Yang An analyzed: "You think, this is the world's top 100 China Construction! A 34-year-old registered architect, has been working for more than 10 years? Annual salary is 1 million, in China Beijing has a house and a car, China Construction also helps him Resolved the hukou, right? Such a high-quality man who is not married must not have tens of thousands of little girls rushing up like a moth? If he is 34 years old and not married, there must be some problems. Of course, I do n’t mean it specifically That aspect of men! "

Mr. Huang smiled: "It makes a little sense, have you studied psychology specifically? It seems you are still prepared, and you really want to host a blind date show with Lao Cui!"

Yang An smiled and didn't explain. He was joking. He wants to host a blind date show. How can he host it without studying it?

Lao Cui continued to ask, "How do you guys meet for the first time?"

Liu Yuxi sighed, "Do you know Ning Dao's new home? My parents also live in the Xingyue neighborhood. They met at the introducer's aunt Zhu's house, right next to Ning Dao."

Lao Cui looked at Yang An, who knew the latter, and nodded. Liu Yuxi said that her family's economic conditions were actually very good. The real estate next to the China Beijing Film Academy required tens of thousands of square meters.

Liu Yuxi said indignantly: "My mother came with me. After meeting, I found that the person was polite and polite, and his mouth was sweet. When he asked about his love experience during dinner, he knew that he was divorced and his daughter followed his ex-wife. I At that time, I was dissatisfied. Why should I look for a married man? But Aunt Zhu explained that when he gave birth, his ex-wife was too much, and his ex-mother and mother were more. A pair of superb mothers and daughters plus a baby Tossing a man, he was generous, gentle, and patient, and really had no choice but to divorce. "

The four looked at each other. If old Cui and Mr. Huang were thinking, Yang An and Sister Wang looked at each other and shook their heads together. The two intuitively felt that the man could not keep in touch. The problem was big!

Liu Yuxi said, "I'm not satisfied, but my mother urged me like I picked up Bao. I almost fell asleep that night. He sent me a WeChat message and said that if possible, he would get married this year and have a child next year. When I was young, I was delayed for so long by my ex-wife, also for eugenics, and for the next generation. "

Hearing this, Yang An was more certain that this person had a problem!

Lao Cui also noticed the fault, and immediately said, "It ’s the first time you meet to discuss this kind of problem. It seems to be pushing your heart and showing your cards, but this is not the correct attitude. This man is wrong. You are not stupid enough to promise him. ? "

Liu Yuxi aggrieved, "Of course not, I am not a casual person! I asked someone to ask him when I went back. Zhongjian said it was not big, and soon I heard. It is said that he divorced his ex-wife because he had a child when he had a child. He had an affair with a female subordinate and was scolded by his mother-in-law. "


Sister Wang almost scolded. This rumor doesn't tell the truth, but the rumors will never be groundless. The aunt Zhu is also the same. As the introducer, he didn't even understand the real situation of the man. Killed someone else?

Old Cui breathed a sigh of relief: "This kind of scum is not worth your concern, you don't have to worry about it at all, you didn't agree that he was right."

Yang An winked and whispered, "A little more analysis."

This is to enter the state. As the host of the blind date show, you must have a good understanding of human nature, especially the interaction between men and women. You must be a person with a high emotional intelligence to see everything clearly, and find the most accurate entry point to hit the key points. .

Old Cui came to his senses. This was an unusual interview that Yang An gave him, depending on whether his performance would be in Yang An's eyes.

Lao Cui said: "In marriage, it is very important for a woman to have a child. Normal men will be under a lot of pressure during this time, but if this pressure can force him to give up marriage and children, it only shows that he He didn't value this marriage. Reminiscent of what he said in WeChat, his personality was well understood. "

That's right, everyone understands it, and all of them sighed, quite uncomfortably.

Old Cui explained: "This kind of man is really good, but he only cares about what he owns, but he will not continue to operate. His responsibility is to marry a beautiful woman who can be passed down and inherited, and has a good gene, and then give him a child. That ’s it. He ’s married, he ’s finished, he just pays a house, a car, and he ’s going to keep busy with his career. And you, he does n’t care, you have one more person to take care of. If you feel tired in the future, he will still say that you are his wife, these are all you should do, he will not even say a thank you, because his nature is so cool! "

Liu Yuxi seemed to be frightened, before he said, "Mr. Cui, aren't you telling the truth?"

Old Cui said solemnly: "It is not exaggerating at all, you first burn your eyes, don't be blinded by the sweet words of the man, you can just pull him black by this architect, you don't have to try it! Have you ever dated someone else? ? Tell me all! "

Liu Yuxi felt a little embarrassed and tugged, "Later, my classmate also introduced one ..."

This time everyone yelled, told her identity, and told her that they were all listening.

Liu Yuxi was a little bit embarrassed, but Yang An said, "What are you embarrassing about? It helps us to help you. If you are deceived by others for unknown reasons, how sad are we, right? Rest assured, just As my new blind date show, you are talking to the host Lao Cui. "

Helpless, Liu Yuxi can only continue to introduce: "The second one was introduced by my college classmates. She knew that I resigned from CCTV, so she introduced her boyfriend's buddy, saying that she was a native of Beijing, 28 years old, height 175, turtle Master, the only child in the family, there is a room in the third ring, school work, driving a Subaru sports car. "

It's really high enough!

This sounds like a good-looking man's blind date, but in the eyes of Lao Cui, the suspicion rises first.

Lao Cui nodded: "In Zhongjing, the most popular blind dates are civil servants, teachers, military officers, doctors, banks, and large state-owned enterprises. That's all. If you take an executive from a top 500 foreign company, you may not be able to match these. This kind of occupation, unless it is like the former China Construction Corporation, went in early, and the company can also help resolve the hukou in Beijing. "

Yang An also nodded and said, "This is only a few years older than you, and the height is very good for you. Alas, you are also a turtle, right, cute and beautiful, and your conditions are not bad!"

Teacher Huang joked aside: "That's right, in our sports circle, your name has been spread all over. My retired older brothers said that they should find you like this."

Liu Yuxi was embarrassed: "Hey ~ I said you are too much, and build joy on others' pain!"

Everyone laughed, and Sister Wang asked with concern: "How about this teacher? Will there be problems?"

Liu Yuxi shouted: "It's not good at all! The first time he met, he could say that he was very sharp-minded and could talk about everything. From US-Japan relations to the Gulf War, from Shenzhou 10 to Shenzhou car rental, one meal. From beginning to end, I didn't speak more than ten words! "

Come on, everyone's faint worries became real, and everyone was discouraged.

This is the most terrible thing for the local people in Zhongjing. It seems that many indigenous people in Zhongjing are particularly ridiculous. Knowing the astronomy and geography, you can poke with one mouth. Already.

And most hateful, he would finally say with satisfaction: "Well, I like you very much. You are a very good listener."

Liu Yuxi met this kind of person. He ate a meal for more than an hour, and the young man looked right into the eye, because Liu Yuxi was beautiful, good-looking, with a touch of makeup, big eyes, slightly curly long shawl, looks They are a bit like Gao Yuanyuan, they can be called 90-point beauties.

What's more, she was the most beautiful host of CCTV Sports Channel. The young man was her fan. She knew that she had resigned from CCTV. She was shooting "Crazy Stone". She also knew that she would play No. 1 female. Do n’t like it, it ’s almost love at first sight.

Old Cui Yan smiled: "This kind of master, Zhong Jing grabbed a lot! Did you see his car? How many kilometers has it driven?"

Liu Yuxi said suddenly: "I didn't pay attention to it, does it matter?"

Old Cui explained: "A 28-year-old turtle and a sports car that he has been driving back for several years? It's not the right time to calculate it! Is there a sports car in Subaru in China? How much is it?"

Yang An stretched out three fingers aside ~ www.readwn.com ~ Lao Cui even disdain: "The 300,000 sports car is not so good, young and young people like to open it to support the girls! If it is opened for five or six In 100,000 years, you know the second-hand car you bought? "

Liu Yuxi aggrieved, "I don't understand the car ... he sent me home, my biggest feeling is that the outside of the car is a bit dirty ..."

"Man driving is a science. Driving a sports car is basically a young man with a lot of fun. If he buys a second-hand sports car, it is purely a pick-up. It is not worth dating, but in case he really bought a new car to drive After so many years, it is still not worth dating, because in a few years, he can't even change cars, and this person has no future! "Huang Jianxiang said disapprovingly.

Old Cui also persuaded: "Little girl, my brother advised you, don't be blinded by the appearance and lies of the man. Teacher Huang and I have been working in Zhongjing for decades. Many indigenous boys in Zhongjing hold 3500 For basic salary work, you need to find a foreign girlfriend, and you must be beautiful and earn money. It ’s better to be at home. They dare to make such high demands, because they are indigenous! You want to marry this kind of first half of your life, which is supported by your parents. , Luther, who was supported by his wife for the rest of his life? "

This remark was too unpleasant, Yang An frowned, interrupted him and asked, "Lao Cui, you are too subjective to say that?" :

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