The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 478: Curses of various cheating fathers!

After taking a sip of mustard soy sauce and seafood juice, the performance of the crowd was even more confusing. The acting group Zhang Yishan was not stingy this time. He actually held back and pretended to be nothing!

Xie that was directly coughing, almost sprayed out of his mouth, almost tortured to death, desperately begging for mercy: "I am mustard! I am mustard! I really mustard!"

Other people also have their own expressions. In the next round, the running men have counted in their hearts. Who basically guessed it, but how can such a good opportunity for the whole person be easily let go? Are you ready for fierce resistance to us just now?

Yang An waved his hand casually and said, "The last requirement is to sandwich a piece of salmon, dip it in the soy sauce and seafood sauce in front of him, and feed it to everyone around you."

This trick is too hard!

One of the six is ​​always a normal dish. Even if you perform well, you act like it, but you have not eaten real mustard soy sauce! So when you eat salmon that is really dipped in mustard, it is very likely to show flaws and have different expressions.

The happy team looked at each other and sighed as if today is over. Even the collective power cannot unite everyone's thoughts and understanding at the same time.

As a result, weird reactions appeared on the scene.

For example, Zhang Yishan ate the salmon fed by Xie Na and continued to choke, but fortunately he covered his mouth with his hands and did not continue to spray.

Xie Na ate the fish fillet sent by Zhang Yishan, expressionless, thumbs up and praised: "Authentic soy sauce seafood sauce, great!"

Teacher He and Li Weijia each had tears and a runny nose.

Wu Xin and Du Hitao have no love in life, and vowed never to play this game again.

It's finally time for the mystery to be revealed!

Everyone in the running men knew something. After discussion, they said in unison: "One, two, three, Du Hitao!"

Sitting in sixth place, Du Hitao was not stage frightened, and smiled and asked, "Are you sure you chose me? Guess I'm not responsible!"

Sun PD also followed the confirmation. The running men confirmed that the answer was not changed. The anxious Sabine first walked over, grabbed the glass bowl in front of Du Hetao, took a sip, and smiled and said, "It's delicious!"

The male runners also stepped down, politely grabbed the prawns, dipped them in seafood sauce and ate them with pride, they were right!

Mr. He, they are depressed. "How did you find him?"

The running men laughed, you said, I said a lot of Du Haitao's flaws, it sounds very convincing.

But where no one noticed, Zhang Yishan, who was standing at the end of the happy team crowd, quietly made the number 6 gesture to the camera and smiled proudly.

He did this twice, once. At the beginning, he spouted shrimp and almost hit Jin Dabao. When everyone was staring at Jin Dabao and laughing, he and Yang An looked at each other and quickly made a vague Gestures received the same cryptic response from Yang An-Running man's heart is not bragging. Yang An's mouth showed a smile that Zhang Yishan knew, and the exchange of information was completed.

Another was that the salmon was almost sprayed out just now. After covering his mouth, Zhang Yishan quietly retracted the middle three fingers, looked at Yang An for the second time, and told him again this 6 key clue. Du Haitao was sitting in the sixth place!

He successfully sent information!

At this moment, Zhang Yishan is the ace of running men!

The characteristics of the betrayer are that no matter when, where, and what status, as long as he wants to betray, no one can stop him, what about the betrayal team? Brother wants to betray, betrayal!

Zhang Yishan will not reveal the mystery now, and Yang An will not be stupid enough to say it himself, because there are still torn famous brands, and their nirvana must stay at the most critical moment.

Perhaps only the production team was the clearest at the scene. The onlookers were clear. Seeing everyone fighting with wisdom and conspiracy, they all smiled. I believe that when the time comes to play, Zhang Yishan's cheapness will definitely leave a deep impression.

After losing the third round, the happy team chose the second person to curse, Teacher He himself!

Teacher He said this: "Everyone is doing very well, not because we don't give power, but because the enemy is too cunning! So let this cursed person be me!"

Teacher He persuaded everyone for another reason. He can see that the urine of the male game is not good. It does n’t necessarily look good, it does n’t sound bad, what rules of the game, punishment, rewards, everything. Look at the mood of the production team.

Therefore, cursing in China is not necessarily a bad thing. Teacher He thinks so.

"PD is the enemy!"

This sentence was also stunned by people in the happy family. Today PDs are particularly obvious. They are just playing with artists as monkeys!

"Today ’s brand-name game is in the gymnasium, but the time is scheduled at 5 pm, and it will be recorded after the sun is lighter. Now everyone can rest by themselves."

After the announcement of dissolution, everyone can move freely.

Everyone just relaxed, like Zhang Yishan who could n’t sit still, he had to pull Hu Ge and Peng Yuyan together to do something. Why? Invite a few girls to swim next to the swimming pool, and be close to the fans! By the way, look at the pretty girl ~

The weather in July was too hot. Old people like Shabe, Li Weijia, and Jin Dabao didn't want to move. A few people tweeted, chatted, took selfies, and slept in the meeting room.

Yang An and Teacher He got together again and sat in the corner where the air conditioner was facing. They also caused dissatisfaction with Guan Xiaotong. She shouted, "Why are you two so intimate?"

The two were chatting, and Guan Xiaotong was squeezed into the middle affectionately, giving way to her with a smile.

"Xiao Tong, your acting skills are really great! I noticed that you can still cross your legs while sitting on a barricade?"

Teacher He kept thinking about that scene. At the moment under the curtain, all men landed on their legs. Only Guan Xiaotong looked at the slender legs on the left as if he seemed very relaxed.

Guan Xiaotong stood up with a smile. Her coat and hem had a longer hem and a more self-cultivation type. After rolling up several layers, she sat down gracefully, and the place became a very comfortable pad.

Teacher He suddenly realized: "Speaking of this, other men are even more powerful!"

Guan Xiaotong hid his mouth and laughed. Yang An felt a little embarrassed: "Mr. He, after recording the program today, I'm back to Hongfeng. I think it is necessary for everyone to do a physical examination ..."

Teacher He also laughed. A few people chatted a few words, and when it came to work, Teacher He asked, "How is the progress of your movie" If You Are the One "?

Yang An looked at Guan Xiaotong: "The filming will start next week, and it is still directed by Ning Hao. Unfortunately, Xiao Tong is not suitable for this scene, otherwise he can show a small face."

Guan Xiaotong wrinkled his nose and smiled cutely: "My mother said that she doesn't accept emotional dramas now. If she has a role of sister, girl, student, please come to me! Does Teacher He have a proper book? "

Mr. He shook his head again and again: "The gardenia blossoming and blooming" is a mess. I'm now called the box office black hole. Where can anyone find me to make a movie? Who is the hero and protagonist? "

Yang An explained, "How about Ge You and Zhou Xun?"

Teacher He was surprised, dumbfounded, sighed, envious: "Still you have a big hand, and the protagonists are paid over 100 million yuan!"

Yang An smiled and did n’t explain much. In fact, only Zhou Xun was the project partner. Her pay was zero, and Ge You was paid more than 10 million. So the cost of this film was unimaginably low, and it has the appeal of the majority of fans. Uncle Ge is not yet qualified to be their partner!

Teacher He is envious of Yang An. He has a feeling as if Yang An is his old classmate and old friend. Everyone used to live a poor and aggrieved life. They all studied at the same second-rate university. After graduation, I was quite well mixed, but Yang An, who was inferior to his own conditions in the past, was so muffled that he found a way to get rich and left himself far behind.

Like Yang An, it should be "What's wrong with my friends", "What's wrong with my classmates" and "What's wrong with someone I know" in the mouth of ordinary people!

After a few hours of rest in the afternoon, everyone was full of energy and once again full of war.

First gather together to draw a curse. Happy team Du Hitao and Teacher He, plus running men's team Jin Dabao ~ ~ Facing three boxes of different sizes, one for each.

Jin Dabao took the smallest one, Teacher He took the middle, Du Hitao picked up the largest carton, and the two teams went to different rooms to wait for the next order. At the same time, their teams revealed the curse.

Running the men's team room, Jin Dabao opened the box with two red nameplates on it, each with a duck embroidered on it!


Sabbe looked around and muttered, "Duck is a curse?"

Others can't figure it out, this red brand name is very small, just like the previous "spy", it can be directly attached to the middle layer, the embroidery is not delicate, but you can see what animal this is, a bit like a duck, but More like geese.

Yang An picked up the manual and looked at it with a smile: "Brother Sha, let you read more books, but you don't listen. Duck, what is your look? This is obviously a swan! Dabao, you are in a curse." "Hey, this is a pair of happy swans. Those who forcibly separated them will love you at the same time!"

"Wow haha! Dabao, are you lucky? Is this really a curse?"

"And it is such a mortal curse!"

Everyone laughed wildly. This curse cooperated with Jin Dabao. It was a nirvana. A pair of swans were posted in front and back, one was left on Jin Dabao's back, and the other was left on the name tag. Whoever dared to tear him apart was forced to separate this A pair of swans, followed by Jin Dabao Out!

Looking at the happy team, Du Hitao opened the largest carton, which contained six golden rings, which turned out to be six rings of different colors!


Teacher He swept his eyes and found a note card for explanation. After opening it, he quickly looked at it again. He didn't hold back. He smirked and said, "The running boy production team is too cheating!" (To be continued.) Come on, Book Friends' House! Unique URL:

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