The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 412: New director

The inside story of the high-level power change is not known to ordinary people. Yang An cannot reach this height. He is not qualified to understand deeper inside information, and is unlikely to affect anything. He can only wait patiently and record a few bgm by the way, such as "Fly High" is a must-have song for the Macau Tower Bungy.

Duan Haishan came to the recording studio. Yang An saw him behind the glass door and motioned for the band to take a break. He beckoned Duan Haishan and the two walked to the small restroom next door.

Duan Haishan held two documents in his hand and asked, "Two news, one good and one bad, which one do you listen to first?"

Yang An drank throat water and said casually: "Bad."

Duan Haishan handed in a copy of the material and turned to the first page, which showed a huge relationship diagram of people, with lush foliage and dazzling people.

He pointed at the middle yellow circle and explained, "I found that Xuanhuang's owner is Longyue Holding Group. This is a very complicated emerging group. There are several shareholders on the surface of Xuanhuang, as well as invisible. These invisible The shareholders are new and old forces related to the domestic media and news industry. I only say one person, Huang Lao, do you know who it is? "

Yang An was startled and asked indefinitely: "The one who died before the Spring Festival and was condoled by the leaders in Zhongjing?"

Duan Haishan nodded: "Yes, his youngest son is an invisible shareholder of Xuanhuang, which cannot be found in public. This is also the reason why I ca n’t find out for months. Who can think of him being here? Behind the scenes? In the end, if Huo Xiandong told me, I may never find out. In addition, the professional manager Xuan Huang invited has the work experience of overseas media groups, and is familiar with nbc and Fox's American TV program style. It is said that They also dug into the reality show team under bbc. "

"Wow! It sounds so tricky! The reality show team of nbc, fox, and bbc is so tall, international coalition, who scares you!"

Yang An chuckled and was speechless: "They integrated all the independent production companies in China, except me. Is it clear that they want to compete with me?"

Duan Haishan said: "What can they do besides hitting the stage with you? Xuanhuang Entertainment can never be a charity. Capital will not do meaningless things, let alone lose money. Now domestic independent TV shows are so profitable. Everyone has seen you succeed, who is not jealous? The TV circle is saying, comedians and good voices are done, you sit at home and do nothing, you can count hundreds of millions of dollars each year , Making money faster than a money printer! "

Yang An dismissed: "Speaking badly, only watching thieves eat meat and not seeing thieves being beaten, how can success be so easy!" China's Most Beautiful Child Voice "and" Baby Rush Forward ", I really did not Just leave it alone, this market is just for them. I have been focusing on outdoor reality shows, oh, Xuan Huang is also planning to build an elite team, are they planning to follow the trend to do outdoor? "

Duan Haishan nodded and handed in another information file: "Yes, Xuanhuang's new show is being filmed, called" Super Challenge "! This is their internal information, only the large frame, the specific details can not be inquired, their" Super The core team of "Challenge" is very strict, and now that I am in a foreign country, I ca n’t find out where I have gone. Confidential work is really good! "

Yang An read it carefully, and she had something in her mind: "This is a high imitation version of" Amazing Challenge ", which cancels the extremely difficult extreme challenge task, but retains the part of the game and professional experience, but also the funny style of walking. They intend to Formed a 'superfamily', using the popular five-man and one-girl fixed member model, huh, this is learning again. Let's run a man! Old section, our own revolutionary team is not pure! "

Duan Haishan was unable to argue: "There are too many spies this year. Since we can inquire about their news, they can also inquire about us. In fact, everyone is the same. It is enough to ensure that only the core PD masters the game part and control several cores. It is much easier for PD to not betray than to control all producers not to betray. "

Yang An sighed: "They are not afraid that the two shows will be combined. In the end, they will make a difference! Forget it, the bad news is over?"

Duan Haishan shook his head: "It's not over yet. It is said that if your running man can be broadcast on CCTV," Super Challenge "will also be promoted by the surname of Huang. That is to say, if you two really hit the stage, you must be On the CCTV platform! "

Yang An stunned, leaning on the table and said, "This is too much! Just killed a crazy dog, and another evil dog came, why are they so shameless!"

"It's not to see you making money jealous!" Duan Haishan was helpless.

The domestic chaebol is like this. There is a lot of money in hand, and what is lacking are good projects. For example, Houhai Life Insurance Co., Ltd. spent 8 billion to buy the stock of Shenzhen Wanwan Company in the secondary market. What is it like? Enough support? Still have money to burn? It must be profitable to do it!

These chaebols invested hundreds of millions of dollars and bought "Nebula Laser". If they can create an excellent program like "Good Voice of China", they can recoup their advertising revenue in one year and double their income in two years. Not to mention peripheral businesses, movies, records, commercials, overseas copyrights, etc. If "Super Challenge" is successful, it will definitely be a huge profit.

"Tell me the good news, this morning, Cai Taichang finally took off the adverbs!"

Duan Haishan finally smiled on his face: "You were recording a song just now. Look, this is a text message he sent me."

Yang An finally smiled: "Hah! This is really good news! Lao Cai is on top, what am I afraid of? I will snooze when I hit the stage," Super Challenge "pk" Run Brother ", I am not afraid!"

Looking at the text message from Duan Haishan, Yang An wondered: "He said, what does it mean to take over the post of director for the time being?"

Duan Haishan explained: "The director of CCTV is generally directly appointed by the General Administration of Radio, Film and Television. In the past, there were usually four deputy directors in CCTV. Whenever there was an accident, the first deputy director took over. The advantage is that the transition time is short, the person in charge is skilled, the TV station business expands quickly, and the influence of CCTV will be expanded to varying degrees.

There is also another case where direct airborne from Zhongxuan and Broadcasting and Television, for example, a deputy secretary and deputy secretary of Radio and Television, who also serves as the director of CCTV directly. In this case, the director is not necessarily a person with CCTV business background. CCTV's mouthpiece function has been strengthened, and its thinking and attitude are more simple and pure, but it may not expand the world influence.

This year, Lao Cai is CCTV ’s second-ranking deputy director. Because his performance is so outstanding, he has been promoted above. The temporary takeover of the director is the result of the balance of forces. It can give other competitors a step down and wait for a while. Later, this temporary takeover became a long-term appointment. "

It's too complicated, but it has nothing to do with Yang An. He breathed a sigh of relief: "I'll send a congratulatory message to Mr. Cai Tai."

Duan Haishan held him down: "I have already sent it. He was very busy just after he took office, and it is not convenient to say on the phone. We will sit at his house tomorrow morning. He can only get out in the morning to meet us for half an hour."

Yang An raised her arms and watched the time: "It's not too late, I'll let Xiaomei book a ticket."

In the early morning of the next day, Yang An and Duan Haishan went to Cai Taichang's house. The two were empty-handed and took nothing. Previously, Yang An originally wanted to run a male editor. Duan Haishan said that he did n’t need it. Working on the whole station, he does not pick up details on a certain program. There are a number of confidants in the operation below. He only needs to master the general direction.

At 6 o'clock, the door of the Cai family was opened for Yang An. Director Cai was 53 years old, strong, and no accidents. It was no problem for another eight years. Under the delayed retirement policy, he just retired at the age of 61.

Lao Cai smiled with emotion: "I joined CCTV at the age of 25 as an editor of the Information Department and worked for CCTV for 28 years. It was the first three directors in the history of CCTV. ~ I have been working at CCTV. The so-called qualifications and background are my 28 years of radio and television work. Xiao Yang, thanks to your help, I can be appreciated above. "

Yang An didn't dare to say: "Chairman Cai, you speak a lot. In fact, I didn't do anything. Instead, I would like to thank Director Cai for his support. All of these programs can get such good results, thanks to Director Cai's credit. If it's on the local table, cut it at least in half! "

Mr. Cai Tai laughed loudly. He liked to deal with Yang An. The words were nice and the work was unambiguous. Even if he had any special thoughts, he liked Ding Ding Ding Ding and Ding Ding. He put it on the table and made it clear, especially straightforward. .

Mr. Cai said: "I like to deal with smart people. Next, can I take off my hat as soon as possible, Xiao Yang, you have to work harder! I'm not afraid to tell you the truth, the first pick, he is People from the Huang family. Xuanhuang Entertainment is the one who contributed to this, so the revocation of the radio and television restriction introduction order this year has my own efforts and his credit. So next, do you understand how to do it? "

Yang An immediately stood up and flexed his muscles: "Chairman Cai, rest assured, isn't it pk, when was Yang An afraid of others? But I have a small request. Since it is a pk competition, I hope our two shows will start. The conditions are all the same, so as not to lose any moth on the losing side in the future. "

Mr. Cai Tai nodded: "For specific matters, you should contact Director Zhang. I will see specific programs within a week at the earliest!"


On February 29, CCTV's official website released a news message. CCTV and Xuanhuang Entertainment, and Enron Film and Television signed a cooperation agreement. CCTV broadcast a set of "Running Brothers" on Monday every night from 8 to 10 pm. From 8pm to 10pm on Tuesday, "Super Challenge" will be broadcast!

The national television circle is uproar! (To be continued.)

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