The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 419: Individual questionnaire

Sun Cannon signaled that it was OK to start. Yang An looked at the camera and said, "Before I start, I will report the results of the first period to the audience, and then re-announce the game rules and member list."

He briefly talked about ratings and word of mouth. During the whole process, everyone was laughing, clapping, celebrating, and taking horizontal adventures with Bell from time to time to make horizontal comparisons. He tried to make the audience understand what 3.2 is, and unknowingly. Let me tell you, this data is very good, which shows that our program is good-looking, I hope you continue to watch and so on.

Taking a break to make a joke, this is the standard for variety shows, almost everyone here will have so few hands.

Yang An said: "Compared with the first period, everyone saw that there was an extra Peng Yuyan who temporarily joined the running male regular members. In fact, the seven of us are not fixed. If any of them is due to the date or For physical reasons and other reasons, we have to quit the running man, we will not force it. However, after the three phases of fixed cooperation, the remaining members must record the program in the next six months. Zhang Yishan, you think What impressed you the most in the first issue? "

Zhang Yishan spread his hands: "It was Dabao who stole my lockbox in front of me!"

Everyone laughed, Jin Dabao was lying on the table, and looked at Zhang Yishan stupidly: "Small shirt, let's get one size at a time, you can't be wrong, right? The password box is a task item, but it's not yours, of course, who stole it? Who takes it! Right, everybody? "

"Yes!" The crowd followed.

Zhang Yishan cried, holding Jin Dabao screaming, "Brother, you have failed my trust in you ..."

After finally pulling him away, Yang An interviewed others: "Xiao Tong, what do you think is the most fun in the first period?"

Guan Xiaotong did not hesitate: "Kick!"


This answer laughed at a group of people again. Everyone remembered that when the women's Three Musketeers played the three forwards of the running male star team, the Macau team was afraid of the tail, did not dare to press forward, did not dare to pull their arms and banged, and saw the Three Musketeers smile with a smile, Macau The team's defensive members immediately boned their bones and took a break for a while. Fortunately, the shooting technique of the three was too stinky. The three played for five minutes and broke into the Macau team's restricted area four times. The audience laughed and called for the women's national team Zhang Wen to play.

Yang An asked Shabei again that he was a patient with height-phobia and had anxiety about climbing.

Everyone has their own different points of concern and different answers, which to a certain extent confirms the personality of different people.

After taking a nap, the start-up meeting is over. Everyone can move freely at night, as long as they are not in the hotel, playing cards and chatting, or closing the door to take a shower, play with a mobile phone, and sleep.

At 9 pm, Yang An looked at the challenge in his room, searched the Internet for news, laughed slightly, and shut down the computer.

This level of challenge is not to be afraid. Lu Yao knows the horsepower. There is nothing to explain in the first and second phases. After waiting for a month, Yang An dares to guarantee that the gap between the two will grow wider!

Ding Dong!

The doorbell rang, and Yang An saw Cat Dao from the cat's eyes, opened the door and let him in.

Dao Chen didn't push in the door, but stood at the door. He followed the camera. Yang An instantly understood, and asked a little pretendingly, "This is the beginning?"

Director Chen smiled: "Come with me."

Yang An looked down at her robe: "Wait a minute, I change my clothes."

As a dual producer and artist, what should I do with Yang An? The production team thought of many ways. In order for Yang An to perform more realistically in the show, all plans of Sun Cannon must be completely hidden from Yang An, but as the boss and For policy makers, the general direction cannot be avoided.

So in the morning, Sun Dabao said that three sets of plans were prepared. Which three sets are specific, there are only three approximate words to describe, namely "continue to maintain style", "please foreign help from big coffee", and "start a new game".

In the process of changing clothes, Yang An knew in his heart that it was a new game, but there were many new games. He was not sure which one. He didn't want anything at all. When he didn't know anything, he changed out and went out.

The corridor is already full of cameras, and several of them are facing the artist's room door. Each artist has a clip pickup, trying to use a God's perspective to shoot the whole picture.

Yang An followed Chen Dao to room 19o1 at the end of the corridor. Like a thief, he looked back, and indeed no one appeared in the corridor, so he pushed in the door.

Ten minutes later, Yang An came out of the room, frowning and meditating, and returned to his room 19o8 silently. With a click, the room was locked with a hidden button to keep the lights on.

Two minutes later, Chen Dao came out from 19o1, walked to room 1912, knocked on the door, and took Zhang Yishan, who had not taken a bath, to room 19o1.

This time was a little longer. Fifteen minutes later, Zhang Yishan frowned, touching his chin slowly back in the corridor, thinking about something.

The third person called was Shabe. Thirteen minutes later, he came out from 19o1. He was a ghostly creature. After entering his room, he was not locked, but opened a door slit and listened to the outside. The sound of the corridor.

This scene was captured by the camera across the door. Shabe's figure appeared looming, and he still did not forget to make a strange gesture, making a V gesture towards the camera.

The fourth person called was Peng Yuyan. Shabei waited patiently for ten minutes. When she saw Peng Yuyan coming back, she immediately walked out and stood in the corridor and beckoned Peng Yuyan.

Peng Yuyan was an honest child. He came to the door of Shabei's house without knowing it. He was dragged in by him and continued to open a door gap. They both overheard the outside voice.

The fifth is Guan Xiaotong. After Shabei was certain that the corridor was empty, Peng Yuyan was whispered: "What did you do at 19o1?"

Peng Yuyan was suspicious and explained with a smile: "They asked me to fill out a questionnaire, answered ten questions, and then said nothing, so I returned."

"What's the first question?" Asked Shabe.

Peng Yuyan thought for a moment: "It seems to be asking me if I love to watch action movies. I said yes, and they asked me if I like Matt Damon, who is heavily influenced by the spy, or Tom Cruise, who is in the mission. S. What do you ask this for? "

Sabe said: "I just answered such a questionnaire just now, so is my first question. What is your fifth question?"

Peng Yuyan laughed: "Who remembers the number corresponding to the title? Maybe you asked me what I think about religion? You?"

Shabe nodded: "I am the same, but I am an atheist, I have no religion, I only believe in myself, haha!"

After asking a few more questions, Shabey determined that the two answered the same questionnaire.

It didn't take long for Guan Xiaotong to come out. Shabei and Peng Yuyan beckoned to her together. The three asked each other. Now everyone is sure. The production team should set up exactly the same questions for everyone and ask them to answer them individually.

"Brother Sha, isn't this a fraud?"

Guan Xiaotong sat on the sand in Sha Bei's room and looked up and down, left and right.

Shabei said, "Do n’t look for it. There is no fixed camera in the bedroom. This is the absolute area. If the production team wants to shoot, they will definitely inform them in advance and bring the accompanying photographer. As for the fraud you said, I also I don't know. But don't forget both of you ... "

"PD is the enemy!"

Guan Xiaotong and Peng Yuyan spoke out together, and the three looked at each other and laughed.

When everyone returned, the night passed so calmly. The private meeting just now was forgotten by everyone. It seems that it is the final examination prepared by the production team. It may be the current routine psychological examination of the recording festival. After all, the recording runs and says Some people may become stunned because of the pressure!

At 6am on Wednesday morning, the production team started knocking in turns.

After a quarter of an hour, the sleepy crowds got dressed and walked out of the door. They met in the corridor and greeted each other.

The people who came out first were quite bored, so the restless guys with Yang An and Shabei started to bring bad children. The two bet on who the last person came out today. Those who guessed wrong invited the guests to pay. The right person chooses the place and the dish, and the loser must obey unconditionally.

This game stimulated Yang An, Sha Bei, Jin Dabao, and Zhang Yishan's younger brother, and the four of them bet.

Yang Anxian said, "I bet on Xiaotong! Girls need makeup ~ ~ It must be the slowest."

Shabei said, "Hu Brother must be last! Just by looking at him, you know he is sleepy!"

Zhang Yishan hesitated a bit: "I choose ... Yang Brother, can I bet like you, Xiaotong?"

Yang An said: "Yes, you can choose Xiaotong. I'll choose Peng Yuyan. The male **** may be dozing off. The handsome man is also sleeping."

The four of them quarrelled and finally waited for one Hu Hu to come out!


Shabei was hated and eliminated, the first one out, please have his name on the guest list.

Hu Ge cheerfully approached the crowd and quickly understood the rules of the game. He thought it was what the producers asked for, and cooperated with him. He said, "I choose Xiaotong."

Now Guan Xiaotong and Peng Yuyan are three to one. Only Yang An insisted on Peng Yuyan. Just after the election, Guan Xiaotong pushed out the door and looked at everyone with curiosity: "What's wrong?"


Yang An shook her fist and pointed at the crowd with excitement and shouted, "Do n’t all try to escape one by one, wait for the show to finish, and prepare for your pocket!"


Even the gamblers couldn't play Yang An's crowds, they called, and Guan Xiaotong also joined the celebration camp and celebrated with Yang An. They did not forget to show their compliments: "I wake up long ago, how can I sleep late?"

Yang An also banged her shoulder lovingly, and blinked, "And Xiao Tong is born beautiful, doesn't need much time to make up, right?"

Guan Xiaotong proudly hummed and waited five minutes before Peng Yuyan finally figured it out.

Seven people took the elevator down the stairs to the restaurant of the Sheraton Hotel and enjoyed a rich breakfast if they could finish the game!

The first game session begins!


ps: Thanks to Dang Jie's red envelope reward plus 14 and owe 3 more, I pay back slowly every day.

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