The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 268: Billboard No. 1!

At the beginning of the MV, Yang An, dressed handsome, wore a black dress and a bow tie and said to the camera, "Today I have a good friend getting married, but I deliberately did not tell her that I intend to break into her wedding. Well, if today Someone else got married and I broke in together, I hope they won't hit me! "

Enron was driving a car. Everyone was wearing sunglasses and carrying a guitar bass in their hands. A business car in front checked large equipment. Yang An and a few others followed in a convertible.

Yao Beina's wedding scene was the main object of narration. When these people broke in, Yao's father and manager came up to stop, and the conversation between the three was recorded.

"What are you doing? Which company are you from?"

"This is a private banquet. Who are you?"

"Don't worry, we are friends of the bride. We came here to surprise her. Could you please be calm?"

In the voice-over, Yang An has begun to sing the prelude. He walked into the hotel with the rest of the band, lowered his head, walked against the wall, covered his face with a hat, and got into the curtain.

When the unsuspecting couple approached, the white curtain exploded, and the audience was boiling. The expression of surprise on Yao Beina's face was not contrived. She shouted "Oh my god" and screamed with her face covered, almost all the audience saw This scene laughed excitedly.

That's right, that's it!

This is really a big surprise!

All the viewers couldn't help but substitute themselves after seeing them. If they were broken in by Yang An at their wedding, they would be very happy. It wouldn't be enough to break in once. They were willing to be broken in ten times, one hundred times!

The MV continued to play. Yang An took the band to various occasions to sing this song for different newlyweds. Not only the Western wedding, but also the big banquet on the lawn garden. The open and tolerant church also became The performance venue of the band, whether it is a Chinese newcomer or a Chinese-Western multinational wedding, almost everyone screamed in surprise, and the atmosphere at the scene was bursting!

Looking at the MV, the glittering wedding paper flying in the sky, everyone had a surprise smile on his face, listening to Yang An's joyous singing, each audience warmed up and cheered up.

This is the most romantic wedding break in history!

These are the five happiest wedding couples in the music video!

Everyone saw Yang An, who was handsome and romantic, with proper energy!

"Sugar" is too sweet and sweet and greasy. This MV has been downloaded more than 200 million times in a month, and it quickly became a must-have song for various weddings!

Singer Yang An from China, used a single "Sugar" to sweep the European and American pop music scene.

The first is the list of national bulletin boards. This list is basically selected by the people in the United States. The number of listeners is calculated based on the number of downloads on the Apple Store, the number of radio broadcasts, and the listening rate during playback. Music online network play volume, and some other additional points, calculate the data according to influence, and finally rank.

"Sugar" reached the top 100 in the first week, ranking 89th.

In the second week, due to the power of the video network and the Apple Store, they rocketed into the top ten and ranked ninth.

Ranked second in the third week. At this time, all channels except the radio broke out across the board.

In the fourth week, at the peak night of the second season of "Good Voice of China", "Sugar" finally topped the bulletin board!

Then the BBC, NBC, and ABC partners took the opportunity to announce the broadcast time of "", while the "Sugar" was hot, it won the attention of the audience in one fell swoop, and incidentally, the "China Good Voice" was broadcast overseas.

When more and more European and American music critics spoke publicly, studied Yang An, studied "", and studied the magical song "Sugar", everyone gradually discovered that the original Chinese can also sing good English songs .

"Singer newcomer from the mysterious China!"

This is the title of American singer commentator Bouswell, who carefully analyzes several of China's top singers, highlights Fei Jie and Yang An, etc., and makes horizontal connections with "" for in-depth comparison.

Although this new force is still a bit weak, it finally made a cry in the international music scene.

Domestically, "China Good Voice 2" is on the eve of Peak Night.

According to the convention, the four mentors should communicate with Yang An, and a production team led by music director Liang Xu is also present. Everyone must have a perfect plan and emergency plan for the arrangement of the peak night.

In the chat, Fei Jie asked with some dissatisfaction: "Yang Yang, you have reached the top of the bulletin board. Why don't you go for a Grammy nomination? Do you know what a great opportunity this is?"

Yang An smiled: "As a pure newcomer, let me fight for Grammy. Forget it, I can't get it." Sugar "is just because of this boom, not because of how good I sing .Let me fight for the best newcomer? Or the single of the year? Best pop? Come on, my heritage is too thin. Billboard is not a Grammy, one is a popular vote, the other is a professional vote, different. "

Of course, Fei Jie knew the rules and doorways inside, and when she heard Yang An said this, she was discouraged: "What a pity! If you really want to fight, you should be fine with several nominations."

What's the use of just getting a nomination? Grammy is too difficult to get, rushing without charge, only let foreigners read jokes.

Yang An waved his hand: "I have a sense of self-knowledge, enough to sing and play on my own, to really fight against the Chinese flag in the European and American music scene, you still have to rely on your professionals! Wait for Wang Xiyi in your team to grow up, and have a chance, let's Cooperation!"

Fei Jie was so excited that he had to give a high-five with Yang An: "Now, everyone has heard it. You can't rely on it if you say it!"

The other three mentors are left with envy. There is no way. Good songs don't come by themselves. It depends on time and opportunities.

Huang Xiao smiled lightly: "Yang Yang, you are so optimistic about Wang Xiyi, may you decide to let her win the championship on the peak night?"

Yang An shook his head: "Am I the kind of person? The data of Peak Night is calculated in real time. I don't want to smash my own signboard, let alone destroy this program. I have to make the data public. Besides, you still need to use it. Worried? Your student Zhang Bailin is also a master of English, OK? "

Huang Xiao hehe laughed, no argument.

In the second quarter of the top four players, Mo Wen ’s team was Huang Qiong who sang eighteen turns, Liu Feng ’s team was Yuan Yawei (a professional soul singer, who sang the best), and Huang Xiao ’s team was 18-year-old Zhang Berlin (age Small, mature voice, master of English singing), Fei Jie is Wang Yiyi in the team.

As a new instructor, Fei Jie was particularly welcomed by blindly selected students this season. Many high-level students joined her team, but eventually fell into the cruel team PK match.

For example, sisters Robynn and Kendy, and Zhao Dage, they were taken down by Wang Yiyi, Fei Jie cried and did not know how many times.

In the 16-in-4, Robynn and Kendy were eliminated, Fei Jie begged Liu Feng to press the grab button, but in the end Liu Feng was cruel and did not press, she had to put down, and looked at Mo Wen poorly, old oiler Mo Wen really pitted her, he did not use the power to steal people, the sisters had no choice but to leave on the spot in tears.

Zhao Dage was eliminated, Fei Jie was crying at the scene, holding the little girl in tears, and kept saying he was sorry for her, and pleaded with Huang Xiao to revive her. Huang Xiao helped her resurrect, but Huang Xiao himself also had a favorite lover, Zhao Da Ge just survived two more rounds, or Zhang Xiaolin PK who was braced by Huang Xiao.

The top four players are particular about what they sing on the peak night.

Liang Xu put out three sets of plans, and three sets of their respective backup plans, a total of six groups, which were handed over to four mentors and Yang An for inspection.

Soon, the four mentors were dissatisfied.

"No, I want to change the song for Huang Qiong. This old song is not suitable. It should be warmer at the beginning."

"I still want Wang Yiyi to sing the full version of" Auntie "."

"Yavi's singing" Sentimental "is not good. I have a few spare songs here, please take a look."

After finishing the three mentors, it was Huang Xiao's turn. He dragged his chair and leaned next to Yang An. He smiled and said, "I want Zhang Berlin to sing" Sugar! This song is so hot, it doesn't make sense to sing! " All three of their mentors are female players. Only my family, Zhang Bailin, is a man, and he has great English songs. This "Sugar" must be him! "

"No! Why did he sing" Sugar "?"

"Huang Xiao, don't go too far, then I will sing" Halo "!"

"Yeah Jie, you let Wang Yiyi sing" Halo "and my family Zhang Bailin sing" Sugar "!"

"Not fair! Brother Yang ~ ~ You have to write a few female songs in English too!"

A group of people was noisy and refused to concede. Yang An had no choice but to make a final decision on his own: "Whether you are singing" Sugar "or" Halo ", as long as the royalties are sufficient, you can sing. But really Do n’t ask me to write a song, do n’t think that the peak night must sing English songs to win. I said that the top students with good voice in China are good at singing English, not that he must be an English master. Real voting It ’s the audience in front of the TV. If you want to change the aesthetic habits of ordinary audiences, it will take several generations. Are you sure you will choose English songs for your people? ”

of course not!

Everyone is an old fox, and it is thorough at one point. After hesitating, two plans were discussed enthusiastically, and they were approved.

One year later, the peak night of the second season of "China's Good Voice" was held in Hongfeng Stadium!


PS: This chapter is June 650 votes plus more, shouting ~~~ It feels good to be in debt! The monthly ticket in July is not changed, and the minimum daily guarantee is 3, and the rules of bonus and increase are unchanged. (To be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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