: The content of this chapter is purely fictitious. In addition, 600 votes, 650 votes plus I owe it first, and I made up for it in early July. My cervical spine is really bad these days.

Men's ideas for helping everyone are different. Ning Hao and Sha Bei are traditional honest people, thinking about traditional industries.

But Li Jingtian, an idol artist from Treasure Island, thinks completely differently. He intends to go to the mall for sales promotion, and recruits some tall and handsome male models to be his younger brothers. He specializes in doing business for female customers in the mall, selling nail art and skin care products. It was unanimously praised by everyone, and he proved that he did a good job when recording the show. He was the most profitable of the six.

When Xiaodongbei was talking about ideas, he boasted that as long as he went to the street, someone would lose him money. If it did n’t work, he would make buns for sale. His skill in making buns was quite good. Find a bun shop to do this. Business should also start, and everyone thinks this idea is also good.

Finally, everyone asked what Yang An wanted to do.

Yang An said with a big grin: In Red Maple, whatever it is, I just brush my face!

cut! You go to the bank to see if they can withdraw money from you!

Eating a car, you brush your face, I believe, how else do you brush?

Everyone did not believe that Yang An had to say: What I can think of, the fastest way to make money is to recommend stocks!

Shabei was curious: did you take the securities qualification certificate?

Yang An shook her head: No!

Shabei smiled: What stocks do you recommend? This is illegal!

Xiaodongbei also agreed: Will you stocks? I suspect that the stocks you recommend will lose!

Yang An said: It doesn't matter. I recommend stocks to a few rich people. If they go up, there is a commission. If they lose, I ask them to interrupt my leg and pay me 100,000 yuan for medical expenses. Is it easy to say that the money came? You can make a profit, haha ​​~

Everyone fainted!

After teasing, Yang An's final decision to do business was a wandering singer!

He asked the owner of the musical instrument store to pay a hundred dollars to rent a folk guitar, plus a set of portable speakers and microphone equipment. When he saw the cap on the boss ’s head, he borrowed it, and bought it in a wig shop not far from it. A set of artist's long hair, spent ten dollars to buy a pair of black-frame flat mirrors. After disguising, if you don't look carefully, passers-by will definitely not recognize him as Yang An.

Yang An has always had a dream of becoming a singer, but unfortunately he has not been able to realize it. His tone is very ordinary, and his recognition is not high. Therefore, his sales business is very poor, occupying an excellent position in the underground passage. There are few people with money.

And he also encountered the legendary beggar gangster, because he blocked the beggar's beggar member business, a group of people snatched the money he earned from singing, and hit his guitar, driving him a few streets away.

Of course, the show is full of laughter and sadness.

When the audience saw Shabei being hit hard and squatting in the van like a loser, they felt a little bit intolerable.

Seeing Li Jingtian's turbulence in the shopping malls has attracted countless little girls who are rushing to buy, everyone thinks that this guy has a good brain.

Seeing that Ning Hao was fleeing madly by the city management, and was almost begging for pleading after being blocked by the front and back, the audience was glad that the city management was quite reasonable and did not confiscate the carts on which the old couple depended for survival.

Zhou Jinci and Xiaodongbei each sold their crafts, one performing arts, and the other focusing on selling buns. Although they didn't make much money, they were also real gold and silver, which were well received by customers.

Yang An's guitar skills are really average, but his songs are good.

He sang "Unwanted Love", "Blue Lotus" and "Wolf" under the pedestrian bridge. These songs are familiar melody, and indeed attracted many passers-by to stop.

After waiting for dozens of people, Yang An played and sang "In the Spring". The lyrics of the song were touching and the melody was simple, which was suitable for him to perform on the street.

When Yang An grew up on the street, under the bridge and in the fields, singing the uninvited ballad, many audiences moved. This is his true portrayal. He chose to sell and sing for life, and chose to embark on the artistic road of music. To find a dream is doomed to pay a lot.

Yang An's "In the Spring" moved the audience in front of the TV and also a lot of passers-by who were watching. Finally, some people applauded, and one after another, ten and twenty banknotes were dropped.

Finally, another person who seemed to be playing music came over and lost a fifty. He said with emotion: Brother, can you sing "Spring" again? I think your voice is like Yang An!

When men help everyone realize that life is not easy, and it is difficult to make money, they finally wake up, making money may not only depend on themselves, it is also a good idea to join forces with brothers!

After that, all kinds of jokes were full of joy. The men's gang never gave up. The brothers worked together. In order to sell the slow-selling fruits and vegetables of Shabei, Xiaodongbei helped sell some of them. As long as they were Yang An, they could get a cauliflower. Li Jingtian also contracted the sales of dozens of pounds, and bought a cauliflower for free when buying skin care products. By the last count, everyone was not losing!

Ning Hao made more than 100 yuan, Yang An made more than 300 yuan. Except Li Jingtian made 2,000 yuan, everyone was a few hundred yuan in profit.

After the fourth issue aired, the social response was also great.

Not everyone is fighting for gold every day. The ordinary people at 99.99 are asking for their lives. Many children watch this show and understand that money is hard to come by. More people are willing to learn from them and experience working life in the summer vacation. Learn to make money yourself.

This issue is a good explanation for the point of view of the stars and the common people. Abandoning the star halo, men help six people and ordinary people are no different. Although their performance in this period is very general and their ability to make money is not enough, their image is closer to the people!

There are only six issues in the first season of "The Great Challenge", which will last until the end of May.

It is now mid-April. In theory, Yang An should be fine with them. Every day, they are bored with the script and program of "Crazy Stone".

However, Yu Wei of the Golden Eagle Festival finally broke out, and "Honest Talk" finally happened!

Xiao Cui, a CCTV hero for many years, still failed to protect the "Treat the Truth", whose ratings have dropped year by year.

At this time, the man was preparing the fifth program of Red Maple and filming the off-site footage together. After hearing this news, Shabei called Xiao Cui to comfort him for the first time, but the phone was not answered.

His eyelids jumped wildly, and he continued to call to ask his colleagues at CCTV, but he got a shocking news.

Shabey hung up the phone and quickly told everyone the news: Teacher Cui committed suicide at home!


Yang An was shocked: Teacher Cui committed suicide? impossible! Absolutely impossible!

Ning Hao was also shocked: How could a man as strong as himself commit suicide?

Shabei breathed a sigh of relief: it was an attempted suicide, which was discovered by his wife and rescued. He is now living in Zhongjing People's Hospital. Should we go and see him?

The crowd had not been able to return to God, and Yang An's phone rang. It was Liu Yuxi.

On the phone, Liu Yuxi shouted in a crying voice: Yang An, can you come to comfort Mr. Cui? His condition is very bad!

Yang An's heart jumped: calm down first, what happened to Mr. Cui? Isn't he rescued?

Liu Yuxi choked and said: I heard my colleague say that someone saw the content of his suicide note, and he was worried that he would continue to do stupid things after being rescued!

Yang An understood it, and he comforted him: OK, don't worry, you can only make yourself messy, and I will arrange it.

Hang up the phone, everyone knows that things are serious.

Yang An thought about it: Brother Sha, you and I went to Zhongjing immediately, and the others didn't go. It's not good to have too many people. You continue to prepare for the show, and we will be back when we are busy.

In the afternoon, the two flew to Zhongjing, came to the People's Hospital, and met Teacher Cui's wife and daughter.

Before getting on the plane, Yang An knew the reason.

Ten years ago, Mr. Cui first served as the host for the special section of "Time and Space" "This Is Real". Because of the good performance and the special section was welcomed by the audience, CCTV simply separated it and made it a "truth and truth" brand. , Let him be the host and producer, and was a great success.

Over the past ten years, other domestic TV stations have followed his style and made at least a dozen programs similar to "Tell the Truth". The local station's material perspective and host style are different from CCTV. It is normal for viewers to like the new and the old. Of course, it has an impact on CCTV ratings.

Coupled with some reasons everyone understands, even if Mr. Cui racked his brains, he could not restore the downward trend.

The Golden Eagle Awards Party was the last straw that crushed the camel. Xiao Cui's savage argument was widely disseminated by the society. He was the author of the argument, Yang An was a helper, and he sang a "Goku" to support Xiao Cui. The two teamed up to ridicule the Zhao family members, which triggered a big discussion in the society. The widely accepted interpretation of the content was very sharp and made some leaders of the Zhao family particularly dissatisfied.

Yang An is a monkey jumping up and down, an independent producer, an independent legal company, and a super high-rating program is being broadcast. The Zhao family can't pinch him, they can only vent to Teacher Cui, and the program immediately stops broadcasting.

It is very likely that Mr. Cui couldn't think of it for a while and chose to go this way ~ www.readwn.com ~ to commit suicide by cutting his veins.

When Shabei met Teacher Cui's lover, she quickly helped her: Sister Wang, don't be too sad. How is Teacher Cui now? Can we meet him?

Sister Wang wiped her tears: Thank you for coming to see Lao Cui, who is transfused, and the doctor said that he needs to rest and rest.

Yang An kept on fire, asking: Is Mr. Cui irritated by some leaders?

Sister Wang shook her head: Lao Cui has suffered severe depression in these years. He often says at home that he wants to commit suicide. We have always guarded him. All the knives in the house are locked. Sharp tools are also stored in places he does not know. Who know

Major depression!

Yang An and Sha Bei both sighed. They really couldn't figure it out. Teacher Cui, who looked very happy, was depressed?

At night in the hospital, Sister Wang persuaded Yang An and Shabe to go back without vigil. At this time, Mr. Cui woke up. The first sentence he said was water, and the second sentence he said was that I wanted to see Yang An. ). If you like this work, you are welcome to start () vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Please go to mobile phone users. )

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