shabe and Li Si. They are invited to the red carpet!"

This teaser started selling cute again, Li Si covered his mouth and smiled: "We have passed, okay? Welcome the first group of guests, actor Xu Shiqing from Hong Kong, Ye Tong!"

Xu Shiqing is a Hong Kong actor and participated in the first "Comedy Comedian". Last year, she made a Hong Kong comedy movie with a box office of 300 million. It was very hot. The Hong Kong comedy godfather had a good reputation.

Not to mention Ye Tong, the 50-year-old opera drama, the goddess of change, is an enviable life winner both inside and outside the show. The most classic screen image is the green snake from the TV series White Snake. Thousands of fans.

Both of them came for "the audience ’s favorite Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan actor awards", of course, they may also be the guest of honor. The two Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan film actor post-action actors shocked all the fans and entertainment, and cheered. Sound hasn't stopped since the beginning.

When the two walked the carpet, Shabe and Li Si introduced the achievements they had obtained, the awards they competed for, and the red carpet officially kicked off.

Yang An was sitting in the car, Gao Yuanyuan leaned next to him, the vehicle moved forward slowly in a line, dropped off a group of guests and drove away.

Gao Yuanyuan asked: "Are you nervous?"

Yang An shook his head: "I even hosted the peak night. How could such a small scene be tense?"

Gao Yuanyuan's figure is very good, and she can dress very well. She has a delicate and elegant evening dress with a wrapped chest, beautiful and glamorous makeup. Under the clever makeup of makeup artists and stylists, there are not only literary artists who are young to marry young women. It also looks particularly feminine.

Gao Yuanyuan kept crossing her hands and looked at the front and said, "It should be our turn to have five or six groups. Do you want to win the award? Two?"

Yang An laughed: "What's the joke, I won the host award, and the best comprehensive art show award? I thought of one, or the one that is particularly sensational. When you hear it, do n’t cry, make up. It's gone. "

Gao Yuanyuan laughed: "Please, you are Yang An! The audience across the country wants to laugh when they see you, who will cry?"

The two talked casually. Yang Anshun took out the mobile phone to brush the forum. Sure enough, his Weibo and fan base were all quarreled. They all waited to watch Yang An appear. Some people commented on what awards he would compete for and what awards he could get. And even make predictions about who his red carpet companion is.

"I hope Yang Geer will dominate the Golden Eagle Festival! I won everything, the best TV presenter, the best comprehensive art show, the best art show director, camera, sound and art awards, all won!"

"Yang Geer's red carpet companion must be Bingbing! Ziyi! Yuanyuan them! There are really not many female stars in China who can deserve Yang Geer, and there are people in the Four Little Flowers who are not worthy!"

"Pull it down, and Ziyi is a female companion. I haven't seen Shabe standing on the red carpet to host the show! Be careful to fight on the spot!"

"Yang Geer and Sha Bei are now iron buddies. Brothers are like brothers and feet, women are like clothes. Have n’t the big brothers ever heard of it? Oh, look at your id is a woman, and you wo n’t understand a man ’s heart! "

Yang An looked at these posts and thought it was funny. The fans are also very interesting. If you like you, you can't wait for you to occupy the world and become invincible.

Gao Yuanyuan's assistant sister Juan reminded after the car: "It's our turn."

Yang An put away the phone, handed her handbag to his assistant, sorted it out a bit, and thought about it, he turned around and helped Gao Yuanyuan carefully check her makeup.

At least on the red carpet, men must be gentlemen, and women must be noble and elegant. This is the basic etiquette of the audience and respect for the ritual of the red carpet.

Yang An looked up and down, praising: "It's a beautiful bubble, perfect!"

Gao Yuanyuan smiled, raised her head proudly, and raised her hand. Yang Anla opened the door and took her hand to get out of the car. After looking around for a week, Gao Yuanyuan held his arm very naturally. The two gestured to the director outside. .

The reception director has instructed to go to Shabei, and Yang An gets out of the car. Shabei's voice rises: "The following group of guests, wow, the national male **** Yang An, the national goddess Gao Yuanyuan, welcome them to the stage!"

Cheers erupted at the scene, which was dozens of decibels higher. They shocked the previous group of guests. They learned that Yang An was coming. They could only shake their heads wryly and walked across the red carpet.

Big coffee stars have an advantage. The time on the red carpet is much longer than other ordinary stars, and there are additional interview opportunities. Fans are more enthusiastic, entertainment fans are more proactive, and ratings are certainly higher.

Yang An Gao Yuanyuan first stood at the entrance of the red carpet, waved and smiled around, and then slowly walked onto the red carpet in the cheers and shouts of fans.

Both are stars with excellent word-of-mouth and few negative news. Shabei and Li Si are even more eloquent, praise the glory they have won, the audience cheers, and the audience watching the live broadcast in front of the TV is screaming constantly. , Sigh constantly.

"The two men and women look good, and their image is good. They are the achievements from ordinary people to the present. What a perfect match!"

"Don't say that, my family Fifi is crying at home with her child ~~ Please, this is a red carpet. Are the stars all catwalks? They are not true lovers!"

"That is, Yang Geer is not that kind of person. I don't want to maliciously guess the purpose of the program group to arrange the two to walk the red carpet, but I think it should be based on the hype of Gao Yuanyuan. She has not won the Golden Eagle most popular actress award. Then! "

"Yang Geer is so stylish, he laughs and has a taste ~~ Ma Ma said that men are not only handsome, but also have the courage, responsibility, and endurance to behave like in the old hen. That's a man! "

The perfect two in the eyes of fans are smiling and walking slowly on the red carpet.

Gao Yuanyuan is very good at all of this. She takes the initiative and gently presses her wrists to allow Yang An to turn the direction. The two of them will face the camera in a certain direction together, smile and greet the media for a photo, or a fan in which direction. She nodded, and she handled all of this with ease.

Yang An was the true teacher who took the red carpet. The two of them dragged on for a long time before they came to Shabei Lisi. After the autograph, they had to be interviewed. I do n’t know which group of stars are behind. What kind of cursed him in my heart?

Shabei first gave Yang An a man's hug, and then asked, "I'm too familiar with you, Brother Yang, and Gao Yuanyuan is so beautiful today that I'm so confused. At this time, I'm poor and I think you want to ask what?"

Li Si was also envious: "The two are my idols. I'm so nervous at this moment, my head is blank and I can't ask what to say?"

"Ask the copybook!"

"That's all! Do you have the confidence to win the prize today?"

Yang An and Gao Yuanyuan just laughed. How to answer this question? Tens of millions of viewers are watching. If you answer with confidence, if you lose the election, wouldn't it be a shame?

Shabby's wit immediately stood out: "Do you want to win a prize? Yes-or-no?"

Yang An was alert ~ ~ immediately stretched out his arm, protected Gao Yuanyuan, and then watched left and right with caution: "You call the hammer first!"

Everyone laughed, and cheers broke out in the audience, which became the choice of the theater of life.

Netizens laughed, all of them praised the words: "Yang Geer is a gentleman, and he doesn't forget to protect his female companion. When he sees his actions, he knows that it is an instinctual reaction!"

"That's right, and he's so funny ~~ Like Yang Geer!" "≠ miào" ≠ bi "≠ gé》 ≠,

"The response is so fast! I'm afraid there aren't many people in China who can answer the host of Shabey's question so quickly?"

"The best thing is that they solved the embarrassment of this question, it doesn't matter how you want to answer now!"

After Yang An and Gao Yuanyuan laughed, the two looked at each other, one answer yes, one answer no, and then laughed with Shabei Lisi, answering this question perfectly.

The next group of guests are contestants of technology awards, a few screenwriters and videographers. Of course they will not compete with the stars. The three of them are in a rage, and Yang An and Gao Yuanyuan are still posing at the entrance to take pictures of the media. .

Entering the lobby, immediately a lady etiquette helped guide the way and led to the lobby to sit down.

Along the way, I saw many familiar faces. Yang An was greeting, but more of them were strangers. Many were not qualified to take the star-only channel of the red carpet. They all entered in advance from the guest channel. Of course, there were also low-key. There are also a lot of stars who do not want to show up and rush down with their heads down.

The two separated in the lobby. Gao Yuanyuan returned to the crew of "Let's Get Married". Yang An was light and relaxed. As long as someone greeted him along the way, he stopped to talk a few words and brushed his existence. Sense, then exchange business cards and make connections.

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