The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 459: I come to be wicked

? Father Li took out his account book and wrote more than 100 pieces of data on the pages of strangers.

No name, only time, amount, general appearance, accent and other vague information. Those who can ask for the last name are Xiao Wang, Xiao Song, Ms. Ma, but most of them are unknown.

"These donations are 153,950 yuan, so let's call them enthusiasts."

Yang An closed the ledger and returned it to Li's father. He said, "My price for a song now starts at 150,000 in the circle. I don't write songs for ordinary singers. I write a song for Nier now. This money will be used as the cost of purchasing my songs, and then I will give it to you, let me be this villain who takes advantage of everyone's advantage. "

Yang An is not short of money, and 150,000 songs is not worth it to him, because he writes one less and one less song, and now he does not need to use songs to prove himself. He would rather treat these as his own precious memories. .

However, he hopes that more people will remember this matter, remember this girl, and can alert more girls to remind everyone to respect and protect themselves.

"Ah! How did this happen? No, no, Teacher Yang, you ..." Father Li had no idea what to say.

Guan Xiaotong, these students and school representatives did not think so much, they were very excited, because Yang An has not written songs for a long time, and each of his songs is classic, not classic love songs, or inspirational songs, can bring people power.

And the important thing is that Yang An did nothing like this to be a wicked person. He used a clever method to treat this charity as a crowdfunding fund, because these charities may not be recorded in history, but as long as his Songs can be passed on forever, and the stories behind the songs will surely follow, so everyone ’s donations are even more meaningful!

Yang An smiled: "Don't worry about any negative effects, I don't need to comment in the accident world now, I just need to be myself, because everyone knows what I am. Fifi, we still have so much Long? "

Rong Feifei reminded: "They had lunch at noon with Teacher Liu Feng, and the plane was at 4 pm."

Yang An thought for a while: "Just right, I called Teacher Liu. Let's get together here, and then you will inform Whale Shark. I will do a live webcast at noon to celebrate Nier's discharge, and by the way As soon as I did a fundraising, settled it down. Teacher Ai, what do you think? "

Nortel teacher representative Mr. Ai was suddenly named, a little panicked, but quickly stabilized: "I think it is feasible! Our school is definitely supportive, should you call some reporters over?"

smart person!

Yang An sent a satisfactory smile in the past, and looked at Li's father again, and whispered: "The previous fundraising activities were disorderly, self-issued by all walks of life, and it has been three months, and everyone will soon forget. Now, the expenses of your hospitalization are reimbursed by those units, but after you leave the hospital, everything is on your own, and Nie doesn't know when it is the head ... I will help you once this time, and I may not have a chance in the future. No excuses ... "

This is very helpless. The society is like this. There are too many unfortunate people in the world. Yang An is not the Father and Mother of God. He cannot take care of them one by one. He must have a good opportunity and an excuse that cannot be overthrown.

On this occasion, there will be no excuses!

父 Father Li is clever. He understands Yang An's words. His daughter is unfortunately a teaser of fate, but he can meet Yang An, which is a blessing in misfortune.

A reporter and someone from Whale Shark helped inform and Nortel cooperated very well. It gathered a few well-known alumni stars. As long as they could spare time, they came to the People's Hospital to accompany celebrities such as Yang An and Liu Feng. Everyone is very willing to come and join in to meet.

Liu Feng received a call from Yang An, and temporarily brought a simple band with a five-drum electro-acoustic drum, keyboard, violin, and guitar that did not take up much space. Finally, he asked the People's Hospital to borrow an empty room for a simple rehearsal.

Yang An had already prepared and handed the music to Liu Feng for rehearsal. He came to Li Nier's room by himself.

父 Father Li and Mother received reporters and Internet media outside. The room was only accompanied by Xiao Tong and Rong Feifei. It was quiet, only the monitor was ringing.

Yang An held Li Lier's hand and felt a little warm. He sighed: "What a wonderful girl, so beautiful and cute, she should now live a happy run, laughter and happiness ... Ugh!"

Sitting on a small stool, Guan Xiaotong put her other hand next to her cheek, and said quietly: "I heard that a coma can actually hear outsiders, and she must have some consciousness to accept it. But this part of consciousness seems to be locked in a yoke, no matter how you rush, you can't open it ... Yang brother, you know? Nier has always liked you ... "

Yang An touched his nose: "You say that, do you want to be bitch?"

Tong Guan Xiaotong laughed, and Rong Feifei cracked and hit Yang An's shoulder: "Even if the girls in the world like you, I won't be jealous!"

Tong Guan Xiaotong said, "I mean, she might be more sensitive to your voice. If you can give her some strength, what if she wakes up?"

Yang An came to the spirit: "Yeah, there seem to be many such examples reported at home and abroad, saying that a little girl likes Taylor Swift, plays her songs in a loop every day, and then really wakes up! And those who like mj, too After playing for many years, the patient finally woke up. The example in our country is a couple in Lishui, it seems that the man is a fan of Deng Yijun? After three years of listening, Deng Yijun also woke up! Is this music therapy? "

Tong Guan Xiaotong was also happy: "Of course!"

Both of them are optimists. When they talk about how to sing later, how loud they sing, and which songs they sing, the two discuss it with joy.

Rong Feifei did not take it apart, so the two children lived in a fantasy. Thousands of vegetative people in China could have one because it was good to wake up because they listened to music. Many vegetative people also woke up without listening to music. What Hundred dollar bills wake up the vegetative, and you can also wake up by shaking the car "Dad's father is called Grandpa", too much. In her opinion, music therapy does have some scientific basis, but it is definitely not a panacea!

"These two naive guys ..." Rong Feifei looked at them with compassion and thought, and Li Nier, who could no longer look at the personnel, was sighing in his heart. When limited scientific methods could not solve the problem, people could only rest on their spirits. I wish God blessing, a miracle can really occur.

In the afternoon, several people in Liu Feng set up their equipment in the ward, and the live phone was also placed. The media also carried guns in the corner of the ward. At least two million people watched Yang An on the Whale Shark Live Network.

Yang An first introduced Li Nier's condition briefly. After thanking everyone for their concern, she opened the account book and showed it to the camera.

The dense handwritten ledger is very shocking. In addition to more than a hundred unknown well-intentioned people, many celebrities in the entertainment industry donate tens of thousands of dollars. Everyone has never known each other. It is very good to do this. .

Yang An said to the mobile phone: "I want to be a wicked person. This" Headwind ", I will give it to Li Nier. This is her exclusive song, and it will be included in all my albums. I will calculate all the benefits of it separately and give it to Li Nier for follow-up treatment. "

The audience of Whale Shark Network all expressed their support and issued barrage and rewards in response to the call of Whale Shark Network. This time, Whale Shark Network promoted with charity. All the rewards of netizens were donated, even the platform operation costs. This kind of charity is really praised by everyone without a penny. Whale Shark is also proud of it, and it can be regarded as a conscientious website in the live broadcast industry.

Among these rewards, there are hundreds of long-tailed sharks and dolphins, and 500 hammerhead sharks are also common. After the live broadcast, the names of all donors will be counted, announced by Whale Shark Network, and printed into the commemorative album, becoming One of the crowdfunders of the song "Headwind".

Like 1,000 great white sharks, 5,000 maggot sharks, and 10,000 orcas, they are constantly brushing the screen, making announcements across the platform, setting off fireworks, and more than two million people, just because Yang An has just a few words, The number of donations exceeds 500,000!

Seeing the statistics, Yang An was very moved: "Friends of Whale Shark Network, whether you are my fans or just passers-by, I thank you on behalf of the Li family! Everyone ’s kindness proves that there is true love and true love in the world , Each of us is kind. Now, thank you to Mr. Liu Feng's team for help, I do n’t know if this music therapy will work ... But let ’s wish for blessing together ~ ~ I will soon regain consciousness and know how much we all care about her ... "

安 Yang An sat next to Li Nier and gently helped her to unravel the messy hair on her forehead. Her sleeping face appeared in the camera, and the netizens who saw it were extremely distressed and quite heartbroken.

Yang An slowly said, "Life will inevitably encounter many setbacks. The same is true of me. I just graduated from the beginning and joined the TV station with a big dream. However, I started from the lowest level of field work. I almost reached the level of depression. Later, when I was doing a show, the backstage props were destroyed, and the prepared show almost messed up. I also wanted to give up for a moment and give up my dreams.

还有 I have a few friends around me who will not say who they are. They have also encountered huge, almost devastating setbacks, falling from the cloud to the abyss. There are also friends who have physical disabilities, but whose spirit is stronger than our normal people. They also live a wonderful life.

Setbacks are not terrible, and they can fly like the wind. Nier, I hope you can hear this song I sing for you. "

Uh ...

Ps: Xiao Huangqi in "The Wind" (To be continued.)

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