The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 443: National entertainment industry is shocked!


Before dawn, Yang An was awakened by the ringtone of his mobile phone. He reached out and groped for grabbing. He opened his eyes and saw the word "Xiaotong". There was a time reminder next to it, at 4:35 in the morning.

"Who ..." Rong Feifei muttered. It wasn't dawn this time. Who was so uninterested?

"Guan Xiaotong."

Yang An mumbled, and then swiped the screen. I just heard a cry, but before I had time to ask, I heard a big cry, which was a heartbreaking blame. Guan Xiaotong cried and cried, "Yang An, I hate you Why don't you help her! "

Hanging up the phone, Yang An was also awakened. The voice was so loud, the cry was so desolate, Rong Feifei sobered up after hearing the words: "What happened? What happened to Xiaotong?"

"Don't help him?" Yang An said to herself, then sat up, thinking of the most likely situation, and her heart sank.

He batched up his pajamas and came to the study to call Dad Guan first, because since Guan Xiaotong knew it, he must also know it.

Sure enough, Dad Guan answered the phone and explained, "The student named Li Nier just jumped off the building and committed suicide, and was sent to the People's Hospital for rescue. I don't know if I can survive. Xiaotong was particularly unstable at this time and was noisy about going At the hospital, I'm going to drive downstairs. President Yang, Xiao Tong was angry, she was too excited, don't go to your heart! "

Dad Guan was also sleeping, and his daughter was holding his cell phone and knocking on his door like crazy. Then he pointed at the cell phone and said that Li Nier had renewed her space. She wanted to commit suicide. She had to go to school to save her. Press and hold and call to confirm this.

That night, Guan Xiaotong added a heart and set Li Nier's personal space as a focus. As long as the space is updated, her mobile phone's app can automatically push it, but the automatic push function has a delay of about 20 minutes. When she was awakened by her voice, Li Nier jumped long ago.

In the school dormitory area, the auntie heard the loud noise and found it with a flashlight. When she saw Li Nier lying in a pool of blood, the dormitory building screamed again and again. The school security team rushed to it. She took away. 【.】

At this point, it is impossible to hide the cover. The news of a Nortel girl falling down in the middle of the night has spread, and everyone knows it!

The police temporarily detained the mobile phone after the investigation, and there were some recordings in it, the specific content of which was not made public, but as long as they thought of what happened a few days ago, many people guessed the connection in the middle.

Hearing this news, Yang An was angry, but the occurrence of this tragedy could not be blamed on him.

What Weibo shouts and scolds, and through different media, they have been talking about each other. Yang An has been in the entertainment industry for several years. This set is more familiar than anyone else.

Weibo like Ye Yuqing is a bird? He couldn't actually hurt him at all. He did n’t even have any interest in spraying. I thought that he and Chen Jianhao were spraying that time because it was n’t very famous. The spray was a little bit clear. Now he is already domestic. The top boss produced independently in the TV circle, he will come on the court again, too much!

So how do people play at his level? In fact, he has already shot. First, he asked the Magnolia Organizing Committee to suppress it. This is to suppress Ye Yuqing directly in the television circle, so that the power of radio and television can make it difficult for the old guy to do so. This is a trick to kill you directly. Your career is more powerful than a few words that do not hurt or itch!

There is also a ghost knife to let them touch the situation. This is also a bad move, saying that you are a well-known director or a director who loves to play college girls. You often walk by the river, and you can't wear all overshoes, right? As long as you can find a little black material, it will also directly kill you. Who else has time to spray you on Weibo? Tired!

Guan Xiaotong called and questioned "Why didn't you help her?" Yang An was helpless. He couldn't help. The police couldn't handle such unproven things, and he had no reason or excuse for his shot.

Dad Guan has the same meaning. Rational men think so, but women are mostly emotional, and Guan Xiaotong is deeply hurt. She only knows that her friend jumped off the building and committed suicide because no one helped. 【.】

The car was heading for the hospital, and Guan Ma asked with concern: "Xiaotong, are you okay?"

Guan Xiaotong hummed: "Not good!"

Knowing that her daughter was still angry, Dad Guan said, "Xiaotong, you'd better send a message to Dao Yang and apologize for the call you just made."

"What an apology? You all can't help but see that you have to see a dead life, are you happy?"

Guan Xiaotong stubbornly refuted that she could not understand.

Guan Da said: "You think too simple, I ask you, what do you want us to do before?"

Guan Xiaotong said, "Go tell the asshole! Get him up and go to jail!"

Dad Guan asked: "Who is the plaintiff? Without the plaintiff, the police cannot file a case."

Guan Xiaotong stunned: "Li Nier is not the plaintiff?"

Dad Guan continued to ask: "What do you say? Has the school made this public? Why did Li Nier's guardian parents not sue? What is the evidence? Where is the witness, where is the physical evidence? Will it be public after the case is filed? Can she go to school? What is her future? How can she explain the 50,000 yuan in her bag? Where did this huge amount of unknown money come from? "

Guan Xiaotong couldn't explain a single question. She froze for a long time and said, "But you can't condone him! Isn't he slandering Yang An on Weibo? Why didn't Yang An even do a rebuttal?"

Dad Guan continued to ask: "Is the explanation useful? Zhang Yishan did a few of them go up and scold, is it useful? This is not even a crime of making rumors and slander. What do you want Yang An to do? Can someone find trouble at Songhua TV Station? Can you? Xiaotong, your time in contact with society is too short. There are moms and dads, and Yang An sheltering the wind and rain in front of you. You do n’t know the inside story. We are sorry about Li Nier, but society Wrong, why is she right? Life is only once. This is the most precious thing. If she does n’t even cherish her life, what revenge is she talking about? It ’s the most stupid way to fight against life! ”

Guan Xiaotong choked, and Guan's mother kept persuading: "Xiao Tong, listen to your father, Yang An's words, and the world is far more complicated than you think."

Guan Xiaotong choked and wiped away his tears and looked out the window: "I miss the childhood when I didn't know anything ... At that time ... the sky was blue and the air was fresh ... Every uncle and aunt were so enthusiastic ... all simple So sincere ... "

Guan Da Guan Guan Qi sighed, speechless.

In the rescue center of the People's Hospital, police and trainers stood at the door.

The doctor wearing a mask came out and handed the file to the instructor: "The patient suffered multiple fractures, tertiary injury to the spine, bruises on the brain, and is now in a coma. This is a critical illness notification and emergency craniotomy must be performed. ... "

Having said a lot, the trainer only understands one meaning, and the best case for surgery is that she will become a vegetative in her life. There is only one way to go.

The trainer eventually signed, and the Guan family and school representatives who hurried to the scene were called by the police for questioning, because Guan Xiaotong was a public figure, and the police attached great importance to it. The night was busy with chickens flying and many people were exhausted and exhausted. .

At this time, Ye Yuqing was notified in a panic by his wife. The outside world could not get through his mobile phone. Only his wife was found here. When his wife had a trouble with Ye Yuqing, he also had deep worries and feared that Ye Yuqing would be arrested. Go in.

He Jianship was not forgotten. At 5 o'clock in the morning, he received a call from his subordinate Xiao Zhang. He didn't understand and only heard an unclear voice: "... Director He ... the girl died that day ... ... jump the building ... I'll give you ... SMS ... Look at ... "

Xiao Zhang's voice was a bit difficult to distinguish, and it was vague. The background sound seemed to be in a disco, very noisy.

But the ship He woke up instantly and died? Jumping?

He opened the text message and saw a picture that seemed to be the scene of a dead man jumping from the building. He was scared to open it immediately and a web page popped up. He watched in horror without realizing that his mobile phone was running quietly in the background.

Seeing the vaguely jumping screen, after browsing Li Nier's personal space full of vicious curses, He Jianship, a guilty concubine, was lying on the bed, her brain was blank ~ ~ Forcing someone? No, there is no evidence! They had no evidence, the police could not establish the case, and several of them were safe.

Yes, let Xiao Zhang hide from them! Let Ye Yuqing keep a low profile!

He Jianzheng called back to Xiao Zhang, but a beep came. He was not in the service area and could not make a call with the outside world.

He was nervous, took out a spare assistant phone, and looked through the address book to find Xiao Zhang, but after the call was connected, Xiao Zhang felt inexplicable: "What did you say? Who died?"

He Jianzhuo held back: "Did you just call me to tell me that Li Nier is dead?"

Xiao Zhang somehow: "When did I call you? I'm sleeping at home!"

He Jianship was stunned. Xiao Zhang had just called from me. He also sent a text message and ...

He hurriedly turned on the main mobile phone and opened the mobile phone management software, but nothing could be found out, but what he thought, the sweat on his forehead popped out immediately, he immediately pulled out the mobile phone battery, and threw it into the corner inexplicably.

"Director He! Director He! What's wrong?" Xiao Zhang was still waiting there, but the ship He was already panicked. He seemed to see a pair of handcuffs reaching out to him and fastened him firmly. body!

The pervasive reporter soon inquired about the truth of the matter and quickly exposed it through the online media.

After dawn, Nortel School fell out. Whether it was a school student or a graduate of Nortel, the famous star, many people publicly issued statements supporting girls who jumped off the building, and called on the police to quickly find the killer and severely punish the loan. To effect.

Tian Gangliang, Songhua TV station Ye Yuqing, editor-in-chief Song Keke of China Entertainment News, He Huangchuan and Zhang Yangwei of Xuanhuang Entertainment Film and Television Company, four persons were suspected of trespassing multiple female college students and were taken away by the police for investigation!

National entertainment industry is shocked! (To be continued.) M. Read ,.

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