The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 260: Yang Anzhi, I might as well

The most shameless mentor on the stage of Good Voice came again. This method was a magical trick to attract students, which proved that the mentor on stage had broken the boat and had nothing to do. Other mentors were unable to do so because of their face. The previous one did it.

Huang Qiong was excited to sing with Mo Wen, and Fei Jie didn't chase afterwards. In the end, Huang Qiong chose Mo Wen without any suspense.


Mo Wen hugged her first student and proudly displayed it to others, and asked the audience to congratulate her. The scene was very warm.

Many text message user comments are scrolled down the TV screen: Zhuangzhang my sister Xiang! I want this kind of hot and straightforward character!

Huang Qiong and Sister Mo are really good! Unfortunately, Teacher Fei Jie, sister Huang Qiong has no skills!

"The Eighteen Bends of the Mountain Road" is so nice! You guess this song will be on Spring Festival Gala this year? Good sound songs have the tradition of the Spring Festival Gala!

Teacher He looked at the screen and suddenly felt no mood to continue watching.

He picked up his mobile phone and walked out of the projection room, followed the empty corridor to the smoking balcony, hesitated, and dialed Yang An's number.

Director Yang, what are you doing?

Teacher Ho, I am playing with my children at home! Ah, I almost forgot to congratulate you, congratulations on your "Super Rookie" popularity!

The two touted each other with two sentences, and Teacher He entered the subject slightly dissatisfied: I was just optimistic about the sound and noticed the player named Huang Qiong, how did you find her? We have been operating in Xiangxi for almost two decades. How come the news hasn't gotten you?

As soon as Yang An asked Huang Qiong, she knew why Teacher He called.

He chuckled and laughed: Good luck! Besides, our program is for the whole country and all Chinese recruit singers. I also sent people to recruit overseas! It ’s the same for your show. It ’s not divided into five major divisions in China, and there is no limit on which places ca n’t be recruited, right? You can't restrict where I'm not allowed to recruit?

Teacher He reluctantly: I didn't mean that, you misunderstood. Actually, I am dissatisfied with the recruitment methods of our production team. Their efficiency is too low and poor. At this point, I want to learn from you.

This book of recruitment can not be finished in a short while, and this is the way out in real money, Yang An does not want to elaborate too much.

What's more, the method suitable for good sound may not be suitable for super rookies, and it is not his style of Yang An to point at other people's work.

Yang An smiled: Do n’t you know the recruitment method of your production team? Well, you can go to the Legal Department of your station to find out. By the way, Mr. He, I have always been right and wrong, you should know me very well, I just want to do a good show, goodbye!

Hanging up the phone, Teacher He was a little embarrassed. Yang An finally said a wordlessly, what do you mean?

When he went back to the screening, Teacher He asked the director Kui Wencong, but he did not expect that Kui Wencong was secretive and dodgy. After being questioned for a long time, he talked about the misunderstanding caused by the two production team's field personnel.

Kui Wencong explained: This really can't blame us. Let's go to a place first. Many people ask us if they are good voices. If we tell the truth, the people will not bird us at all. How can our work be carried out? Besides, we were originally searching for folk good programs, and we did nothing wrong!

Gong Liang also advised: in fact, we did not do too much, each selected student, we give various types of compensation and benefits are not worse than good voice they are not good

Alright, don't say it, keep watching TV.

Teacher He finally understood that on the surface he didn't seem to care, but in fact he was very sad.

The two field teams grabbed people in the first few months. As the host, he didn't even know the details of the specific operation. He met Yang An at the Golden Eagle Festival awards evening, and they talked very well, but there was no feeling at all. By the time Yang An's resentment against him, Yang An had done well enough, with enough generosity.

He remembered that during the Golden Eagle Festival, he asked Yang An what he thought of the cottage program. Yang An said a few words: Many colleagues in China are using my program for reference. In fact, as long as they are not copied blindly, I generally do not pursue it. I can't control similar programs, but since everyone chooses to follow the trend, they must follow the rules of the game to play. Everyone competes fairly and makes progress together, so that the domestic television industry can develop healthily and steadily, instead of doing tricks.

I didn't want to take the lead in making small gestures, and myself. Teacher He felt a hot pain on his face. He finally understood what Yang An said on the phone just now. He took out his mobile phone and really called him without a face. Finally edited a text message and sent it to me: I'm sorry, I'm just the host, I don't know many things, and I can't help myself.

Not long after, Yang An returned a text message: It's okay, I'm very broad-minded. In addition, if you feel aggrieved at Huangmangtai, come over to me and make an independent film, let's play a variety show together! You said you want to cut your head and worship it!

Teacher He muttered, and deleted this message.

In addition to the sisters Tao Tao and Folk Song Huang Qiong, the first part of the good voice program also has a 17-year-old British student, Zhao Gege.

Under Yang An's first-hand arrangements, Li Huan became a propaganda ambassador for overseas Chinese. A song called "Hometown Cloud" sang after the Spring Festival Gala, which caused a wave of Chinese returning to China in the past six months. Most overseas Chinese knew about "China For the program "Good Voice", the overseas recruitment activities of the production team went very smoothly. Zhao Gege was named in the London newspaper.

The little girl studied painting, but because of her love of music, coupled with a good voice, and an outgoing personality, she was eventually selected by the show group, and she was introduced in the first episode.

The four mentors turned around, and the audience saw a little girl wearing a personalized t-shirt, ripped jeans, thin body, beautiful girl makeup, and a youthful youth full of joy.

Jumping rubbing, jumping rubbing, playful opening, this is a Grammy award-winning song "", swept Europe and the United States and Australia in half a year, singing content is a fat girl refused to lose weight, and proud of her figure, Willing to be a true self.

Fei Jie is too familiar with this song, and she knows well what Chinese regrets about singing English songs. This student's English bite is surprisingly good, and her tone is very mature and stable. The mainstream feeling, in other words, this voice is worth training, very international.

After eight bars of English, the genre suddenly turned and a short interlude, the little girl sang a song.

Turned out to be a composite talent!

Both Mo Wen and Fei Jie's eyes brightened, and they both glanced at each other quickly. Oops, this time they ran into each other again!


They didn't even hear the chorus, and the two got into a fight and filmed together.

As the two turned around, they just arrived at the chorus. The little girl's hoarse voice and the weird fricative sound of tearing the sound line immediately aroused the cheers of the audience.

I was eating fried chicken in People's Square,

And where are you now

Although maybe you are hitting the west,

But tiredness makes me too lazy to doubt,

I was eating fried chicken in People's Square,

And where are you now

After the little girl finished singing with a smile, the band suddenly changed its tune, the playful dance rhythm sounded, and it was seamlessly connected to the front part of the English song. Super strong.

The atmosphere broke out suddenly, and the audience followed.

Fei Jie also stood on the chair and danced with the rhythm, and Mo Wen was not willing to be outdone. She knew that the little girl must have come to Fei Jie, but if she lost, she must show her importance to the girl— —She stepped off the chair again!

Mo Wen was dancing!


The queen of old arms and legs is dancing!

As we all know, Mo Wen is not a song and dance person. When she performs a concert, she mostly stands and sings, walking and singing, rarely jumping.

But today, Sister Mo really broke out. Today is the first issue. She has been shameless for a long time, and her habits are just so good!

Liu Feng and Huang Xiao who have not turned around laughed. Mo Wen went down to interact with the audience when Huang Qiong sang just now. They were the first time they saw Mo Wen dancing. They also had a sense of rhythm, especially It's the English song part. Mo Wen Da Moo, Mo Mo Da Moo.


In the laughter of the audience, Liu Feng and Huang Xiaoqi patted the lights together. Today is too joyful, eye-opening, eye-opening!

Zhao Gege finally finished singing on the stage, and screamed in surprise. Fortunately, the sound engineer reduced the radio effect of the hand wheat, and the studio was not burst by high-decibel sound.

Four turns, what should I do?

Come and grab!

When he saw four mentors coming to grab this flowery girl from international Europe and America, Teacher He suddenly understood.

The hosts who know the best are often themselves.

Think of Lu Xun's departure and Fei Jie taking the upper stage. In this issue, there is not even a hip-hop rap song. Instead, there are more and more English songs. I also specially find a Grammy-nominated mentor to accept those who have European and American models. The young singer's appearance on the stage gradually expands his influence in the mainstream markets in Europe and the United States. Teacher He feels that he should be as good as possible ~ ~ Kui Wencong and Gong Liang are still discussing the details of the show, what is it? It's not the director's suggestion of what to say, what's wrong with the camera switch, how should we learn from ourselves.

Teacher He felt really boring.

We have just eaten rice here, and everyone has meat.

We have just eaten meat on this side, instead of eating meat on the other side, we have changed to seafood.

It was difficult for us to gather a pot of spicy crayfish, a bowl of shrimp soup, and a plate of stir-fried scallops, and we dared to say it was a seafood meal. As a result, people directly aimed at foreign markets, went to the Caribbean islands to eat shrimp, and grabbed coconut crab , I just caught the dragon and ate it!

It's useless to chase yourself, because the horizon is not a grade at all.


Yang Anzhi, I might as well be ashamed. Teacher He's confidence has been hit. I really want to get drunk! ). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Please go to mobile phone users. )

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