Lengthened, widened, thickened, in addition to Sophie, there are also running games for men.

What is 60 seconds without NG? Take a look at the reality show game of the male brothers. In a group of six, take part in a five-game relay race. In 240 seconds or 4 minutes, complete the "flip-flop jumper ten times" and "remove socks" , "Separate ten mung beans and red beans each underwater", "Steel Hula Hoops and Pitching", "Fury Wave Shooting".

Teacher He is bitter in the heart, why is it exactly the same as his show? Is this a deliberate act of the running male production team, or is it an inadvertent move? Although he was reluctant, he still admits that the game of running a man is bigger, more exciting, and more fun. However, if the two programs are compared after the broadcast, the judges will immediately judge, what will the audience think? ?

"Perhaps, we should also adapt to the trend and try outdoor games ... but it is really difficult to find outstanding domestic variety stars. Where does Yang An find so many ruthless people ..."

Teacher He was thinking wildly. He stood in the crowd and watched the staff do the game demonstration.

The fingerboard fancy jump rope looks very simple. Normally flick the rope once, then cross the arm fancy jump once, and then it becomes normal, and then cross fancy. This cycle, a total of ten times, as long as you have practiced the skipping rope a little People will not find it difficult.

It's a pity that there is a fingerboard under my foot ...

The happy team smiled bitterly. This is the 60 seconds without NG yesterday, directly upgrade to hard mode, no, **** mode!

The running man noticed the face of Mr. He and others, and laughed in his heart. The fingerboard is already standard for running man sports. Since you are here to record the show, do n’t think of simple modes, and draw cards of different difficulty. You still need a card for hair removal, just follow the highest difficulty!

The second game requires the cooperation of two people. One person is standing in the water, and at the same time, the other person must be picked up. Try to take off the socks with only two feet. For the people below, Strength is especially important. For another person, it is balance. Don't move blindly, otherwise they will both fall.

The third game is considered to be the most daddy. Separating ten mung beans and red beans underwater, it looks very simple, but the movement must be slight. Pay little attention to it. The water driven by the palm is too large, and all these small beans Drifted away, once one is lost, it is declared a failure, which requires the player to have a strong vital capacity and sufficient patience.

The fourth, the iron hula hoop weighs 30 pounds, the largest size of the custom model, the waist must be particularly large in shaking, otherwise the strength is not enough, the hula hoop must fall down, Li Weijia went up and experimented, and gave up very difficult. Can't shake it! The most important thing is that the player must roll the hula hoop and throw a volleyball into the frame. Only five players pass the game!

For the last whitewater shooting, the player has to run up the stairs to a 15-meter-high platform, ride a solo surfing kayak on it, slide down from the tower, and there will be eight shooting targets along the way. Five of the bounce **** hit the target during high-speed gliding.

These five game missions are quite complicated and cooperate collectively. There is no place for a short board anywhere. 240 seconds is the fastest completion time that the production team has tried. The stars can only be faster than it can not be slow!

The formation of troops is necessary. The men running are Guan Xiaotong, Jin Dabao and Peng Yuyan, Shabei, Hu Ge, Yang An, and the Happy Team are Zhang Yishan, Wu Xin and Du Hetao, Li Weijia, Xie Na, He Teacher, because the fourth level iron hula hoop, girls only need to throw three balls, boys need to throw five, so Xie Na of the happy team took the task bravely.

At the beginning of the game, the home team went up first, Guan Xiaotong endured the pain at the foot, and flicked the rope.

Everyone was encouraged and helped to count. After the endurance period, Guan Xiaotong's feet were numb and he couldn't feel its existence. After three failures, he finally jumped to ten times. He was urged by everyone , Picked up a large bowl of bouncing ball and ran to Jin Dabao.

The game black hole Jin Dabao performed bravely today, holding a bowl of bounce ball, quickly wading to the squatting side of Peng Yuyan, sitting on his shoulder.

Peng Yuyan picked up Jin Dabao, stood on one foot, and quickly took off his socks on the other foot. At this time, the water flow was shaking, constantly impacting his calf and waist, and he would be distorted if he didn't pay attention.

The capable person completed the task, Jin Dabao quickly came down, rushed to Sabay holding the bounce ball, stepped on the R-shaped junction, and Sabay was closed for two and a half minutes. He carefully separated the red mung beans and grabbed one with one hand. Unfortunately, his range of action was slightly larger. Two small beans of different colors drifted away. He tried to catch it, but it caused a larger current. The beans had disappeared!

"I was wrong ... sorry everyone ..."

Sabine popped her head out of the water and simply acknowledged it.

The other runner who stood on the shore and encouraged him did not complain. Instead, he pulled him out of the water and gave high-five encouragement. Yang An even pulled him aside and carefully asked what went wrong and how to improve. This is the runner. The standard practice when a team fights, it is not necessary to say that the team is the team. Even if you are hard and tired, you must keep playing the game with tears.

Teacher He, after gloating, realized that it was their turn and quickly went back to prepare.

Unexpectedly, the performance of the happy team was even more unbearable. As soon as he reached the second level, Du Haitao dropped the chain when he took off his socks in the water. First of all, he couldn't resist Wu Xin. He tried to carry it twice, and he himself But he could n’t stand on one foot. He was really a black hole in the game of the happy family. In the second level, he and Wu Xin fell several times in the water. Du Hetao even drank a lot of water. Wu Xin The bowl with the bounce ball in his hand also fell into the water, and everything was gone, and he could only declare failure.

In contrast, running men, they adjusted their tactics urgently, and changed the method when Shabei distributed red mung beans. They picked only a bit larger red beans and picked up ten red beans. Of course, the rest were all mung beans, so that the task could be completed.

After Hu Ge's iron waist completed the hula hoop rotation, Yang An ran all the way up to the fifth floor. There were still seven bouncing **** in his arms, and he slid down the road. His concentration was high. In the first round, everyone was prepared. Yang An can remember that there are targets in those places, and he will challenge the time next time, but Yang An refuses to give up. Even if he is thrown away by the turbulent water, he still wipes his face and still doesn't forget Hold the bounce ball and hit the target while moving at high speed.

When the last target was hit and the game was announced to end, the six men in the group jumped into the water and hurried to Yang An, the six of them excitedly huddled together in the water, yelling, and finally looked nervously. The referee heard the final time report: "It took 4 minutes and 15 seconds to run the men's team and the mission failed!"

Mr. He's expression at the moment was a big relief, with a relaxed smile on his face. Although the six men running together were lost, they were still not discouraged, holding each other up the steps on the shore and patting the shoulders of others , Keep encouraging each other, shouting and cheering, the combat effectiveness remains high!

Teacher He, who was in the last stage, saw this scene and suddenly realized that he realized that the happy family is very different from the running man, that is, the difference between the old oiler and the new team.

They have done "Happy Camp" for nearly two decades, and they are getting tired. Everyone is busy with their own affairs. Du Hitao has his own fashion brand clothing company. Thanks for doing the variety show on the Internet. Li Weijia is also actively touching the net. He is also making a movie himself. Everyone understands that it is not possible to die for a show of "Happy Camp", but the more people contact the outside world, the heart will be off-road, and the part left in "Happy Camp" will also It's getting lighter.

"The men who run men are really like us ten years ago ..." Teacher He thought secretly and sighed: "Unfortunately, our hearts are not on the show anymore ... I hope you guys can persist Do this for ten, twenty years, and make a lifelong show ... "

Having said that, it is still up for contention. The happy family changed their tactics and replaced Du Hitao with the first fingerboard. Is it forcing him to work hard? Then jump the fingerboard for 240 seconds!

In the end, the game was played until 9:30 in the morning. The happy family was exhausted and made four attempts. Unfortunately, some people dropped the chain every time. For example, Li Weijia was not good at red and green beans ~ www.readwn.com ~ Xie Na was too confident in himself It was found that the iron hula hoop couldn't shake at all, even Teacher He was the same. It was too difficult to hit five targets when moving at high speed.

After four attempts, the men's team finally won, and the time was stuck at 231 seconds!

This speed not only makes the happy team out of reach, but also makes the production team feel terrible. The original running male members are so explosive!

The cursed person of the happy team is of course Du Hitao. He is undoubtedly the biggest black hole in the team's failure. He is also used to being a bag and asks Sun PD: "What curse will I be under?"

Sun Cannon said: "The curse will appear when tearing the brand name. Please move to the second game venue, the stadium!"

Two commercial cars headed to the stadium, and the men running laughed and laughed, and the happy family was a little dull and didn't talk much, mainly because they were tired.

Physically tired, they made a month of physical fitness with confidence, and the result was like a joke. When they saw Yang An running on the five-story platform in one breath, they did not even breathe. Teacher He and Li Weijia could only sigh. After all, the two are more than 10 years older than Yang An. Their physical fitness is normal, but the young people are normal. The happy family is 6 years older than the running man on average.

I was tired again. I lost "60 seconds without NG" and "of course" yesterday, and today I lost the opening "240 seconds without NG". The running man didn't give them face at all. How else to play the game

Think about doing “Happy Base Camp” in the past. I bounced indoors and played low-intensity confrontation. Du Hitao and Wu Xin are both tired enough and still lose. Now I ’m going to be outdoors. It is estimated that you will lose all three games!

No morale! (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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