Zhang Qifeng is just a 24-year-old boy. He never thought about such a deep problem.

In his opinion, getting married was simple, just getting a permit and drinking alcohol, and there were many people in the family to help with it.

It's even better to have a child. He is only responsible for papapa. All other things are left to his wife. It is also irrelevant to him. Isn't it so simple? Where's the ovarian cancer, the ectopic pregnancy or something, which has something to do with him?

Zhang Qifeng stuttered and replied, "This ... I'm sorry, I don't know much about these ... I don't think I'm so unlucky, right?"

Gao Yuanyuan smiled flatly: "It's normal for you not to understand. I only tell you one data. Every year, there are more than 100,000 women who are disqualified as mothers due to miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or other reasons! Well, I'm done!"

Not only Zhang Qifeng, the female guests on the field, but also the audience in front of the TV set, all were stunned for a while.

Gao Yuanyuan's question is very meaningful, that is, accidents can happen at any time, and they are not transferred by the will of people. How you handle unexpected events, this attitude must be clear.

The requirement of succession is the instinct of human nature. Whether you are a rich second generation or other ordinary people, everyone is the same.

Judging from the reality, if ordinary people encounter such misfortunes, most of them will not divorce, because after all, this is an accident, rather than deliberately concealing the inability to have children. Divorce is too cruel for the woman. If the woman can still ovulate, you can do it. Test tube babies, if their ovaries are gone, can choose to go to an orphanage for adoption, and "abandoning their wives who can't have children due to accidents" is a huge money and moral unbearable harm.

But what about you rich second generation? If you do n’t divorce, you wo n’t even have a son or daughter. What do your parents think of your relatives and elders? Even if you do not divorce, if you are so rich, will you go to a child who can give birth? Compared with ordinary people, the second-generation rich people will give up their infertile wives, and the relative cost will be far lower than that of ordinary people. Will your second-generation rich people give away a lot of money and have no guilt?

This is a very serious social moral issue. Gao Yuanyuan used only one question to fight Zhang Qifeng's power. The ignorance and hesitation of this young man in the face of the problem is exactly the true expression of his heart!

The stage was silent, and Zhang Qifeng didn't know how to answer well. He was caught off guard and was very embarrassed.

In front of the TV, Zhang Zitong sighed: "Gao Yuanyuan is terrible! This is to tear your face without a word!"

Mom also lamented: "It's a bit, for a 24-year-old boy, the problem of marriage and son-in-law is too heavy, Gao Yuanyuan really pinched each other's weakness. Ah! It's Yang's turn to ask a question!"

Zhang Zitong couldn't help shivering: "Gao Yuanyuan is so sharp, Yang An must be more poisonous!"

Sure enough, she did not expect that if Gao Yuanyuan caused 10,000 critical hits to Zhang Qifeng, then Yang An asked multiple questions in succession, just like a machine gun, and directly smashed Zhang Qifeng into a sieve.

Yang An asked seriously: "When a girl is with you, how do you tell whether she likes your person or your money? After all, everyone sees that your economic conditions are quite good. "

Zhang Qifeng should have considered this question, and calmly replied, "If I'm with my girlfriend, I don't care too much about the economic gains and losses. I even believe in feeling. If I don't even feel it, whether she likes me or not This person still likes money, I won't like her. "

Yang An thoughtfully: "That is to say, as long as you don't feel her, there is no love, I understand."

Zhang Qifeng said a moment, this sounds strange, the audience understands that this male guest is too self-sufficient, based on "his feelings", too central, this person is not reliable!

Yang An continued to ask, "What would you do if your parents told you that the girl you like is not like them?"

Zhang Qifeng was very confident: "I will stick to it. I talked to a girlfriend before and talked for five years. At first, the whole family didn't like her. Later, I kept insisting, and then everyone slowly accepted."

Yang An asked back, "But you still haven't been with her, have you?"

Zhang Qifeng was embarrassed, and the audience sneered, yes, you are inconsistent. Since you have been insisting, all family members have accepted, what kind of blind date do you come to? It doesn't make sense! You must have broken up!

Yang An followed this question: "How did you break up with your girlfriend five years ago? I won't ask first. This is something that the staff needs to verify. Then return to our question just now, or is it your parents who don't like it? Girl, if your parents say that you can be with her, but from now on, you move out of the house, everything in the house will be broken for you, the car and the house will be taken back, and there will be nothing. do?"

Zhang Qifeng's sweat came out, without words, and said, "It doesn't matter. I have my own house. I can rent it out and still have income."

rent it out?

Many audiences are shaking their heads, boy, Yang An has dug a pit for you. You did n’t even realize that you just jumped into it, even if you jumped, you are smart, answer the question, Low, answer too Low!

Zhang Zitong sneered: "Oh, rent it out? Where do you live? Childish!"

My mother was disappointed: "Yang An is even more cruel than Gao Yuanyuan and poisonous tongue! And this rich second generation, I guess he doesn't understand what is hard and hard. People who have never suffered will always live in their ideals. "

Sure enough, Yang An concluded: "My advice to you is that he is a romantic person. If you like this encounter and want to enjoy romantic love together, he should be a person with unique charm and worthy of you. Give it a try. But if you want to have a family, I think he may not be fully prepared. "


When a light went out, Zhang Qifeng was a bit anxious. He raised his microphone and tried to argue, but Lao Cui had already spoken: "Okay, thank you Yang An and Gao Yuanyuan. Congratulations Zhang Qifeng, now he has entered the privileges of boys. There are only three on the court. A lamp, you go up and destroy one and come back. "

In the end, there were two girls with medium-to-high looks, one was a nurse, and the other was a cashier in a supermarket. The female boss who was a chubby private company was wiped out. This choice is in line with the rich second-generation aesthetic requirements. , But let the audience watch a cold chill, groaning endlessly.

Zhang Zitong sneered: "Mom, this is your favorite male guest. If I were on the stage, even if the light was on initially, I would go out before Yang An and Gao Yuanyuan finished the review. The rich people ’s world and we are not The same, this kind of boy who is not weaned, don't give it to me! "

Zhang Zitong still has a lot of words to say. After seeing this male guest, she is even more disappointed with the man, but the rich man is nothing like this. He is not a good man at all. The two moths on the stand fluttered the fire. Still happy, hum, do you think rich people can give you what you want? Wait to cry!

The story is not over yet, Lao Cui looks at his beloved girl: "No. 11, Su Yiyi!"

Su Yiyi gently lifted her wrist and covered her mouth in surprise. Many viewers in front of the TV noticed this beautiful girl. She said something once during the process, but nothing special, but her beauty left a deep impression on everyone. .

Zhang Zitong laughed and laughed uncontrollably, and smiled sadly: "Let ’s just say, hahaha ... the rich second generation ... Mom, this is the person you like ..."

My mother is also very angry, this guy is too disappointed, the heartbeat girl is the most beautiful present, which shows what is self-evident, how to evaluate him? Appearance party? shallow? In pursuit of beauty? Mom doesn't know.

Mom resentfully said, "Fortunately, Su Yiyi turned him off!"

The three women stood together, with a nurse and a cashier on the left and right and Su Yiyi in the middle.

Lao Cui and Zhang Qifeng faced the three women, and Zhang Qifeng chose the question of "do you want a child?"

The three girls all have their own answers. The first two are definitely wanting. Only Su Yiyi is "not very eager, but can give birth". She is only 23 years old and is not ready to have children so early.

Old Cui asked acutely, "Oh, I remember, you are planning to have two children. Is this important?"

Zhang Qifeng looked solemnly: "Very important!"

The audience Yang An suddenly interjected: "Is it because your family has a lot of money that the inheritance of son-in-law is a big problem?"

Gao Yuanyuan also joked: "Isn't it often played in TV movies? The biggest problem for the giants is the son-in-law!"

The audience laughed, Zhang Qifeng was really scared by Yang An and Gao Yuanyuan, and he quickly denied: "No, no, my dad said, no matter what, as long as you have a boy ..."

This time it ’s fried ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is the rhythm of death. Su Yiyi immediately asked: "But what if you really have two girls born together? And our country is advocating plans Are you giving birth to a child abroad? "

Zhang Qifeng attaches great importance to the questioning of girls, and God said mysteriously, "My mother said, don't be afraid of not having a boy, she has a recipe!"

The audience laughed, Su Yiyi rolled her eyes, her expression was quite helpless, and she asked, "Did you come out of this secret recipe?"


Lao Cui was the first one who couldn't help but laughed. Su Yiyi was really an interesting girl. This question was quite level!

Zhang Qifeng was embarrassed, arguing: "Of course not ..."

The audience laughed, and the audience in front of the TV shook their heads with emotion. In contrast, the male guests were really low to burst, but the performance of Su Yiyi among the female guests was amazing, not the young audience. like. (To be continued.)

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