The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 476: Who sits on a barricade and who sits on a stool?

The power of the rotary poison dragon drill was too great. The six male runners hesitated. Finally, Shabei bravely tried it, took the lead to turn it, the speed was fast, and his expression was blank. After a turn, he rested his hands on the tabletop and was innocent Staring at the opposite.

Hu Hu next turned around, his expression was very natural, but finally he didn't seem to sit still, his body was crooked, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Guan Xiaotong followed closely, very naturally.

The fourth is Peng Yuyan. He stared at Guan Xiaotong, and looked at Hu Ge and Shabei again. I didn't know how difficult it was, and asked awkwardly, "How did you ...?"

Seeing that tangled expression, everyone laughed, and the directors all laughed miserably. Shabe gritted his teeth and shouted, "How to do it? Find a way to do it! You are so strong, there must be a lot of muscles on your butt!"

Hu Ge is also pretentious, with an indifferent look: "This requires the power of your flood!"

Guan Xiaotong sneered: "One word, forbearance!"

On the other corner, Jin Dabao trembled and added: "I'm worried I will spit out ..."


The show was so dirty that it couldn't be recorded. Everyone in the audience was laughed at by this sentence. Yang An couldn't stand laughing, and took the initiative to catch Peng Yuyan and help him spin up.

While spinning, Peng Yuyan screamed and pushed Yang An's hand desperately. He was not allowed to touch himself. He moved it while shaking it. This action seemed to be 100% a roadblock!

Exclude one more!

The happy team was very happy. It was Yang An's turn. He slowly moved his body and did not forget to comfort the last Jin Dabao: "Dabao, bear with me, I feel OK, really ..."

Yang An's speed is too slow, and his expression has always been exaggerated, the kind that is very painful but has to endure. When facing everyone, he will stare at the ceiling and roll his eyes.

As an entertainer, the acting skills are generally not very good, so the doubts of the happy team are basically on him and Shabe.

It's Jin Dabao's turn, and this guy grimaces at the table and protests: "Guide Sun, who on earth is this game coming up with? It's my life ... I ... uh uh uh uh ..."

Jin Dabao turned around, a dead fish face, rolled his eyes, and crooked his tongue. This is a typical stage play performance. The acting skills have reached the point where the fire is pure, and the outside world cannot see his true heart at all.

"Dabao! Why are you getting shorter?"

"Did you get in?"

"Ah! Dabao, you're stuck. Wow ~~~"


Jin Dabao screamed, suddenly stood up, covered his buttocks, and said with a crying face: "Broken pants ..."

This time, even the other running men laughed and laughed, seeing Jin Dabao look like this, have fun!

After laughing, Teacher He and others gathered together to discuss. For the time being, Jin Dabao and Peng Yuyan could be ruled out, but the other four could not tell the difference.

Time is running out, the happy team can make one last request.

Li Weijia stood out as a bad guy, and he was stuck on the shoulder of Teacher He beside him. Hehe said with a smile: "You learn from me, press the people around you!"


"This will kill people!"

"Dying you guys ~~"

"Tell us to do this dangerous move? Are there 120 ambulances waiting outside?"

"People's trousers are all torn, Jiaye, aren't you afraid that Dabao's wife will kill you?"

In the laughter, the running men protested and refused to execute, but Xie Na stood up and said with a smile, "How can I say no? Come on ~ Let the audience see how powerful the running man is, and the unity spirit of the running man What is it! "

All have risen to the spiritual level, and the running men are forced to die, and they cannot refuse.

The first was Shabei. When he saw Hu Ge standing beside him, he was frightened and pushed him: "Brother, brother, can you be light?"

Hu Ge said with a smile: "Don't be afraid, I'm less than 200 catties!"

Shabei was so sweaty on her face that she was about to speak. Hu Ge had squeezed him by the neck and pressed it down. This sentence turned into a slap. Shabei's face turned red and she screamed: "Ah ~ ~~ "

"Press hard!"

"Hahahaha ~"

The happy team cheated, regardless of winning or losing in this game today, just look cool!

This guy Sabine is born with variety performances. If he didn't consider recording the show now, he would definitely call it a special ecstasy!

These screams for a few seconds are really full of charm, the feeling of being insecure in the backyard, and the feeling of being extremely cool, accompanied by his rolling eyes, opening his mouth, and tightly tilting his head. After Hu Ge stood up, he The embarrassing smile on his face after the high dynasty, the flirtatious smile after the body soothed and flew to the clouds, and the six people laughed at the table and chest, and shouted revenge!

Think about it, a once-informal CCTV host has become an all-around variety show, and that kind of excitement should not be too strong!

Hu Ge was the second to be crushed. Shabei wanted to get revenge, but Guan Xiaotong stood up, she pressed gently on Hu's shoulder, Hu Ge also howled and hurt, his face was distorted: "Xiao Tong ... ... lighter, lighter ... don't try hard ... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh since I ca n’t stand it! Let ’s break up ... "

Guan Xiaotong couldn't hold it anymore, he smiled and ran away with his mouth covered. When it was her turn, thankfully Hu Ge was gentle, both hands pressed gently on her shoulders, but also made Guan Xiaotong frown with a smile.

The fourth place is Peng Yuyan. He was unlucky today. Yang An was trapped on his shoulder and he took his hand off the table with a smile.

"What? Why? Why take away my hand?" Peng Yuyan struggled, everyone laughed, cauldron, take your hand, of course, it will not let you borrow!

"Let's run men and hurt each other!"

"Hey, 120? Yan Bao was injured, hurry up and send a car to rescue him ... 唔 mile ~~ 唔 mile ~~ 唔 mile ~~"

"Yang brother, are you fighting with Yan Bao?"

Yang An smiled very happily: "I usually rip off the brand name and I don't care about him, and today I am out! Isn't there a lot of muscle on your ass? Ah? Ah? Ah? Ah?"

Peng Yuyan has just been arguing. Yang An has already pressed hard, and he is particularly rhythmic. Ah, press, Peng Yuyan screams: "You ... want ... dead ... ah ..."

It's the same rhythm as Yang An!

Everyone in the house laughed and saw that Peng Yuyan was struggling and wanted to slam Yang An's actions, and he knew that his **** must be hurting!

When it was Yang An's turn, Peng Yuyan wanted to fight back, and his face was exposed: "Guide Sun, can I ride on him?"

Hahahaha! Peng Yuyan's revenge plan is too harsh!

While the director group and Teacher He were laughing, Yang An quickly pulled over Jin Dabao and begged for mercy: "Don't do it! Yan Bao, I was just kidding you just now ..."

Where Peng Yuyan was willing to go, Jin Dabao was pushed away with a slight push, and he grabbed Yang An's neck from behind: "Come, let's hurt each other!"

Peng Yuyan really pressed down, Yang An screamed in pain, his mouth turned into an O-shape, but this Peng Yuyan pressed while holding his neck to rotate back and forth, which almost cost Yang An's life!

After a mess, Yang An's hats were all struggling, with a painful smile on his face, his arms around Peng Yuyan's neck were unwilling to let go, and his body was desperately raised, as if the barricade had penetrated into his body.

"Broken ... Broken behind me ..."

Yang An, like a strong young daughter-in-law, screamed for mercy. The outsider knew that he was saying that his pants were broken, but he thought about it a little bit, and everyone almost smiled. Brother, yes Is your chrysanthemum broken?

In the end it was Jin Dabao's turn. No one pressed him. Everyone was sure he was sitting on a barricade. In the end, Guan Xiaotong came over to express his meaning and spared his elder brother.

Can't see through, really can't see through, the happy team is almost crazy.

They can be sure that Peng Yuyan and Jin Dabao are sitting on the barricades, and Hu Ge is very similar. Considering that Yang An and Sha Bei's performance is the most exaggerated, Guan Xiaotong is a girl again, and they are sure that the real chair is generated among the latter three.

"Negotiate and make your choice after ten seconds!"

Teacher He negotiated, and everyone pointed in unison, saying, "One, two, three, Yang An!"

There are three reasons. One is that Yang An is the captain. The captain may have a bonus. You may let him sit. The other is that he is a host. He is not a class actor. The performance is exaggerated. There are flaws in the whole process. Third, just now Peng Yuyan held him and rotated left and right. This cruel practice is definitely not tolerated by ordinary people.

The running men were all smiling. After confirming the answer of the happy team twice, Sun PD said, "Please ask the staff to come forward and open the tablecloth."

Several people came up, six of the happy team stared at Yang An's direction.


Under the table, Yang An sat on the barricade!

The one who actually sat on the stool turned out to be Peng Yuyan beside him!

"Oh my God!"

"what happened?"

"Damn, you guys are really ... people have nothing to say!"

The happy team were all holding their hair, looking at each other, speechless!

Maybe Jin Dabao who really has hemorrhoids does not give the chair, the only girl Guan Xiaotong does not give the chair, the captain does not give the chair, the little weak chicken Shabe does not give the chair, and the capable person can sit in such a comfortable chair?

Mr. He, they first ruled out Peng Yuyan. It was with this in mind that people with your ability would not suffer and let others suffer. Who knows, that's when Beng collapsed, they all miscalculated!

Terribly terrible!

The happy team is about to collapse. They really have no confidence and start to doubt their own life!

The six male runners stood up, got rid of these terrible roadblocks, gave high-five celebrations, cheered and celebrated this hard-won victory. It was really hard for them just now.

"No one of you is allowed to run ~" Yang An shouted with a smile, and the running men went into battle, pulling everyone from the happy family who had a lot of heart to come and experience life.

Jin Dabao and Shabei rushed to the first place, desperately pulling Teacher He and Li Weijia, they had to come over and experience the feeling of sitting on a barricade. These two goods were the most insidious just now, and they had a bad idea, especially Li Weijia! (To be continued.) How good is the book, the book's home! Unique URL:

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