Yang An was about to carry it, and Ning Hao remembered: "Zhang Yuqi is about to arrive ..."

Yang An finally understood: "Should you call all the female celebrities who love sports in China?"

Ning Hao explained: "I have invited three or five who have advantages in this area. More female artists are either unable to find time without schedules, or people who cannot be contacted in other places and cannot come. I think so, or Just do n’t choose, if we choose openly, let ’s make things bigger, the bigger the better, make it known to the world, and then ... ”

Yang An thoughtfully: "Then the chosen female artist has no way back, otherwise you are the public enemy of these competitors. Should you be so hard?"

Ning Hao advised: "Not so hard, how do you lead the team? Indecision is not your style!"

Yang An exhaled a long breath: "It's like I'm a spoiler. It's Zhang Yuqi, right? She's here!"

Zhang Yuqi was alone, walking very elegantly, wearing a gorgeous evening dress, exquisitely dressed. The actress who has never stopped being a gossip has a very good temperament and high taste. He also walked through Berlin after receiving some awards. He Cana Red Carpet is well-known in China. She is also a fitness enthusiast. Such a good figure makes people look drooling.

"Yang Geer, congratulations! Wish the new movie a big sale! Ning Dao, remember to inform me of the new drama ~" Zhang Yuqi has been familiar with this kind of actress, she knows how to use her advantages.

Yang An perfunctoryly persuaded her, and on the surface it was seamless, no one could see his thoughts.

He didn't say all the requirements to Ning Hao. There is also an invisible condition for the choice of running heroes. That is, there must be no gossip. The artist's image is healthy and healthy. Although Sun Li is married, she has a good reputation. This can be considered, but An actress like Zhang Yuqi who keeps going on in scandals, he will never fancy, and will not even give him an audition opportunity.

So why didn't he make this request publicly? The simple reason is he dare to say it?

The stars came like running water, congratulating, joking, each with their own needs, each with their own choices. After receiving the two talents, they turned in and prepared for the opening ceremony.

In addition to the film and television stars invited by Ning Hao, Yang An's friends from the ballad industry and friends from the host industry all have a lot of support.

In fact, it is also suitable for the modeling industry and the sports industry. It really needs to be selected nationwide, and the scope can be expanded, which is equivalent to making stars.

The film premiered and officially started.

In the hall, the stars were grouped together, and some made special trips to cast for Yang An's show. Most of them were still willing to calm down and see how crazy the "Mad Stone" is.

Ning Hao sat below, this is his fifth big screen work, the first few are niche literary films, participated in the Berlin Film Festival, participated in the Ghana Film Festival, but the domestic market did not recognize him.

"Crazy Stone", crazy ideas, crazy actors, and crazy producers, seeing the logo of the movie, Ning Hao is assimilated by a man as if in a dream, and he is crazy with him .

In the first act, Guo Tao's tangled face appeared. This introverted actor had a popular face full of life. Without saying a word, it caused the audience to laugh.

"I'm afraid ~ I'll check it for you ..."


Guo Tao ’s painful and tangled expression of the chrysanthemum's broken defense caused the whole audience to laugh wildly, without exaggerating at all, and it seemed particularly real. The audience couldn't help guessing viciously: "This guy won't really be swabbed when shooting Get into chrysanthemums? "

"Guo Guo mighty!"

"Big Brother Domineering ~"

"This look, absolutely!"

Several familiar friends laughed and joked about Guo Tao. He was also very proud of himself. This scene was a scene he practiced during the interview. After passing the audition, he repeatedly pondered this scene at home for less than a week. , And with the help of his wife, he really realized the true meaning of this scene.

Enough to fight!

The plot of the movie continued to develop. Soon, various characters appeared in turns. Every time I saw a face that everyone was quite familiar with, the audience burst into applause and laughter.

It's the same in other movie theaters. The audience comes from the list of actors in the advertisement.

The male lead Bao Shihong is played by Guo Tao. The male lead's partner Sambo is Xiao Dongbei. The lean Northeast guy has no ambition and only knows to follow Bao Bao to do things. The interpretation is quite in place.

Especially when an unmanned van hit a BMW, Xiaodongbei pulled the belt's energy so that the audience laughed, and the four eyes played by Lao Cui were not Xiaodongbei ’s opponents at all, and they were drawn three or two times. Hold the traffic police for mercy.

The other group was even more funny. The brother Ning Hao played with himself, with the black skin played by Huang Bo, and the small army played by Zhou Jinci, the stupid trio also had a very good opening. All three had high comedy talents.

Ning Hao led the team in person. For each of the shots taken by the three, Ning Hao is always striving for excellence. It is better to take more NG than to take more shots. The most direct consequence is that the acting performance of the three has grown rapidly. The stupidest stupid thief in the whole drama, Huang Bo's performance is the most eye-catching, most impressive.

As the plot progresses, the gang of men has basically appeared.

In the mid-term, the spectacled villain Feng Dong appeared, and Shabei's performance was very arrogant, arrogant and natural. As a black-hearted real estate developer, Feng Dong was fierce. He has had many such people, and he has a deep understanding of the inner heart of such entrepreneurs.

Sabbie's performance on the big screen was very natural, and Yang An, who was also the first time to perform a movie, also performed the unique taste of the thief Mike.

Cool, arrogant, confident, professional, this is everyone's first impression of Robber Mike.

When Yang An visited the exhibition hall and looked at the vacant security, showing a scornful smile, the audience became even more enamored of the handsome thief.

"Wow ~ Yang Geer's photo effects are so good!"

"No HD camera can capture the flaws on his face ... it's handsome!"

"Oh my god! Just smile at this confidence, and the fare is worth it!"

Many female audience members were soft and smirked while watching Yang An's character. In their eyes, Mike's character was just tailored for Yang An!

Perhaps only the crew ’s own talents know how much energy it took to shoot this effect.

Ning Hao and Yang An stared at each other and laughed.

I thought that for the perfect shot of this contemptuous smile, the two took a full 30 times!

Five minutes after the opening, the audience laughed hahaha!

After ten minutes, continue to laugh!

For thirteen minutes, some people laughed non-stop.

Eighteen minutes later, a second wave of collective laughter appeared.

The staff looked at the logbook in their hands, stuck the stopwatch statistics, and marveled at the accuracy of Ning Hao and Yang An's prediction.

Every point of laughter will arouse the laughter of the majority of the audience, and the whole film has never broken into laughter from beginning to end.

There are more than 2,000 theaters in similar places to Wangfu Wanda Cinema. A low-cost movie produced by a layman has achieved the effect of a comedy blockbuster, which is very satisfying to the audience!

After 90 minutes of screening, Huang Bo bit the bread on the Third Ring Road and ran at a speed of 70 steps. The audience stood up and applauded and gave the blessing to the crew of "Crazy Stone", to Ning Hao, to all actors, to To the producer Yang An!

"Congratulations, Brother Yang, it's such a good movie. I watched it with a smile, and my facial muscles still hurt at this time!"

"I'm sure, the box office must be 100 million, Brother Yang, remember to treat!"

"Big sale, you must sell! A particularly innovative movie is so interesting, your man's performance is amazing!"

"Yes, brother Yang, in the next movie, do you want to cooperate with our guide Feng?"

Friends, colleagues, people who do n’t know, and people who are familiar and unfamiliar, all come over to praise Yang An and the crew.

Yang An raised her hand with a smile, and took all members of the crew to the front desk. In the applause, with all members of the crew, bowed deeply to the audience.

He picked up the microphone and said with emotion: "First of all, thank you friends for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend the premiere of" Crazy Stone ". Judging from the effect, it should barely satisfy everyone. My debut film show is also Satisfactory. A passing answer. "

Everyone smiled and applauded kindly. This answer is definitely not a passing level, smooth story arrangement, skilled shooting techniques, visual feasts provided by multiple HD cameras, men help artists perform hard, this movie has too Too many selling points, unlike some filmmakers vilified before the show, it may really be a fire!

Yang An continued: "Thank you guys for helping men, without you there would be no such movie. Ning Dao, Brother Hao, thank you very much, you are one of the best directors in China, I serve you!"

Ning Hao touched Yang An with a high-five hug. He didn't wear a headset and whispered in Yang An's ear: "I should thank you, thank you for the opportunity!"

Yang An patted his back: "Brothers don't say that!"

Ning Hao focused his head ~ www.readwn.com ~ back to his place.

Yang An also thanked Shabei and Xiaodongbei for clapping and embracing them one by one. Every thank you will tell their advantages. This small detail looks inconspicuous, but it is of great significance to men helping their brothers. Yang An's heart was as delicate as anything. Everyone did what he saw, remembered it, and never forgotten it.

Then Guo Tao, Huang Bo and Yang An ha ha smiled: "Geek Club welcomes you!"

Guo Tao and Huang Bo were almost excited on the spot. When did they have such great success? Must join, what else do you think about, it's not wrong to follow Yang Geer!

In the end, the hostess Liu Yuxi, Yang An smiled and walked over, and took a hand like a gentleman, pulled her out of the crowd, and stood with him at the front of the stage.

Yang An laughed: "I also want to thank Liu Yuxi in particular! I just take this opportunity today to explain the candidates for the second season of" The Great Challenge "..." (To be continued.) "" Or enter URL:

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