The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 243: All the remaining actresses act as harems!

In these jokes that Xiao Cui said, the outer wear of underpants implied that the three men in the theater of life were wearing waterproof jackets with an S-Superman mark on them.

Spider-Man refers to the third period, when Shabei and Li Jingtian are spider-men, hanging a rope to wipe the glass.

Rumao drinking blood is the second phase of eating raw seafood. The other items correspond to the content of the "Great Challenge" program. In a short paragraph, Xiao Cui introduced the recent hot Yang An and the old hen.

After teasing Yang An, Xiao Cui started to joke with other people, Song Qing and he sang a match, and indeed cooperated with each other.

Every joke is a good opportunity to introduce guests, and also a good opportunity to show the host's basic skills. This is more interesting than simply introducing the guest's name. The audience also loves to see this.

The first big category award, the Actress Award, CCTV naughty, put a dozen finalists in a big bro, CCTV interviewed a lot of questions, different actors have different answers, funny and humorous, comprehension The shortlisted actors who were laughing, complaining, complaining about the director, and selling Meng, were introduced for a few minutes.

After awarding a few less important awards, it finally turned to the highlight, the most popular actress award.

Outside, Xiao Cui started teasing again: "I seem to talk about some non-humans at the beginning, right?"

Song Qing asked in a low voice: "Are you talking about Yang An?"

The audience laughed, and Xiao Cui didn't move at all: "Of course it is him! I said that, the host of the variety show is like this, and he becomes a savage by doing it. And don't doubt the existence of a creature like a savage Of the savages became scientists, and some became judges. Of course, most savages were moderators. "

Oh ha ha ~

There were so many presenters in the audience, all of them were shot and they vomited blood.

Xiao Cui ’s sentence is actually very profound. In terms of context, it is actually a deep reflection on the career of the host, that is, what the host ’s profession is, a host who ca n’t say what he wants to say Man, cannot be called a normal human, is a savage!

He is playing on the topic, ironically something!

This kind of high-level black, the host of the circle will understand, everyone is bright, Xiao Cui is such a personal, very sharp words!

After everyone laughed and thought deeply, Xiao Cui went on to say, "Below, there are awarding guests Yang An and Hai Qing!"

The audience laughed and presented the best actor and actress of the Golden Eagle Awards to Yang An and Hai Qing!

Under the light, Yang Anbin was polite, and asked Hai Qing to take a step first, and then move her body slightly back to make half a step to come to the stage together.

After the applause stopped, Yang An held the microphone and asked, "Sister and I interview you. How do you feel now as a savage partner? Is there any pressure?"

Everyone laughed, Hai Qing really never heard this line, who knows that Xiao Cui and Yang An have been talking about the savage stalk!

Hai Qing is still very thoughtful: "My current feeling should be the feeling of beauty and the beast ..."

Yang An couldn't say any more. He really wanted to laugh, and protested in the audience's laughter: "It's a savage, not a beast!"

It ’s okay not to explain, Hai Qing covered her mouth and couldn't continue.

Yang An sighed: "The savages are not bad either. Our six savages recorded the program every day and it was quite comfortable. But the" Savage Survival Guide "was too tired to record. We wanted to absorb some fresh blood and recruit new people . I find that there are many good seedlings today. For example, these are suitable on the big screen ... "

Hai Qing was interested: "Actresses are on the big screen. What can they do?"

Yang An said, "Liu Tao can cook!"


Liu Tao laughed with the people around her. Her nickname is "Good Daughter-in-law". Cooking is her specialty. For such a gentle sister to cook, the savage gang will surely be happy.

Yang An continued: "... Sun Li can do laundry ..."

Sun Li smiled and lifted her forehead, almost fainted. The washing powder and washing liquid endorsed by the mother-in-law were shot while lying down!

Yang An again: "... Gao Yuanyuan can give us children ..."

The applause and laughter erupted to the highest dynasty. Gao Yuanyuan couldn't laugh or cry, but couldn't hide from the camera. She could only act in her own right. She bit her lip and laughed, her eyes fluttered. The audience was full of eyes.

Yang An waved with a big hand: "... the rest of the actresses filled the harem! Savage Belle 3000, long live Savage King!"


The actresses who were selected as the most popular actresses of the Golden Eagle Awards this time were all teased by Yang An. Everyone laughed crazy and knew that Yang An was the host of the comedy show. I did not expect that he would not even have the Golden Eagle Awards Gala. Let it go and catch every chance funny!

Hai Qing was also extremely speechless and asked: "What about the man? I think your savages help each challenge, it is very dangerous and difficult. Don't you need a more powerful helper?"

Yang An touched his chin and pretended to think for a while: "Actors are useless, they do n’t waste food when they are brought in, they have to compete with us for actresses ... well, they are not accepted than those who are less handsome than Northeast China!"

If Xiaodongbei, thousands of miles away, knew this, he would cry!

The audience laughed loudly. The audience watching the live broadcast in front of the TV even laughed. Xiaobeidong was not ugly, but it was definitely not the most handsome among the six men.

Xiao Cui suddenly said: "Among the finalists, Xiao Dongbei is uglier! Zhang Jiayi is uglier than him!"

Zhang Jia translates clearly as a sportsman, OK, Xiao Cui is making trouble!

Without waiting for Zhang Jia's translator's response, Yang An quickly answered: "If you change another threshold, you will not accept anything higher than Shabei!"

Oh ha ha ~~

Haha laughed in the hall, and Sha Pei, who was sitting on the guest table, stood up, climbed to his seat and shouted, "I protest! This is inhuman discrimination!"

Yang An quickly answered, "We are not human at all! We are savages!"

The audience laughed!

This stick of Yang An directly killed all the finalists, and his cooperation with Shabey showed the tacit understanding between them.

Hai Qing hid her mouth and laughed: "Yang An, you're not right. There are still many excellent men among these actors. It's still useful to join your savage gang."

Yang An asked, "For example?"

Hai Qing named: "Huang Xiaoming! He is an excellent partner (" Chinese Partner "), and he will definitely be your good partner!"

Yang An suddenly realized: "You said Huang Xiaoming ..."

Hai Qing laughed: "Yeah, he's down ..."

Before Hai Qing's words were finished, Yang An put away a smile and said solemnly, "I don't know!"

Huang Xiaoming, who was sitting under the stage, closed his eyes and wondered whether he was crying or laughing. Everyone around him was laughing at him. The camera also captured his expression and put it on the big screen, which made the audience endless.

This is a good Taiwanese book before, Hai Qing is more and more relaxed, and he blamed, "So well-known actor, how can you not know? Huang Xiaoming is sitting below him!"

Yang was confused and said haha, "Yeah, he's here today, haha, it's embarrassing ~~ Sister, let's do it again?"

The audience laughed and laughed, Yang Ye, you are enough. Can such a thing happen again?

Hai Qing laughed: "Okay, I recommend Huang Xiaoming to join your men."

Yang An was surprised, and suddenly realized: "Ha ha ha ha, you are talking about Huang Xiaoming ... still don't know!"

Huang Xiaoming, who was lying for the second time, laughed so hard that he could not close his mouth. He was originally a well-known actor, and he was active in film and television.

Hai Qing was angry, and patted Yang An's shoulder in an aggressive manner: "What are you doing? Do you want to offend all the actors?"

Yang An argued: "Huang Xiaoming is more handsome than me, and of course I don't know you! Try to find an ugly one, such as translating Zhang Jia!"

The uncle sportsman was covering his chest with an uncomfortable expression on his face.

The audience only knew that their faces were smiling and painful. No one expected that a savage stalk today could be played with thousands of flowers by Yang An!

Xiao Cui and Song Qing were joking on the stage, because the two were CCTV hosts, and they were both more formal and quite satisfactory.

But Yang An was just a guest of awards, and he was a comedian host and a crosstalk actor, so the atmosphere at the scene immediately changed, and the Golden Eagle Awards Gala became as if it were a "Happy Comedy" show!

Xiao Cui and Song Qing were sitting by the stage, their faces were smiling all the time, and they were not back to normal. At this time, they felt sore and painful.

There is no hint in the monitor channel, and the directors did not have any orders at all, so Yang An and Hai Qing talked nonsense.

The general director Kang Jinlong has been paying attention to these. Yang An's performance was as expected. There was an urgent transmission of data from the viewing department. After Yang An appeared on the stage, the ratings rose steadily. At this moment, he has reached the highest level since the broadcast. Continues to climb.

In this case, the fool will stop!

Hai Qing is still struggling with this question: "Zhang Jia's translation is the object of my secret love ... ah no, I'm fainted by you!"

Hai Qing's mistake made the audience laugh even more, Zhang Jiayi smiled with embarrassment on his face, and he would definitely be ruined by everyone today!

Hai Qing changed his mouth: "Then I'll find an ugly ..."

Watching Hai Qing searching for a male star on the big screen, all the shortlisted male stars in the hall laughed and shouted in my heart to choose me and choose me!

"... That's it ~ ~ Guo Tao!"

Hai Qing stopped, and a middle-aged man stood in the middle of the front row of the hall. It was Guo Tao, an old drama bone, smiling with a bitter gourd. He didn't look very handsome!

The whole audience started to cheat, depending on how Yang An reacted.

Yang An was pleasantly surprised: "Guo Tao! I know! Did Guo Tao come? Oh, here it is! The savage gang agreed to accept your affiliation, did you join? Don't ask, it just depends on how handsome you are! Come or not? If I come, I will make a movie for you in the summer, and let you be the actor. I will make you popular every minute. Will you join? "

The audience was boiling!

Guo Tao was hit by a pie from the sky, and almost fainted with happiness!

Everyone mourned, what kind of trouble is Yang An!


PS: Don't watch the new V tickets at 3-5 in the morning. Remember to vote for free recommendation tickets every day ~ (To be continued.) ()

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