The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 247: Testimonial Songs

This familiar scene has been watched by many people at the scene, all laughing loudly.

The audience in front of the TV did not know how many times they had watched it on the Internet. This scene seemed to be yesterday. Yang An stood on the stage and brought endless laughter and happiness to everyone with a new comic dialogue.

The applause was thunderous and presented to the two winners on stage.

The awarding guests were the Secretary-General of the Federation of Literary and Art Education and the Vice Chairman of the China Television Association.

After the leadership stepped down, the award speech began.

Ms. Priority is a convention, and Zhu Xun has no intention of grabbing the limelight with Yang An. Anyway, everyone can barely be regarded as CCTV's "colleague". Zhu Xun must give this face.

Zhu Xun's award speech was finished one minute, and finally Yang's turn.

Kang Jinlong looked at the timetable and timed out. He threw it away and instructed the monitoring channel: "Let Yang An play freely, and find a way to reduce the time of the guests!"

Xiao Cui smiled bitterly, and there were big awards in the back. The best TV series, the audience's favorite popular actor, uh, still don't think too much, wait for the master to be comfortable.

Yang An stood in front of the microphone, holding a little golden person as a gesture, smiling: "Thanks for the fairness and selflessness of the Golden Eagle Festival, so that I, a non-human being, can also win!"


Here again ... The audience laughed, really want to see what new tricks Yang An can play today!

Yang An sighed: "In the beginning, Teacher Cui said that I was a savage, and I refused, because you ca n’t say what I am. But then I thought that I should not lie to everyone, so I admit that I am a Monkey, the one that popped out of the crack in the stone. "


The audience applauded and gave this monkey tossing all day long!

Yang An said: "I have done five different variety shows in two years and have been tossing. My mother asked me, saying why Yang An, why can't you settle down to do the show? Also, why did you change four in two years? Home TV station, do you jump up and down like this, are n’t you tired? I ’m not tired, my monkey! Let me squat at a tourist spot, learn to take off hats, throw stones, lie to one or two bud valleys and a few Peanuts hang around? I can't do that, I just want to fuck! "

The audience laughed and applauded, and Yang An's experience of tossing and turning in the TV tower was no one.

These remarks made some TV practitioners blush, and monkeys have a strong ability to imitate monkeys. Yang An did n’t want to study monkeys in the scenic spots, but other monkeys, no, other producers were staring at Yang An ’s show. The monkeys are happy!

Yang An continued: "Society is too dangerous, there are wolves everywhere, and howling wolves, the little monkeys are also afraid. I found a few savage companions to protect me, and also found several dens to hide, the cunning rabbit only Three caves, the cunning monkey wants a lot of trees. As long as I continue to jump up and down, I will keep looking for trees to hide. "

The laughter of the audience was getting smaller. Yang An's remarks were very meaningful. All the presenters and the person in charge of the TV station were meditating.

Yang An looked over to Xiao Cui: "Mr. Cui, anyway, you look so ugly, the Savage Club is open to you at any time, and you will get a form with my secretary, fill in the membership information, and bring three recent photos of the topless. "Let your leader sign, seal and press the fingerprints. My side can pass after five working days."

Hahahaha! The audience laughed and applauded.

Xiao Cui couldn't laugh or laugh, thanks in one hand: "I thank you first!"

Yang An continued: "At that time, shall we communicate with the savage's vernacular? It ’s too difficult to say this one. It ’s even harder to express this award. I can win the best show host award, I Thanks for your family's support, for cooperating TV stations, for those who are not afraid to fall into my pit, for this wonderful time ... I wrote a new song called "Goku" for everyone, Teacher Cui, this song Song is also what I want to say to you! "

The stage lights went out, and the only beam of light hit Yang An.

The soft piano sounded, Yang An stood like a stone, standing still, always looking up at the sky above his head.


The moon splashes across the galaxy, the long road is long,

The wind and the smoke are gone,

Who made me extraordinary?

Who made me love and hate the dilemma,

Later, the liver and intestines broke.

... "

The big screen is full of pulsating lyrics. This piece of Chinese-style lyrics and music is refreshing, new and exciting. The flute sounds and the piano sounds make people feel refreshed.


The fantasy world is empty, resentful,

Resolving my disorientation, Liuchen will not change,

Angry and sad and mad,

It ’s people, ghosts, monsters,

But yes, there is a magic debt

... "

At this time, the Beijing opera gongs and drums sounded, and the composition of the ancient Chinese style music, coupled with Yang An's dramatic singing, instantly pierced the hearts of everyone!


Call the Buddha, turn back to shore,

Kneeling alone as a teacher has nothing to do with life and death,

The true and false world of good and evil,

The dust gathering is not clear,


What's the use of this iron rod,

What happened to me when I had this change,

Still uneasy

The golden hoop is taking the lead, wanting to say no rest

... "

The kind of helplessness, aggrievedness, struggle, and grievance in Yang An's voice, immediately touched all the audience, many people were infected, with red eyes and sour eyes, watching him struggle on the stage, waving his arms It looks as if fighting the invisible shackles and tearing the invisible restraints!


I want this iron rod drunk,

I have this change confused,

Breaking the sky, wanton,

The world is dangerous and ultimately inescapable,

This stick, tell you to fly away! "

The piano sound gradually faded, and the lights gradually turned off. Yang An resumed his original standing posture again. He looked at the sky, pursed his lips, and pulled the camera hovering above the studio to the nearest. Before the lights went out, he captured Tears filled his eyes.

Many on-site audiences saw this scene, and a sad mood sprang up, and they cried with Yang An.

Especially in the host group, those who have a conscience and want to do a good show, can be restricted by various external circumstances, trapped in chains for a lifetime, even those who can't tell the truth, are all sighing.

Xiao Cui covered his face with his hands and rubbed hard. At this moment, he was in a state of excitement, and wanted to growl loudly, to vent his grief, but he knew he couldn't. Yang An ended receiving the award, and he continued to host the show.

"Okay, thank Yang An for the wonderful performance ..."

Xiao Cui's voice was obviously trembling. This was a manifestation of his turbulent emotions. The photographer gave him a close-up picture, and even took the red eye of the old man.

Xiao Cui Xiao Cui, everyone shouted that, in fact, he was almost fifty years old.

There is only one reason why an old man who is not easily emotional can be so moved. Yang An understands his heart, and this song is so right.

The scene was endless applause, and the Internet has exploded!

"I'm crying! Our whole family is crying!"

"Tears +1, this song is too nice, but it's too uncomfortable. I don't know how to describe the mood at the moment. I just want to hug Yang Geer and hurt him well. He has suffered too much!"

"This **** world! I can't get accustomed to those framed gold hoops, I just want an unfettered Yang An!"

"The Yang family will continue to receive people! As long as you have a skill, whether it is media work, text editing, computer experts, advertising salespersons, you can find your own place in the Yang family organization!"

"The fans always support Yang An!"

Weeping, showing loyalty, and turning the road, ordinary viewers and netizens can only use this method to express their excitement.

In addition, some professional musicians have begun to show their might, and now they are the battlefield.

Ma Kun, a senior commentator on the China Music Association's website, is watching TV at home. He presses the remote control in his hand and the volume decreases.

He thought about the song just now, and regretted that he didn't record it for replay, but because it was Yang An's song, he paid much attention to it from the beginning and realized it with his heart.

A song is good, it is not worth the promotion of the China Music Association's website. Fortunately, these require professional commentators such as him to make comments. If these comments can be recognized by netizens, the number of likes is too much, they still They can get a lot of rewards from the China Music Association, and their rank and status in the music review industry is also linked to the number of high-quality reviews.

Jingle bell, the phone rang, it was the sister called: "Brother! I got the source of Yang An's new song!"

Ma Kun's eyes lightened: "Did he just sing?"

The sister laughed: "You forgot what my boyfriend did? CCTV sound engineer! He secretly copied it!"

Ma Kun was overjoyed, too late to delve into these complex relationships, and after receiving the source files, closed his eyes in the audition room to appreciate them.

The preciousness of the non-destructive source sound is here. Not only can you hear the singer ’s true emotions and feelings, but also professionals can hear the singer ’s mentality when singing, whether it is relaxed, tangled, or depressed. The clues in the song were analyzed.

Unknowingly, the single looped ten times, and then Ma Kun opened his eyes. He was in tears inexplicably. He could understand Yang An's mood, but he also wanted to talk about it.

Ma Kun was typing on the keyboard of the computer ~ ~ Before the Golden Eagle Awards Party ended, he posted a long Weibo.

"How much sadness Yang An sang in a song called" Goku "! At that time, Qi Tianda, who was so stupid, stepped on the Xiaoxiao and was shocked by a hundred officers and soldiers. He could be beaten by the wind and rain left by the palm of one hundred years! The Buddha, called a master, wears a golden hoop, is trapped in a prison, even if you can be as big as you can, oh, a spell will make you have to stop! There is no skill in the air, but nowhere to play, haha, what a **** The world of Buddha is no longer the arrogant Qitian saint, only the lonely fight over Buddha! Goku, Goku, it is best to realize that everything is empty, but who of Goku can be willing? Song is life, "Goku "That's Yang An! Demons and ghosts, this one will make you fly away!"

Ma Kun never knew that his feelings greatly affected a netizen thousands of miles away and gave the netizens a different feeling.

This feeling of the netizen passed to Yang An's ears as soon as the awards party ended.

Yang An saw his content on Weibo, and moved. He picked up the phone and called Song Xiaomei: "Xiaomei, help me contact this person called" Jinxi Hezai "as soon as possible." (To be continued.) Find this Search "" or enter the URL:

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