The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 256: Really find treasure!

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After Liang Xu reported to Yang An, Yang An was very surprised: "What kind of ghost is Huang Mang TV doing? Go to all parts of the country to find out, attract people, and recruit, you are free to do it, but you dare to do our business under the sign of our good voice. Do you want to stand on the dock? "

The thing is very clear. Huang Mang TV is preparing a singing show called "Super Rookie". The model is a little like Yang An's "Super Girl" and "Super Male Voice" combined version, tapping the best singing young men and women in China. Idols are, in a sense, essentially the same as "Good Voice of China", but they spell sound + face.

The frontline field team confirmed that "Super Rookie" was playing the banner of "Selecting Good Voices" instead of "China Good Voice Production Unit" and played a beautiful edged ball. The masses did not know the truth and thought it was a good Chinese voice. The production team came to select candidates and responded to the registration.

Yang An was busy recording "The Great Challenge" during that time. After the company's legal department protested Huang Mang TV, the other party promised to make corrections because everyone had no evidence and neither side launched the show, and the matter was finally gone.

But the front line is even more tense. The battle for robbing people between TV stations has been publicly heated. The number of outstanding students is limited. No one wants to be taken away by others!

Song Yiming and Li Chenfeng, two genuine good-sounding staff members, met the government's concern and saw the 51-year-old Wang Yizhen, the winner of the singing competition for the elderly in Tongxiang.

Song Yiming stretched out his hand in surprise and bowed down to pay tribute: "Aunt Wang, you look so young!"

Li Chenfeng also lamented: "If others say that you are under forty, I won't doubt it at all! You really care for it. Tongxiang is really beautiful, beautiful and beautiful!"

The official in charge of the government said with a smile: "The two really talk. I'm busy first. If you have any requirements, you can ask me at any time. The Tongxiang government is willing to contribute to the good voice!"

After the two sent away the person in charge, they continued to chat with Wang Yizhen.

Wearing a cheongsam, Wang Yizhen is noble in temperament, speaks very standard Mandarin, and has a high vision, which seems to be very different from ordinary Yi women.

Upon closer examination, she was a foreigner. She was sent here more than 20 years ago. After marrying and having children, she settled here. She never moved, but her ancestor was also a wealthy family in a big city. Talk well.

Decentralized educated youth then?

A descendant of a giant who lives in a small town?

In Song Yiming's opinion, these two points are not enough to meet the criteria for admission.

Song Yiming asked: "Aunt Wang, can you sing a few words and listen?"

Wang Yizhen smiled and waved her hand: "I won't sing anymore. I want to recommend my daughter. Her name is Wang Yiyi. My husband's family has passed away for many years. My daughter has my last name. She is now a part-time model of a model company in Yangcheng, but Singing is better than me. "

Not here?

Song Yiming nodded: "We also have colleagues in Yangcheng, you can tell her phone and we will arrange for someone to contact her as soon as possible."

Wang Yizhen smiled proudly. Instead of rushing to call, he took out a small old antique CD player and handed it over: "This is a sample recorded by my daughter. You can listen to it first."

CD has not been eliminated until now, because some people have high requirements for music, they like to use CD to listen to non-destructive music.

Song Yiming took out Sennheiser's professional headphones from his backpack, connected the cd player, and sat quietly while sounding.

No one bothered him, and he closed his eyes and heard a very ethereal melody.

Folk song, this is a real folk song. The singing girl's voice is very high and pure, maybe it should be as beautiful as Wang Yizhen when he was young.

Many lyrics are in Yi dialect, and Song Yiming does not understand, but it does not prevent him from enjoying it.

His eyelids moved slightly, his heart gradually rising, and with the ups and downs of the music, the wave became bigger and bigger, and became a turbulent wave-this singer must win!


After listening to half a song, Song Yiming took the initiative to press off and handed the headset to Li Chenfeng.

I took another registration document from the backpack, a contract of intent, and opened my mobile phone and put it in front of Wang Yizhen: "Aunt Wang, tell me the phone number, I can now tell my colleague Yangcheng to take over. The side event will be arranged uniformly, and the job transfer, signing, training, and compensation after leaving office can be completed within one day. "

Li Chenfeng took off the earphones and smiled and said, "We generally don't sign this intent contract in person. Only those students who are particularly good can get it. You should understand by changing the word. This is the direct train that Yang Geer often issues Places. As long as you sign with your daughter, she can go on TV and sing in front of the four mentors! "

Wang Yizhen smiled confidently: "I know! I said, she sings better than me!"

After receiving the system prompt, Yangcheng's field team contacted Wang Yiyi's number as soon as possible.

Song Yiming was very relaxed here. They rented a car to Wang Yizhen's house, took some dv to shoot some highlights, and interviewed the folks in the village of Yi people. These precious materials will be sent to the production team for archives. After that, they have enough vcr content to play, so that audiences across the country can see a real Wang Yiyi.

That night, in the good voice special screening system, the three teams in the field successfully uploaded a singer file, which immediately attracted the attention of colleagues.

Group five: "Yo Song Yiming, do you find treasure again?"

Song Yiming replied proudly: "It's a shame! This time I really found a treasure!"

Group twelve: "What are you proud of, Song Yiming, we found four yesterday!"

Song Yiming dismissed: "The four Qin qiangs are not comparable to one of us! I am a real folk song!"

Nine groups: "Song song? Coincidentally, we are also the folk song in Xiangjiang area!"

Group 12: "What's so proud of the Sichuan and Sichuan folk songs, is the soft Xiangjiang River comparable to the wild old-fashioned man of our northwest?"

Group two: "Come and come, the market is open, which group of employees are selected for the championship this year? Whose outstanding employees are this year?"

Seven groups: "I bet three groups win, fifty cents!"

One group: "Bet Nine Group won, one dollar! The girls in the Xiangjiang River Valley sing very well, and many singers often go to the Spring Festival Gala."

This is the joy of the field crews. Every time they upload a powerful singer file, they hope that the singers they dig up can get a good ranking and bring better reputation and benefits to the company.

After Song Yiming and Li Chenfeng signed Wang Xiyi, they continued to go deep into Sichuan and Sichuan Volcano Land. There are still many small towns with underdeveloped networks and poor publicity. Although remote, many singers with original ecological flavors are waiting for them to discover.

It is their hard work in the field team and strict review that has made every student recommended by the field get high-level attention.

The field team will not stop mining talents until mid-June. The hottest summer vacation is the rest period. Everyone waits for the good voice to finish working and continue the cycle.

On May 26, the second day after the launch of "Mad Stone", Good Voice began recording in the second season.

Yang An carefully looked at the student's debut arrangement given by Liang Xu, and showed a satisfied smile, "I remember two months ago, did I encounter Huangmantai's" Super Rookie "to grab people?"

Liang Xu laughed: "I almost forgot about it. Last week, the" Super Rookie "was launched, and the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions were selected. The ratings of the first broadcast were 1.7%. I heard that their producers’ confidence increased greatly, and they started a grand event. Celebration party. "

"Now it's just a sea election, not the finals. 1.7% is enough for Huangmang TV. The performance of the draft show is really dependent on the accumulation of word of mouth for many years. At the beginning, this score was okay and it will not collapse. In the future, the ratings will become higher and higher, steadily breaking 2% during the finals, and maybe 3%. "

Yang An pointed to Wang Yiyi's name: "I tell you, if" Super Rookie "really robs her, I will immediately kill Huang Mang TV, and the teacher He flies away!"

Liang Xu is also very proud: "Wang Yiyi is really a treasure, this year's good voice, not less than last year, the ratings will continue to rise!"

In fact, Yang An was not too worried about the ratings. When others were still concerned about whether the good ratings would be brilliant again, his focus was already on international influence.

This year Lu Xun's departure and Fei Jie's joining is the layout that Yang An has carefully prepared. He must continue to make a big influence on the brand "China Good Voice" in order to sell overseas copyrights at a good price!


The Xiaomeiyuan Theater has been replaced with a promotional advertisement for "Good Voice of China". Many of the nearby shops have advertised "Good Voice Students with Half Price for ID Cards". Even the waiting chairs at the entrance of some restaurants have been designed as The simple version of the instructor turned the chair and called the guest number. The guest snapped the red light in front of him, and the waiter took the guest to dinner.

In addition to the restaurant, there is a children's playground next to it. There are five doll-holding machines at the door. The business is very hot ~ ~ Because all the dolls are Yang An dolls, the boss has a big conscience and the strength of the doll-holding machine. And the accuracy has been adjusted several times, so many tourists from Hongfeng have been attracted by small profits but quick sales, and they have won a good reputation.

The two streets adjacent to the Xiaomeiyuan Theater were also under the care of community police officers. Two patrol cars flashed with warning lights and stopped at the intersection 24 hours.

The Hongfeng City Government has begun to demolish the next-door community. Perhaps in another three years, Xiaomeiyuan Theater will be relocated to a larger theater next to it. Now tourists are standing in the alleys with huge V-shaped hand statues. Take a group photo to commemorate. Occasionally, when encountering the vcr of the photography team to enter the scene, they will be excited to cheer for those students who are chasing their dreams after the cordon.

The show was being recorded in the small theater. Yang An led the audience and shouted that after the good sound of the second season began, he introduced four mentors.

Liu Feng, Mo Wen, and Huang Xiao were seated in turn. The appearance of the fourth mentor Fei Jie caused cheers from the audience.

"Here is our first student!" (To be continued.)

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