The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 249: Yang Anken gave me a chance!

Back to Hongfeng, Song Xiaomei picked up the plane, Yang An got into a car with her, and Shabei and Ning Hao got on another one. Everyone was tired these days, and Shabei and Ning Hao fell down and slept.

Song Xiaomei handed over a tablet: "What's the Tonight" you asked me to look for last night, this is his information.

Yang An looked at him and asked: when can he be invited? I want to talk to him in person.

Song Xiaomei nodded: I spoke to him in the morning. I said I was your assistant. He called a liar and then hung up.

Yang An laughed: He dared to hang up Xiaomei's phone, he was miserable!

Song Xiaomei also covered her mouth and laughed: Later I posted a post on Weibo to prove myself, and then wrote him the official company email, and then sent him a text message to prompt him to check. After five minutes, he called back, and

Yang An smirked: did you hang up his phone?

Song Xiaomei raised her head and said proudly: Hum! I happened to have something to deal with at that time, I didn't even think about it, I was straightforward! But since he is sure, I think it would be better for you to call him in person, right?

Yang An couldn't help laughing: this is the end of offending women! It is estimated that the young man is suffering a lot!

Two hours ago, the net name was Jin Xi He where the real name was Guo Lei, holding a beeping mobile phone and felt inexplicable!

Guo Lei was sitting at the computer desk, confused: was she really Yang An's assistant? Why did you refuse to answer my call? What a miserable thing, wouldn't I be doing something wrong?

He hesitated for a long time, when the phone rang suddenly, he quickly connected: Hey landlord, aunt, good, I'm here, I'll wait for you

The landlord came to collect the rent. Guo Lei reached out to get his wallet. There were more than 700 yuan in the wallet, and there were more than a thousand in the wallet. This was his last asset. He was worried about paying the rent, and before posting the payment next month. How does he live, and is he looking for a girlfriend for relief?

Near noon, Song Xiaomei's phone number never came. Guo Lei was almost desperate. He sent a few text messages asking him what to do, but the other party didn't reply. Guo Lei didn't dare to call again easily, fearing to affect the other party Work, afraid to give the other party a worse impression-he actually called the other party a liar in the morning!

The landlord came to the door and took 1,000 yuan away. Guo Lei was silent. After receiving a call from his girlfriend Liu Juan, he put on his most outfit and went to the cafeteria where Liu Juan often eats. .

Today, Liu Juan's mother came to see her daughter in the city and proposed to meet her daughter's boyfriend. Guo Lei knew that he couldn't escape the hurdle and could only meet daringly.

After graduating from college for three years, I haven't been able to do three jobs for a long time. Guo Lei simply resigned at home, using the pseudonym of where he is today, to write some literary works on the Internet, and to write some small prose for newspapers and magazines. Three thousand manuscripts, but there is still no chance of fire. Fortunately, his girlfriend Liu Juan has never given up, appreciates his artistic talents, and has always encouraged him to stick with it.

Liu Juan left work early at noon, received her mother at the subway station, and took her to the cafeteria.

As soon as she met, Mother Liu realistically raised various questions, such as work, house, car, and future life. Every question was overwhelmed by Guo Lei.

Liu Juan looked at her boyfriend's embarrassment and held her mother's hand for mercy: Mom, Guo Lei, he was really talented, he just lacked an opportunity.

Mother Liu really wanted to scold her daughter for being stupid. She was a literary worker and a writer, and she was a poor writer and a writer if she did not speak well.

Since ancient times, most of the dance writing has been impoverished. Is Du Fu famous? The hut is broken by the autumn wind, and there is no place to shelter from the wind and rain! Is Tao Yuanming famous? If you do n’t fold your waist, you can live in a shabby room! There is also Cao Xueqin, Dream of the Red Mansion is one of the four famous books, but the family eats porridge and drinks on credit!

Mother Liu looked at Guo Lei, who was silent, and was furious: Xiao Guo, you can't do this! You still have to find a job serious and earnestly feed yourself, if you really plan to walk a lifetime in literature, then I can only say sorry, our family Xiaojuan is not worthy of you

Guo Lei's most worried thing happened, he opened his mouth hard and said: I

But what can he say? That's the truth. He can't talk nonsense, right?

Jingle Bell!

The cell phone rang and Guo Leiru listened to the sound of nature, he really did not dare to face the aggressive mother Liu.

He glanced, his eyes suddenly widened and couldn't believe it—a strange mobile phone number from Hongfeng!

Guo Lei was not polite and quickly connected: Hello, this is Guo Lei, may I ask?

Hello Guo Lei, this is Yang An!


Guo Lei's head exploded, Yang An! It turned out to be Yang An's call!


Guo Lei couldn't speak in excitement, the girlfriend sitting opposite was a little nervous, but Liu mother sneered and spit out a word: so get mysterious!

Yang An's hearty voice came from the phone: I wonder if you can come to Hongfeng? I want to meet with you for a chat, when will it be convenient for you?

Guo Lei said excitedly: I am free at any time! Come over now!

Yang An said: That's the best! Later, my assistant will communicate with you about the purchase and accommodation of air tickets. I am waiting for you at Red Maple!

Guo Lei is about to cry: OK, goodbye

Liu Juan saw her boyfriend hang up and asked nervously: What happened?

Guo Lei's eyes were all red. He was surely Yang An. He was too familiar with that voice. He was clear on the phone and never made a mistake.

Yang An wants to see me!

He's waiting for me at Red Maple!

Before Guo Lei had time to explain, the phone rang again. It was the girl who had tangled him all morning, asked his ID number, and determined the free time. Before the phone was finished, the airport purchase text message was sent to him. On your mobile phone, the efficiency is extremely high, which can be called fast!

Juaner, I'm going to Hongfeng now, and I took off in two hours. I'm afraid I can't accompany you for dinner. I'm going to talk to Enran Film and Entertainment Company now.

Guo Lei stood up, his voice trembling, but it was obvious that he was excited. The calls just now must be good news!

What is Enron Entertainment? Liu Juan is not familiar with the name: did they book a ticket for you? Not a liar?

Mother Liu was disdainful: these years, scammers specifically sought out people who were not deeply involved in the world.

For the first time, Guo Lei summoned the courage to interrupt this powerful woman: Auntie, the owner of Enron Film and Television Entertainment Co., called Yang An. He just won the best show host award at the Golden Eagle Festival yesterday. The rate, high-reputation variety show, just now he called me personally, asked me to meet in Hongfeng, he said-see you!

Liu Juan knew that her boyfriend never lied and covered her mouth in surprise: really Yang Yeer called you?

Guo Lei finally laughed, and looked at his girlfriend tenderly: Yes, it was his voice, absolutely impossible!

Mother Liu still doesn't believe: what did he ask you for?

Those official emails, those private messages, told him clearly that what the other party valued was the novel Goku Biography he was conceiving!

Guo Lei's heart was full of emotions. Regardless of Liu's mother's objection, he held Liu Juan's hand and said: Do you remember what Yang Geer said in a good voice in China?

Liu Juan blinked: there are many talented people in the world. What they lack is just a platform. One chance, Guo Lei.

Guo Lei smiled: Yang An liked my novel, and he was willing to give me a chance!


Liu Juan screamed in excitement. She ignored her mother's pull, hugged her boyfriend forcefully, and burst into tears. She knew too much what this meant. Guo Lei had worked so hard for so many years, and finally the chance to get ahead was here!

Guo Lei walked away smartly, naturally behind his girlfriend helped explain.

Mother Liu was suspicious, but when she heard Yang An, heard the Golden Eagle Award, and saw Yang An Space in her daughter's cell phone, a microblog that Yang An personally forwarded was written by Guo Lei, and Mother Liu finally believed it.

Juan, don't blame your mother for being mean and careful, because you are still young, and the mother is here, and I will definitely help you check it out!

Mom, don't worry, Guo Lei is really talented and he will succeed!

Speaking of her boyfriend, Liu Juan really can't finish exaggerating. Women in love see all the advantages of lovers. Liu mother only sighed in the heart, I hope this is true!

When Guo Lei arrived at Hongfeng, he was about to leave work. He first reported to the front desk of Enron Film and Entertainment Company, and soon came out a beautiful woman, and handed him a document bag, which contained the hotel room card. The company temporarily entered and exited. Access card, and then arrange for the driver to take him to dinner and come to a private kitchen.

Where is tonight, Guo Lei, haha! Hello! Yang An stood up to say hello, smiled and stretched out her hand.

Guo Lei was a little apprehensive, holding Yang An's hand.

There was also a familiar face next to him ~ ~ Ning Hao, a man's gang, Ning Hao was looking up and down, he pushed his glasses and greeted Ning Hao actively.

The dishes are ready-made. The three eat and talk, mainly asking Guo Lei's work. After learning that he is a literary practitioner, Yang An is concerned about his family life, such as when to submit a manuscript. Tired, is there any cervical spondylosis, dissatisfied with income, etc.

Guo Lei gradually relaxed, and after some contact, his understanding of Yang An deepened a lot.

After eating, the waiter cleaned up the table, and the three moved to the hotel room where Guo Lei lived. Yang An finally talked about the key points: Guo Lei, the manuscript of Wu Kong Biography, did you bring it?

Guo Lei took out his laptop and opened the unfinished manuscript. This was unpublished content. He wrote a customized article at the invitation of a comics club, and wrote only four chapters, less than 20,000 words.

Please advise!

Guo Lei is very nervous. Can his life be reversed? ). If you like this work, you are welcome to start () vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Please go to mobile phone users. )

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